View Full Version : Scuba diving questions

09-04-2003, 12:37 AM
As i went out looking for scuba tanks for a fill station, i've become increasingly more interested in actually trying out scuba diving. What i'm wondering is after the tanks, roughly how many other factors play into my pocket book there. I know of some of the one time things like regulators and a wet suit, although i have no idea how much they cost, but what i'm wondering is what are the costs after the initial equipment. As it says i'm from illinois, so i won't be trying it till next spring, so i'd just like to have a little info before then. Thanks!!

09-04-2003, 12:46 AM
Weight belt, and/or a Bouyancy Compensator vest (preferred), regulator, CLEAN TANKS (any dirt or oxidation will make you sick QUICK), Jet fins, bungie spear-gun, mesh bag, small hand pushed trailer with BIG wheels for getting over sand, rocks, whatever. Large inner tube with Diver Down flag attached and enough rope so the anchor will be on the bottom. PADI certification, and a buddy to dive with, for safety.

I haven't dived in 25 years, so there may be another certifier than PADI. Loved it though, just got too expensive with all the new gear at the time.

09-04-2003, 12:56 AM
SSI is who I got certified through. Even took it as a PE class.

Here's what I bought for my class: Goggles, snorkle, boots. cost me about $150. Depending on where/when you're diving that can be all you need. If you want everything be prepaired to shell out some cash tho.

09-04-2003, 11:48 AM
As vf-xx pointed out, there are a few things you'll 'have to buy' so that you have the proper fit for you. To vf-xx's list of equipment (mask, snorkel, boots) I'd add the fins. All the other stuff you can rent. If you really get into diving, then you can start looking at buying the BC (Bouyancy Compensator), regulators, dive computers, knives, lights, Spare Air (emergency backup air supply), wet/dry suit, etc. People usually don't buy tanks...or at least that's my impression. Too much of a pain to travel with. If you're looking to buy a whole setup, you're looking at a few thousand bucks.

To get PADI certified it cost me about $500-600 including the list of 'have to buy' equipment listed above.

As for the classes, the way I did it was at a dive shop where they had a in-store pool. To actually be granted the certification, you'll have to do an open water practical test. Here in northern IL, it's usually done at Pearl Lake, which is just north of Rockford, IL. So it's not terribly far for you, since you're in Antioch.

Diving is lots of fun! I've dove at Grand Cayman, Hawaii, and in San Diego (Kelp forests).

09-04-2003, 01:28 PM
Thanks for the help. I'm going to a scuba shop to ask some questions today, but i wanted to be a little prepared so i don't sound like a total idiot. Thanks again

09-04-2003, 01:53 PM
I am lucky enough to live within a stonesthrow of an actual store, but their online prices are just as good, so try: http://www.diversdirect.com/.

Its hard to say how much you should buy and of what for personal equipment. Everyone is right abouy the minimums, mask, fins, booties, gloves, snorkel(even though I never use mine) and without question a knife, I do not consider this an option, it is a tool and get one with a flat tip, it makes it better to pry open those oysters!

09-04-2003, 03:12 PM
I got SSI certified through Gulf Coast Divers in Mobile, AL. Cost me like $600 or so for the actual course (that included a weekend trip to Destin to dive the jetties), then fins, mask, snorkle, knife, booties, etc. put it almost at $900.

A friend of mine that got certified when I did bought a bc, first stage, second stage, octopus, and a dive computer, and it cost him $1300 with the discount GFD gave for people being certified.

I was looking at basically the same setup last summer, and it was going to cost me $1600 or so, and well, I didn't have $1600 so it got put on hold ^_^

Anyways, you can tie a lot of money up in it, but the great part is, it's normally a one time expense (unless you decide you just want that new dive computer, or your first stage just isn't working for you anymore, etc.)

The best word of advice I can give when you start buying stuff---try it out BEFORE you buy it. If you were looking to buy something at GFD, they'd tell you to go try it out in their pool first. You want regulators you can breathe easily out of, fins that you feel really comfortable with (I tried out 3 sets of fins before I finally picked the ones I have now), a mask you can clear easily, etc.

Good luck with it all. Diving is one of the greatest experiences out there ^_^

09-04-2003, 04:54 PM
Im getting my cert with NAUI here in japan for 250. Since pretty much all navy bases have scuba lockers I dont have to buy anything if I dont want to. Most places not just on base will rent everything, prices vary depending on where in the world you are.

09-04-2003, 05:14 PM
I got IDEA certified and it was 100 bucks.
THat included a mask and snorkel. You can prolly get some fins and boots for about 100ish depending on how much you want to spend.

Most other stuff you can rent.

1600????? What did he buy?