View Full Version : Paintball and College

09-04-2003, 08:32 PM
Okay, so its time to look at college. Yadda yadda, now on to paintball. How do people do this? Is there time enough to get out?

My schools right now are:

Harvard (only because my parents went, not really interested in going)
Wash U.
(in that order)

Anyone that goes to those schools or similar schools can shed light?

09-04-2003, 08:39 PM
UWM being milwaukee or madison? I have a friend who goes to madison and i'll ask for ya if u want (if that's the one ur considering).


09-04-2003, 08:43 PM
Yep, sorry, Madison, thanks, maybe PM me his e-mail address?

09-04-2003, 08:51 PM
You should be able to find all the peopel and information about college ball here :

Generaly everyone on that site is a college player and has school teams or is workingon getting a school team together.

09-04-2003, 08:59 PM
nice, thanks people

09-04-2003, 09:00 PM
apocolypse paintball is close to uwmadison, great field, I play there a lot!

09-04-2003, 11:48 PM
Ill tell u this much.

Harvard... doesn't have a paintball team:)

Go State school if you want paintball.

Rutgers, Drexel, Penn St etc.

09-05-2003, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by FistS
Ill tell u this much.

Harvard... doesn't have a paintball team:)

Go State school if you want paintball.

Rutgers, Drexel, Penn St etc.

What? So, your suggesting that he skip going Harvard to go to a school with a college paintball team? How does that make sense? If he is not interested in going to the school, then that is a different story, but paintball should not be one of the deciding factors in his decision to higher learning. Unless there is a degree program for paintball, and he is going to major in it, then I don't get that statement.

On the original question, I would say that you schedule a piece of your weekend once a month (or more if you have the time) and go play. Get away from campus and books and school. Being at school constantly with no breaks or fun is tiring and stressful. Especially if your degree is demanding.

09-05-2003, 06:14 AM
I wouldn't do Harvard unless you think you can get into that "scene". It's very different then any kind of thing that people that play paintball are used to :)

Also, frankly, where the degree comes from isn't as important as it used to be. Harvard sounds like it's a good idea to hop into, but it's just not as significant as it used to be.

But, that's not saying there's no value in going. But the days are long gone when one college is HARVARD and the rest are "John's shack of knowledge"

09-05-2003, 06:26 AM
My opinion is do not worry about the school. Your gonna get the same general knowledge anywhere you go, and most of your actually expertise in a subject will come from person experience...however, from all the Harvard grads I've met and known(and honestly, I know more than I'd like to), it seems they go nothing from Harvard that my dad didn't get from Belmont Abbey, my mom got from UT, or I will get from anywhere I go(looking at CNU am W&M). All in all, a college degree from some prestigious college might get your foot in a door at a job interview, but experience will make or break everything from there on out. So don't do something you don't want to do just because your parents went there or all your friends are going....well, not exactly.

To address another subject, er, question.

Most of the colleges I've looked at do not have a paintball team. However, I want to form one wherever I go(I really want to do College X-ball:D )How would I do that?

09-05-2003, 07:55 AM
I think the general misconception here is that every school is the same and the general type of knowledge you are getting is also the same.

Not so much the case in real life, the school makes a huge difference, especially when it comes to either getting a job or having resources available to you.

09-05-2003, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Pacifist_Farmer
Not so much the case in real life, the school makes a huge difference, especially when it comes to either getting a job or having resources available to you.

Not really anymore. Those days are basically past. So long as you have a four year degree you're in good shape. The difference between a state school and an ivy league school is shrinking constantly

09-05-2003, 08:12 AM
You are correct in some respects, but I think many of my friends who graduated last summer would disagree with you

There was an average salary difference of about 20,000 between state and Ivy league schools as far as people I know are concerned.

I feel I need to emphasize that the 20,000 more was earned by the Ivy league grads.

edit again

I also feel we would all be in a much better place if Paintball was an intramural sport, then we could all get gym credit.

09-05-2003, 08:47 AM
The study with your friends is great however it doesnt include the whole picture.

I honestly believe that the value of the ivy education is not worth what it used to be. consider the earned degree in each field and also determine the earnings over a lifetime. You will find that in most cases that the cost of tution greatly offsets the lifetime of earnings. In other words it doesnt "payoff" paying more for school.

Go to a good state school for your undergrad, party errr..... study for 4 years and then join the rest of us in the "real world"


09-05-2003, 09:16 AM
i just wanted to say, can you get into harvard? wow. that's awesome. i'd never want to go there. but if i thought i could get in i would apply just to say i got accepted at harvard. :)

09-05-2003, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by Marek

What? So, your suggesting that he skip going Harvard to go to a school with a college paintball team? How does that make sense? If he is not interested in going to the school, then that is a different story, but paintball should not be one of the deciding factors in his decision to higher learning. Unless there is a degree program for paintball, and he is going to major in it, then I don't get that statement.

On the original question, I would say that you schedule a piece of your weekend once a month (or more if you have the time) and go play. Get away from campus and books and school. Being at school constantly with no breaks or fun is tiring and stressful. Especially if your degree is demanding.

He said he Harvard was on the list because his parents went. He is not really interested in going.

You do speak the truth on getting away from the books and campus. You will have to make sacrifices if you play tournaments. I go to UT Knoxville, and I'm going to have to miss some home football games, and such for a tournament or two. Best advice is get a job soon on campus, that will let you work and do your homework at the same time.

09-05-2003, 09:42 AM
Couple of ppl in the paintball club at college (ain't gonna give them any endorsements) played in tourney teams the last 3 year they were there without any problems cept let me see if I can correctly quote them on this " no frickin weekends to relax". Yeah that was about right. Another consideration is if you need to work for college (8000 a quarter and you have 3000 in financial aid = 40 hrs a week of work + school and its work, glad that is done and overwith)
As for schools without paintball teams. You can start a student club for paintball. (ours actually got funding to do a game for people that were interested but haven't tried)

09-05-2003, 10:21 AM
We thought about that at our school too, but after a little investigation we were going to have to be a "club" for 2 whole years before any money at all would be sent our way

09-05-2003, 11:26 AM
Listen, I'm not saying that Ivy league is worthless, however, the difference simply asn't as pronounced as it was ten years ago. Added to that the simple fact that going to an Ivy League school can set you back tens of thousands of dollars. After ten years working college isn't important anymore, so during those ten years maybe the ivy leaguer is making a little more, but he spent a lot more to get it.

I really think the net affect turns out about the same.

09-05-2003, 12:10 PM
As long as you feel you are bettering yourself what does it matter?

09-05-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by pito189
He said he Harvard was on the list because his parents went. He is not really interested in going.

Yea, I read that, just pointing out that choosing not to go to Harvard because there is not paintball program is crazy.

09-05-2003, 02:25 PM
Good point Marek. Harvard is a good school.

09-05-2003, 02:29 PM
This is irrelavant but python your mom went to belmont Abbey? Thats like 30 minutes from my house, thats pretty awsome man, you know maybe shell bring you down here to take a "tour" of the college we could go balling :)

09-05-2003, 02:51 PM
dude uw-milwaukee is where its at go panthers