View Full Version : Help support my rap group!

09-06-2003, 11:05 PM
Scrate up needs some help from you guys.

Visit our site (link in sig), visit our MP3.com site (click music on the site)

... sign our guest book.

If you like our teaser (more songs will be on soon MP3.com is just real slow) and want a CD just pm me. It features 7 hot blazin tracks from Scrate Up.

$him $ham, Big Papa Money Bags, Big T Cellphone, Molla Molla, Big Vin Crotch Strap and ft. Chrissy D.


09-06-2003, 11:10 PM
fo shizzle?

am i black now?

09-06-2003, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by AssassN
fo shizzle?

am i black now?

...seriously now, can you get any more ignorant?

09-06-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*

...seriously now, can you get any more ignorant?

he could be you :)

09-06-2003, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Mossman

he could be you :)

How am I ignorant.

TX :rolleyes:

PS: Before this friggin turns into anything else. Instead of everyone being big vaginas why dont you just visit the site if you like the music enjoy it and sign the guest book. If you dont just leave and dont go there again. Also if you have any comments just post them here. Seriously, the maturity level...

09-06-2003, 11:22 PM
I'm just kidding. I listen to rap too.

Lighten up and get into the Holiday spirit!

09-07-2003, 01:16 AM
I used to kick it with a crew over in Compton. What part do you live in?

09-07-2003, 07:58 AM
well i would but your site no worky

09-07-2003, 10:42 AM
Straight up

09-07-2003, 11:29 AM
ouch pudding in my pants hurts my brain

09-07-2003, 12:43 PM
I wish ya the best of luck with ur group man :D.

09-07-2003, 08:01 PM
...seriously now, can you get any more ignorant?

Dunno about him, but I can. ;) I hate rap "music", but good luck anyway.

09-07-2003, 08:29 PM
Thats cool... :rolleyes:

anyway please download our song (more to come) - click here (http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/631/scrate_up.html)

09-07-2003, 08:45 PM
the part of the song where it says "cuz there's no coming back" doesn't fit with the song, and your rhyme scheme is somewhat old (heard it b4), cant hear lyrics too well either

u guys goin for the old-school gangsta rap theme?

u need to make ur rhymes flow a little more

otherwise it was a 5.8 out of 10

09-07-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by cris8762
otherwise it was a 5.8 out of 10

Cracka please... 50 asked us to feature in one of his songs.


Our equipment isnt exactly "standard" ... 1 we are using a microphone from target, 2 we are using windows wav recorder.

But yah we are going to start making our own beats, and doing everything the right way. Just chill... its only suppose to be a teaser.

09-08-2003, 05:09 PM
Who was the immature homo who tried to be cool in the guestbook?

13? lol nt... boored, er I get out more than you do :(. And to top it off the kid who did it had to be 13 himself to be so immature.

Oh well, what should i expect from the AO turds.

09-08-2003, 05:18 PM
RAP IS CRAP WITHOUT THE "C"... its all pimping hoses and biotches...and smoikin weed...every SINGLE rapper is stupid...they are always in jail or sumthing...ROCK IS BETTER YOU ARE IN JAIL BUT FOR MOSHING or just having fun...

another reason why rap is ghey-...the new fashion are timberlands and wear tags on your close...1st of all my dad has timberlands...is he a "homie"..he had them before they were popular so is he the "founder"...also all these kids are like "oh no my tims"...I just tell thwm why-TF did you buy boots and now all you do is keep them clean...they are called boots for a reason...2nd those tags...it just proves that most rap followers are poor and they return their close once the day is over since they are poor...or they are just to stupid to remeber closs have tags...

09-08-2003, 05:24 PM
+ Rap

:) i rest me case, tis my opinion!

09-08-2003, 05:26 PM
you get in "A" in math snoogans...oh yeah!!!

09-08-2003, 05:30 PM
, put some of ur **** on kazaa to get ur name out

09-08-2003, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by RenagadeOfFunkRTPcf
RAP IS CRAP WITHOUT THE "C"... its all pimping hoses and biotches...and smoikin weed...every SINGLE rapper is stupid...they are always in jail or sumthing...ROCK IS BETTER YOU ARE IN JAIL BUT FOR MOSHING or just having fun...

another reason why rap is ghey-...the new fashion are timberlands and wear tags on your close...1st of all my dad has timberlands...is he a "homie"..he had them before they were popular so is he the "founder"...also all these kids are like "oh no my tims"...I just tell thwm why-TF did you buy boots and now all you do is keep them clean...they are called boots for a reason...2nd those tags...it just proves that most rap followers are poor and they return their close once the day is over since they are poor...or they are just to stupid to remeber closs have tags...

09-08-2003, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*
Scrate up needs some help from you guys.

Visit our site (link in sig), visit our MP3.com site (click music on the site)

... sign our guest book.

If you like our teaser (more songs will be on soon MP3.com is just real slow) and want a CD just pm me. It features 7 hot blazin tracks from Scrate Up.

$him $ham, Big Papa Money Bags, Big T Cellphone, Molla Molla, Big Vin Crotch Strap and ft. Chrissy D.


Ahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaah, wow, that was a good laugh, thanks.

09-08-2003, 07:20 PM
wow u can talk fast wanna cookie play a guitar play metal have talent get a life u suck

09-08-2003, 07:40 PM
Wow, the immaturity of the people on these boards have gone down immensely scince I joined. Its called the friendly corner for a reason, and one of the rules is NO FLAMING! Sure I don't like rap either, its not that I don't relate to some of the songs(BTW, smokin weed isn't just a rap thing :) ) its just the same old, pimpin hos, bumpin in da escalade, bling bling, drankin fotys, poppin caps, *****es and hos, yata yata, it gets annoying, its all the same, when I hear a unique rap song, I would listen to it, or mabe a song that has a good tune or beat, or catchy lyrics, but otherwise I don't like it. But anyways, after the longest run on sentence ever, I would just like to say, theres no reason to flame the guy, and good luck with your group man.

