View Full Version : noob lost

09-04-2003, 07:51 PM
okay i'm getting a mag soon as a back up for my bko. my friend is selling me his automag with intelli frame. i read here that there is an old and new version. my friend said he got the frame once it came out :confused: is that a bad thing?? like is the old intelli frame crappy then?? and how can i make the trigger pull lighter on the frame?? i used my friends make today in his back yard. it shot pretty good with a big shot barrel and a year old paint.... :D and one more thing. my friend said he has a good bolt on it. he doesn't know what it is cause he stoped playing a year ago. he said the bolt is missing a foam thing for it. is it the level 10 bolt?? i don't think it might be the level 10 cause i kinda chopped a ball when i was shooting [ heheheh damn revy had no batteries :D ] thanks for your help :cool:

09-04-2003, 08:42 PM
if the bolt needs the foamy then it is not the level 10. for the trigger pull you can get the ULT trigger kit, it takes 2 pounds off of the trigger pull. and i didnt know there were old and new intelliframes... maybe he is suggesting that the y-grip is the new one. but the intelli isn't going to be crappy.

09-04-2003, 09:17 PM
he might have shot out the foamie tip, if the bolt is a level 10...if there is a 1/8-1/4" gap between the outer rim of the bolt and the center post, then it needs a foamie and it might be a level 10 (not sure what other bolts AGD had that have foamies)...

this picture (http://www.airgun.com/Products/2500.shtml) shows a level 10 bolt, and the major appearance differences are the bevel on the back of the bolt, and the extended tip...also, if you pull your bolt off the power tube, you'll see part number 3 in that picture if it's a level 10, where you'd see part number 11 if your bolt was a lvl 7 (or earlier)...if it is a level 10 and it's just missing the foamie, you can just buy a replacement from agd...

not sure about the intelliframe though...

09-04-2003, 10:13 PM
the only difference between the new and old intelliframe is the bend in the trigger guard. nothing more. AGD just started bending them so they'd fit with a wider selection of foregrips.

09-05-2003, 07:59 PM
don't be shy to help a noob to automags out :D

09-07-2003, 09:30 AM
the only difference between "old" and "new" intelliframes is a small bend in the trigger guard to clear larger foregrips

take out the bolt and if it has a metal stem sticking out past the back of the bolt, if this is there, it is a level 10

if the stem is recessed inside the bolt, then it is NOT a level 10

a while ago, AGD produced Level 7 bolts with the foamie on them