View Full Version : My First Post

09-06-2003, 09:21 AM
Hi Everyone! I'm just hopping over from the Shatner boards to tell you I had the best weekend ever at Spplat. It was my first time there and I've never played before. Everyone at Spplat was wonderful to me and I got to borrow a couple guns and fire some rounds off. One of them little pink paintballs must have jarred my brain because now I'm trying to get as much info on paintball as I possibly can!

I have convinced my husband that we have to go to Spplat 3 to play next year. I'm trying to find deals on guns...what's good for a beginner...where to go, etc. If anyone could give me some advise it's much appreciated! I'm in the Altoona, Pa. area if anyone knows of a close site to play at??

So anyway, I hope to see you Spplatters there next year!

09-06-2003, 09:27 AM
I do hope I can go next year.

09-06-2003, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Tina
One of them little pink paintballs must have jarred my brain because now I'm trying to get as much info on paintball as I possibly can!

Once again, a paintball addict is born! :D

As for what gun to buy, it depends. How much are you going to play? What kind of budget do you have? Also remember, there are lots of other things you have to buy besides the gun. There's the tank (CO2 (cheap) or compressed air (expensive but better)), hopper, mask, pod harness, pods, knee/elbow pads, and various other knicknacks. Not to mention paint. :)

As for finding a local field, I'd suggest going to the 'Field Finder (http://www.warpig.com/forums/fields/)' at Warpig.com.

Anddddddddddd....Welcome to AO! :)

09-06-2003, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Gunga

Once again, a paintball addict is born! :D

As for what gun to buy, it depends. How much are you going to play? What kind of budget do you have? Also remember, there are lots of other things you have to buy besides the gun. There's the tank (CO2 (cheap) or compressed air (expensive but better)), hopper, mask, pod harness, pods, knee/elbow pads, and various other knicknacks. Not to mention paint. :)

As for finding a local field, I'd suggest going to the 'Field Finder (http://www.warpig.com/forums/fields/)' at Warpig.com.

Anddddddddddd....Welcome to AO! :)

Thanks! Well, unless I find something close, we won't get to play very often. I do want to have my own gun, though. It doesn't have to be fancy, just something reliable. I don't want to pay an arm and a leg and then worry about breaking it on a field!

Thanks for the link! I'll check it out!

09-06-2003, 10:10 AM
Welcome! Glad you had a great time! :D

09-06-2003, 10:21 AM
Ahhh yes...the Borg infect another innocent victim to do their evil ways......



09-06-2003, 10:30 AM
Welcome to AO! We definitely need more females playing the sport.. :D

Will Wood
09-06-2003, 10:35 AM
Get a Tippmann. Indestructable and reliable.

09-06-2003, 10:35 AM
welcome welcome.

grab a seat, grab some popcorn, say goodbye to sleep and sanity and hello to allllll of us on AO


09-06-2003, 10:49 AM
Do yourself a favor and shoot as may different markers as possibele. Most paintballers are happer to let your shoot/handle their guns.

Everyone will give u an opion as to what gun is best but is just comes down to personal preference and how much u can afford.

BTW...get any mag...they rule:D

09-06-2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Will Wood
Get a Tippmann. Indestructable and reliable.

Yea what he said.

My first gun was a tippmann model 98 custom, and i just couldn't break it.

09-06-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Welcome to AO! We definitely need more females playing the sport.. :D

You're not the first one to recommend those. I'll check them out!:D

09-06-2003, 01:35 PM

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
09-06-2003, 01:41 PM
I'd say a tipman or an automag classic would be a good gun to start with. You can find automag classics on the for sale forumns here or on ebay. One good thing about a mag is an old used one works just as good as a brand new one will. Just replace the soft-parts and you are good to go. The good thing about the classic is that AGD has made it compatible with essentially all the higher performance upgrades they offer, so if you get more into the sport and desire more performance from your gun you could upgrade it as you go.

09-06-2003, 01:43 PM
welcome to Ao...and just a reminder...don't pet the small animals...sometimes we bite (or nibble or lick)..hahahahaha

09-06-2003, 02:16 PM
Try www.pbreview.com lots of reviews by players for players.

09-06-2003, 02:46 PM
Welcome to AO!

My reccomendation -> Tippmann 98! Cheap, extremely reliable and extremely durable. Although the price rise sucks

09-06-2003, 02:56 PM
Tippman is a great gun for the occasional scenario gamer, like Spplat 3 and stuff.