Fo Shizzle Izzle My Wizzle Hizzle.;)

09-08-2003, 07:56 PM
i got bored, so here

09-08-2003, 10:26 PM
ill ask again homi what parta Compton you from?

09-08-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz
ill ask again homi what parta Compton you from?


09-08-2003, 11:01 PM
wow, ao is full of jerks. Don't diss him just because he likes rap. It's his interest and his taste. You may disagree with hit but you could at least support a fellow AO member.

09-08-2003, 11:03 PM
In my opinion rap inbodies everything this society shouldn't.

09-08-2003, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
In my opinion rap inbodies everything this society shouldn't.

You haven't listened to much oldschool rap then. All the newschool stuff isn't good.

Try listening to Grand Master Flash - Beat Street

09-09-2003, 07:59 AM
well since we are sharing our opinions, it defeinetly needs some help ,and to all you haters i would like to say,zepplin,rush,floyd,ozzy,alice in chains,and the ramones all do in fact suck balls:eek:

09-09-2003, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by dansim
well since we are sharing our opinions, it defeinetly needs some help ,and to all you haters i would like to say,zepplin,rush,floyd,ozzy,alice in chains,and the ramones all do in fact suck balls:eek:

Yeah they really suck BIG BALLS.

I luv rap. Why, because I luv the way they just say anything and don't give a ****.

I luv punk also. Just cause its sounds sweet.

I'm sure all you rap hatters are all little losers at ur school and freaking goths and crap. Have you heard what are on top of the charts for the past YEARS, its rap. Because its sweet.

09-09-2003, 08:51 AM
He's from this part of Compton.

09-09-2003, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
He's from this part of Compton.

lol, duh.

Obviously there are no real rap lovers here or they would understand the straight outta compton.


Thanks for the support from the mature members.

Loving the number count.

09-09-2003, 09:38 PM
:confused: :confused:

I aint a rap lover but I tolerate it because im surrounded with it every day of my effin life. You say your from Compton but you dont know where in Compton? :rolleyes:

I dont buy it.

09-09-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by bunkermaster10

Yeah they really suck BIG BALLS.

I luv rap. Why, because I luv the way they just say anything and don't give a ****.

I luv punk also. Just cause its sounds sweet.

I'm sure all you rap hatters are all little losers at ur school and freaking goths and crap. Have you heard what are on top of the charts for the past YEARS, its rap. Because its sweet.

Naw raps on top cas white people are stupid(i'm white)...see the black people know what life is about...MONEY CASH MONEY CASH HOS....then u got the white punks and goths are all like...I need to dye my hair pink and get 4 more piercings

09-09-2003, 09:45 PM
o and while im at it. I dont believe for a second that 50 asked you to feature in one of his songs. I actually got a good laugh when I read that. *IF* you live in Compton (which I dont believe either cuz you wont tell me what part) 50 is on the other side of the country than you and naw srry he did NOT ask you to be in one of his songs. LOL!!! :rolleyes:

09-09-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by bunkermaster10

Yeah they really suck BIG BALLS.

I luv rap. Why, because I luv the way they just say anything and don't give a ****.

I luv punk also. Just cause its sounds sweet.

I'm sure all you rap hatters are all little losers at ur school and freaking goths and crap. Have you heard what are on top of the charts for the past YEARS, its rap. Because its sweet.

I luv poseurs!

This is exactly my point.

09-09-2003, 10:17 PM
You guys sound like a bunch of little kids. Grow up. All you people talking all this crap about him are probably 13 years old. Get a life. you should leave AO. I belive the rules say no flamming.

09-09-2003, 10:53 PM
"you need to leave ao"

haha who do you think you are?!

I wasnt flaming anybody, I was givin my opinion. My opinion is that hes full of ****.

09-09-2003, 11:08 PM
I didn't flame anyone for the record.

09-10-2003, 08:26 AM
Wicked, he lives in New Jersey. Hence the reason I posted the NJ State Seal up there ^^

Straight outta compton is a song by NWA.

Arkfear, I can't stand 95% of rap that comes out today. It sucks major ballsack.

I do, however, occassionally listen to Easy E, Public Enemy, Run DMC, etc.

You need to work on your words, though, dude, they don't flow :) Can't blame the equipment, the Beastie Boys STILL record on an old 4-track in their basement, if I remember correctly.

09-10-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz
o and while im at it. I dont believe for a second that 50 asked you to feature in one of his songs.

Please don't tell me you actually are that dumb?

Hrrm what ever happend to the word sarcasm... :rolleyes: ;)

09-10-2003, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
Wicked, he lives in New Jersey. Hence the reason I posted the NJ State Seal up there ^^

Straight outta compton is a song by NWA.

Arkfear, I can't stand 95% of rap that comes out today. It sucks major ballsack.

I do, however, occassionally listen to Easy E, Public Enemy, Run DMC, etc.

You need to work on your words, though, dude, they don't flow :) Can't blame the equipment, the Beastie Boys STILL record on an old 4-track in their basement, if I remember correctly.

woops my bad i didnt catch that.

o and ark sorry for not pickin up on that. Its hard to tell on the internet and there ARE some ideots that would try and pull something like that off. I dont know you but I could see some 13 year old lyin about that so i just had to call on it. my bad