View Full Version : may be getting a new toy....

09-06-2003, 07:27 PM
well i may be getting my grandpa's 54 ford camando(atleast i believe that is what it is called, havent payed much attention to it) but it is basically the same car used in "GREASE". im gonna repaint it black w/ white to blue flames, has a white leather interior. im also gonna make it dualexhaust and have flames coming out the back.....right now it is a greenish/teal and has some bondo on it(tree fell through the garage onto the left side a little bit) all original except the color. ill get pics when i can adn if i get it. only problem is w/ this and wrestling i will be off of AO for a while :(

09-06-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by RTGuy86
only problem is w/ this and wrestling i will be off of AO for a while :(
*sigh* I know the feeling... (crew)

Anyway good luck with the car, that sounds awesome!!
Gotta make sure to keep up with it, and post pics whenever you get a chance!!

09-06-2003, 07:37 PM
you wrestle? what weight? try pming maybe we can tlak about some technique here and there....but thanks w/ the car......looking more into it im liking it even more. it is a manual and instead of 4 on the floor it is 3 on the tree :)incase you are wondering what that is....instead of the shifter being on the floor of the car it is on the column...like in most automatics where the shifter is on the column. i will try my hardest to keep you guys updated.

09-06-2003, 07:42 PM
lol yes I know about manual transmission... as much as I may sound like it, I'm not a COMPLETE retard (only partially ;) ).
And sorry to get your hopes up, I don't wrestle, I row. Hence, "(crew)". Although I have so much respect for wrestlers. I have a couple friends that do that... it's demanding!!

09-06-2003, 07:43 PM
Hey RT,
I don't personally wrestle myself, but, I go to a school that is nothing but wrestling. Ever heard of the Graham Falcons in Ohio? We have been ranked in I think in the top 3 in the nation for years now, and we have won 5 state titles in the past 6. I believe we were #1 last year in the ranking with public schools....what weight class are you?


09-06-2003, 07:44 PM
ic....ya it is kinda demanding but it is worth it...on to the car....thinking baout it i need to check the laws in my area..i may not be able to have the flames on all the time...:( we will see though

09-06-2003, 07:46 PM
Why no flames all the time RT?

09-06-2003, 07:46 PM
ya trev name sounds familiar......i should be going to nationals this season as long as i bust my butt. but i wrestle at 119-130 wherever the team needs me most. although 119 is gonna kill me to make it....i weigh like 143,

have you wrestled Evansville Mateir Dai? not my scholl but i wreslte ythem often. also Griffin.

09-06-2003, 07:47 PM
state laws my have something in there about it. i gotta check them so i can make shure im not gonna be breaking any laws. i may do it anyway...

09-06-2003, 07:50 PM
Nah, I'm sure there are plenty of streetrodders in Indiana that have streetrods with flames, if there is such a law, which I kind of doubt, it shouldn't be in effect. The name dosent ring a bell...


09-06-2003, 07:55 PM
ya...im thinking ill be ok but you never know. well i know Mater Dei is down at nationals almost evryyear. they have won team state for indiana like the last 6-7 years.