09-06-2003, 02:59 PM
Hey Tina,

Welcome to AO. I run a proshop in Va and I would be will to give you some suggestion on what you will want to look for in a gun or shop.

#1 find a shop that will warentee the gun. Labor should be covered for buying the gun from them. All you should ever have to do is pay for parts. As an example when you buy a gun from me you get Life Time free labor* and if you buy accessories from me its a free install.

* Does not cover user created problems or abuse

Now as for the equipment my suggestion for someone that want thier own gear but will not be playing alot would be to get a Tippmann M98. Get a 16 or 20oz CO2 tank w/ Anti Siphon Tube, vForce Shield Goggle, Redz Flex Tech 808 Pack, VL Squeege, Gold Cup oil. Those would the basics, extra you might want would be Gloves, Hat or Beanie, Gear bag, After Market barrel ( HIgh on the should get list, Custom Products or Lapco Big Shot barrels ), Pantball pants etc.

I hope that gets you started in te right direction.


09-06-2003, 08:42 PM
welcome to AO! the general consensus on reliable and unbreakable is tippman or if you can afford the extra cash get a mag. the older mags are especially indestructible as they're made out of stainless steel. :cool:

09-06-2003, 10:06 PM
check out pbreview for their field reviews, but not for the marker reviews, and as for a marker check out tippmans, piranahas, spyders, and even an automag.


09-06-2003, 10:26 PM
welcome to AO. :)

09-06-2003, 10:31 PM
It's nice you got Tom to reply in your first post here!
Shouldn't williamshatner.com switch to this style forum?(vb not phbb that they have now)

09-07-2003, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by AGDJon
welcome to AO. :)

That was Tom? Cool! I'm getting a lot of advice on markers! I'm leaning toward the Spyder. The hubby's birthday is coming up next month so I think I'll get his first, check it out, play with it and then decide on mine. I'll have mine under the Christmas tree this year.

I'm also wondering what you guys do with your equipment when you have to fly. Have airlines given you any hassles about them?

09-07-2003, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Ahhh yes...the Borg infect another innocent victim to do their evil ways......



that was tom. AGDJon is one of the techs. he's also representative to most of the events AGD attends.

spyders are good. depending on what you do to it better than a tippman. but they're not as reliable. tippmans are extremely durable. that's why fields always rent tippmans. they don't have to worry about some stupid n00b breaking them.

as for flying. some people fly with their gear. sometimes they have trouble sometimes they don't. depends on how ignorant the person you have to talk to is. the safest way to go is to ship it to your hotel. although usually it's the tanks that people give you trouble with. so if you want just ship the tank and keep your marker disassembled so it looks nothing like a gun and bring that with you.

09-07-2003, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Ahhh yes...the Borg infect another innocent victim to do their evil ways......




09-07-2003, 10:42 AM
hey i'm over in mechanicsburg, i dunno how far away altoona is.. lol

welcome aboard... just get a used mag :)

09-07-2003, 12:34 PM
Welcome Tina.

Since everyone else has mentioned the Tippman I gonna plug in one second choice here I think might appeal to you. The Kingman Spyder. Specificaly the TL Plus lines and this sorts of off shoots. I find them simple to fix and fairly well made. And I prefer the looks of them to the Tippmans. Check them out.

Good luck and play safe!

09-07-2003, 12:37 PM
Ask Starbase, he bought a Spyder.

Creative Mayhem
09-07-2003, 01:35 PM

Glad you could come over and see what the other side is like.:D

As for my recommendation for a PB marker... I have owned a Minimag for 12yrs. It has never let me down, even when falling in creeks, playing in driving rain, mud, blood, and anything else you can throw at it. I started out with a VM-68(basically a boat anchor that shot paint), got rid of that and bought my minimag, upgraded it a little(mostly cosmetic) and have been using it ever since. I say if you have the money buy a Mag.. they will never let you down. I believe in buying something that will last a long time, and for that reason, I'm glad I bought my mag.:D

And once more... WELCOME TO AO!


09-07-2003, 08:57 PM
The important thing when flying with your marker is to have the tank EMPTY (shipping as well). I've flown with my marker twice and did not have a problem either time BUT some have had trouble. If you are using a Tippmann or a Spyder with CO2, however, you probably don't even need to bring your tank. Just rent a tank at the field.

Those of us dependent on compressed air, however, don't have that luxury.

09-07-2003, 09:11 PM
which is better? CO2 or compressed air?

09-07-2003, 09:15 PM
compressed air but far pricier