View Full Version : Anyone here into weight lifting?

09-03-2003, 09:13 PM
I'm starting to get into....actually just more into getting in better shape. I just bought a huge jug thing of protein, so I'll be having 2 protein shakes a day, one before I workout or run, and one before I go to bed. Right now I am somewhat skinny but I do have about 15-20 excess lbs. I have been running a mile everyday for the past 3 1/2 weeks, and have cut my mile time down to 7 minutes. (I'm really proud of myself, and you would be too if you know how lazy I was/am) I'm gonna get a YMCA membership soon so I can start working out more often, and once my Quizno's opens (around September 20th) I'm gonna buy some creatine too. Anyone else into working out and what not?

09-03-2003, 09:29 PM
i lift during the winter, spring and summer. I do it with the rest of our football team, but it really helps me in the rest of my life too. We run and do other workouts too.

09-03-2003, 10:06 PM
I try and run 3 miles every night, every other day i do speedworkouts, i lift weights everynight and alternate between legs and upper body everyother day. I got an fairly old weight bench, waiting for Xmas so i can get another newer olympic bench.

Big'n slo
09-03-2003, 10:13 PM
Whooaa..slow down on the supplements. Get your body used to weight training before you shock it with creatine and such. You'll never feel your muscles working. Build a strong base of muscle and perfect the form of each exercise, you'll be surprise how fast you build up at first if you do it right. After you plateau then think about adding supplements to your diet.

09-03-2003, 10:25 PM
He's right, if you have fat to work with you don't need suppliments. They will only hinder you more than they will help. The true idea behind weight lifting is to tone and build what you have, not what you don't(suppliments).

09-03-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Big'n slo
Whooaa..slow down on the supplements. Get your body used to weight training before you shock it with creatine and such. You'll never feel your muscles working. Build a strong base of muscle and perfect the form of each exercise, you'll be surprise how fast you build up at first if you do it right. After you plateau then think about adding supplements to your diet.

Well, right now it is just protein shakes to help loose the wieght a little faster. Like I said I wont be getting creatine for a while, like until I get in more of a habit of working out and what not.

09-03-2003, 10:37 PM
i lift the chips to my mouth... yeah im lazy. but i do pushups every night.

Big'n slo
09-03-2003, 10:40 PM
Well, right now it is just protein shakes to help loose the wieght a little faster. Like I said I wont be getting creatine for a while, like until I get in more of a habit of working out and what not.

Thats good, but remember that the protein will also add unwanted weight unless your body can use it effectively. I think the rule of thumb for protein intake for weight trainer is around 1 gram per body lb. per day. Even that might be more than your body can handle at first.

Plus..eat more meat and chicken! Tastes better than those shakes

09-03-2003, 11:06 PM
ya, i'd rather have a pork chop than a shake. And if you eat nothing but steak cheeze and bacon, you will lose weight(suposivly, according to that atkins guy). Mind you your heart wont be thanking you.:D

Remember, seeing as your are 16, if you don't think you are fully grown yet I'd go light on the weights. It can seriously affect the growth of your mussels(sp). And always remember to let your mussels rest. Lifting too often hurts you more than it helps you. The time you are resting is the time your mussels are ACTUALY growing, so if you don't let them rest they wont get big.

09-03-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Lopy-slopy

Remember, seeing as your are 16, if you don't think you are fully grown yet I'd go light on the weights. It can seriously affect the growth of your mussels(sp). And always remember to let your mussels rest. Lifting too often hurts you more than it helps you. The time you are resting is the time your mussels are ACTUALY growing, so if you don't let them rest they wont get big.

No thats a myth. You can lift at about the age of 13 (veries slightly with each person) without reprocussions on your growth. Some people even start out sooner than that.

16 is plenty late enough in life to start working out. Dont half *** it though. Hit a muscle group hard one day and let it rest. Alternate muscles on your own schedule.

o ya and protein is good but i would hold off 6-8 months on creatine like everyone else said. If you wanna take supplements go grab some glutamine or other amino acids to help recovery.

09-04-2003, 12:09 AM
First, and most important thing is to establish a baseline on which improvements can be compaired to

Second, you need to learn what is it that you want to get to and what safe ways to get there

Third, Make you routine based on those two things and stick to it and it takes time to do it right and safe

I started at 130 in Febuary Im up to 160 Im aiming at 175

09-04-2003, 07:48 AM
Sometimes I go to the gym and throw stuff around...maybe I can help...

Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
I'm starting to get into....actually just more into getting in better shape. I just bought a huge jug thing of protein, so I'll be having 2 protein shakes a day, one before I workout or run, and one before I go to bed.

Ok first, the average person can only handle .80 to 1.0 grams of protien per pound of body weight. So to start off, you might want to go with the low end of .80. Also, taking that shake BEFORE you workout and/or run is hurting your performance badly. You must take the protien shake AFTER you workout. Taking one after you run is not a good idea either. After a run, your body is in need of ALL nutrients and you would be better off at eating some veggies and carbing up. Or eating say an eggwhite omlette w/ veggies or something that is a good balance of protien/carbs. After a lifting session you want to drink a protien shake as soon as possible. There is whats called a "Golden Hour" after lifting where the body is prepared to accept whatever you give it. After lifting you want to do this. Drinking a shake before you go to bed is still up for debate. Some Doctors say that it is a good idea because it helps repair any tissue damage, others say it's not because then your body never goes into REM sleep. I have yet to read any scientific data proving or disproving this. Personally, I sometimes eat 2 tablespoons of peanut butter before going to sleep. But I get so much protien throughout the day that I dont' need that shot before sleeping.

Right now I am somewhat skinny but I do have about 15-20 excess lbs. I have been running a mile everyday for the past 3 1/2 weeks, and have cut my mile time down to 7 minutes. (I'm really proud of myself, and you would be too if you know how lazy I was/am)

That is fantastic! I am proud of you and you should definetly be proud of yourself! Thing is, what is your goal? If your goal is just to be overall fit, then this is a great program. I personally think you should just stick with that, go for overall fitness and increase your quality of life. Mix it with cardio and weight training. If you are maybe thinking of running cross country in High School or whatever, then stick with this. If you want, you could cut back to running 3 or 4 times a week (7 day week I go by) and weight train in between those days. As a begeinner you are moving along pretty fast, be careful not to injure yourself.

I'm gonna get a YMCA membership soon so I can start working out more often, and once my Quizno's opens (around September 20th) I'm gonna buy some creatine too. Anyone else into working out and what not?

Once again, you have to focus on what your goals are. Creatine is an excellent supplement and is THE most highly researched supplement in existence. There are more scientific data supporting it than any other supplement (HMB is a close second). Creatine is a naturally occuring supplement in the body and the average persons body makes about 1 gram a day. You find it in red meat primarily. The average steak has about 1-1 1/2 grams in it (10 ounce steak). I got sidetracked...

If your goal is to gain mass (which is what you are doing with supplementing so much protien and wanting creatine) then I would cut my cardio down to 3 times a week, nothing TOO intense. Id you want to train for some sort of running, etc. then stick with 5 running/training times a week and 3 workout sessions that involve moderate weight training (High reps low weight).


Flexibility is essential to a healthy life and to lowering your chance of injury. Hope this helps!!


09-04-2003, 08:02 AM
Yea, don't worry I have 3 older brothers and 2 of them work out quite often. I'm mainly planning on loosing all my excess weight in my gut, and gaining it back in more muscle weight later.

EDIT: I'll be nice and fit for TeXBALL :D

09-05-2003, 01:33 AM
Its ironic I saw this because I just bought a weight bench.

The last two years in school (and this year) I took weights for PE. Thats what got me into it. I started benching at 90 pounds (free weights), and now, two years later I bench 210 pounds, 3 sets of 10. I'm 16 and weigh 172. It took me that long to build up since I could only work out during school.

But now with my bench set (and weights that can add up to 300 pounds) I plan to really BEEF up :D The only real problem for me is running. My best time actualy truly trying is 10 min 48 sec. I thought I as gonna die aferwards. For some reason I have a real hard time breathing during a long run. I tried swimming and that seemed to come a little easier. Which would you recommend?

Oh ya, I started workin out because some of the Football players where punking on me when I was a freshman. That was my "motivation" as you can say. Other than that I had no reasons to build up since I don't play any sports (except paintball).

And another thing, I have never used any form of supplements before, but now I want to try some out. I was recommended to creatine and already bought some (serum kind), but I'm hesitant to use it. Would it be a good idea to use it or should I keep to natural build up?

09-05-2003, 02:31 PM
To xrancid_ milkx
creatine's no big deal. I remember in high school they made it out to be like legal steroids. Its nothing like that, but its great for recovery between workouts. You'll probably get initial strength and mass gains at first when you load up but that will wear off as your body gets used to it, its mostly for recovery. You might want to cycle your periods of using it and not using it so you dont get to assimilated to it, but I've also read that it doesnt matter if you never cycle it so read up and decide if you feel you should. For bulking up I would concentrate more on buying a few tubs of some nice, high calorie whey protein. Go to " Fitsavers.com" and you can buy any supplement made for much cheaper than at a local GMC, and they have everything.