View Full Version : Good setup for returning player?

09-07-2003, 04:05 PM
Hey guys, I used to play PB all the time, I quite right after the E-mag came out b/c I wrecked my car. So I sold all my stuff and paid for the damage. Anyways, I had an E-mag and mag w/ Rt valve and I absolutely loved them. I've had the urge for about a year to get back in and now I have a job, so I'm getting back in. But I need help. I haven't been to the local field lately, but are electro's over running the place? I really want an Rt, but I might get an angel b/c I love those things. I have a few question.

*Are angels reliable. I want a gun that I will never have a major problem that I can't fix. I know an Rt inside and out too.

*Can an RT in the hands of the right player still hold it's own on the fields without being destroyed by electros?

*I am looking at a crossfire 68ci 4500psi tank, are the crossfires still good tanks? Would they be good for an Rt application?

*What is the best/fastest load nowadays? I don't weant warp feed, I had one and it just wasn't my style. I heard the halo was the thing now.

*I heard the e-mags have electric issues nowadays, is this true or just bs?

That is all I can think of now. Also, what is the level 10 bolt? What are the benefits, and do the new Rt's (automag pro's) come with them? Thanks in advance and God Bless

09-07-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by No4nrice
*Are angels reliable. I want a gun that I will never have a major problem that I can't fix. I know an Rt inside and out too.

*Can an RT in the hands of the right player still hold it's own on the fields without being destroyed by electros?

*I am looking at a crossfire 68ci 4500psi tank, are the crossfires still good tanks? Would they be good for an Rt application?

*What is the best/fastest load nowadays? I don't weant warp feed, I had one and it just wasn't my style. I heard the halo was the thing now.

*I heard the e-mags have electric issues nowadays, is this true or just bs?

That is all I can think of now. Also, what is the level 10 bolt? What are the benefits, and do the new Rt's (automag pro's) come with them? Thanks in advance and God Bless
*Angels are fairly reliable from what i've heard (never owned one) but their only really good once you've ace'd them. The cops system really does nothing, it senses the weight of a ball

*Absolutely, theres a guy in our local Ao group, his sn is Zman, he is a dangerous man with his rt

*Crossfire imo, makes the best presets, good recharge and a nice company

*The fastest loader is the halo b (belt). It is super fast but they are prone to breaking shells, electronic failures and needing a low rise for best performance

*Nope, unless you mess with it, it will work great

*Level 10 bolt is a mech anti-chop system, don't ask me exactly how it works but its incredible. When it feels a ball in the chamber, it will reset it self and you'll hear a chuff. No extra batteries, eyes milling etc. to elimnate ball chopping.

Hope that helps :)
oh yea and welcome to ao

09-07-2003, 04:16 PM
Hey man, thanks, that was quick. I think I will go with an Rt then. Also, what is this speed thing everyone is talking about? also, what is the differance between the x-valve and rt-valve? Thanks again, and God Bless

09-07-2003, 04:19 PM
x-valve and rt-valve are the same valve but the x-valve is made of allumnium so its super light.
their probably talking about an angel speed http://store.yahoo.com/actionvillage/010-0730-2.html
Rt is the way to go, good luck!

09-07-2003, 04:26 PM
I reccomend the RT or AKA Viking both great guns and very reliable.
If you you want to learn more about the viking just go to pbnation.com and Darkviking.com
For a loader the haloB is the only way to go.

09-07-2003, 04:28 PM
three markers i will suggest...
Was viking, Mag, Timmy

just stay away from angels...

09-07-2003, 08:01 PM
Buy an emag or xmag. Best of both worlds!

09-07-2003, 08:19 PM
Description of how Level 10 works


It really works. You have to tune it but that will not be a problem for someone who knows an RT "inside and out". You will love it.....

09-07-2003, 09:35 PM
I'd have to say Viking also, since they are nearly bulletproof. The trouble is, once something goes wrong, you really need to send it in. Its difficult to work on them, whereas with the RT Pro you can perform some fixes yourself. The emag is also a good gun, and is also easier to fix than some other markers. The only glitch I have heard of with emags is the tedency for the shot counter to reset itself. Other than that, they seem to be very reliable.

Dont listen to SPS16 about the Halo. Hes just jaded because he broke someones Halo this past weekend ;) Overall, there is no loader than will feed as fast as the Halo. I need one on my Viking, as the Viking will easily outshoot any other loader.

Mech guns can do well on a speedball field. I swapped out my Viking for Mighty Mike's sweet mech mag this past weekend, and did fine with it. It just makes you play a little differently, such as paying more attention to your position, and making your shots count. And thats a good thing, as I tend to just spray and pray when Im using the Viking.

Having said that, I'd definately recommend the Viking. Here is why:

-They don't break. Well, im sure they do at some point, but in general they are extremely reliable. And they have a lifetime warranty.

-Speed. The Viking can keep up with any other marker when it comes to ROF.

-Durability. The Viking body is milled out of a solid block of aluminum. Its built like a tank. Also, they put a special "type 3" anno on them, which is very difficult to scratch.

-No upgrades. The stock parts on the Viking (sidewinder red, lightning bolt, tornado valve) are all considered to be top-notch parts. There is literally nothing better that you could replace them with.

-ACE. You can upgrade to an anti-chop eye for $20, and bid a fond farewell to ball chop.

09-07-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Steeratt
Dont listen to SPS16 about the Halo. Hes just jaded because he broke someones Halo this past weekend ;) Overall, there is no loader than will feed as fast as the Halo. I need one on my Viking, as the Viking will easily outshoot any other loader.

hehe, i think yours starting cracking too ;)

09-07-2003, 10:07 PM
Well..i guess I'll be myself and totally go against the grain of everyone else and say a few things myself. First, I would set aside the exact amount of money you want to spend. You'll probably end up spending more than you want to but at least keep that in mind. No matter what anyone suggest to you than can never tell you what's going to feel comfortable in your hands. Go to the your local field and ask a few people who have the guns that you're looking at if you can pop off a few rounds at the chrono or target range. When people have ever asked me I always oblige them and let them squeeze off a pod, you wouldn't believe how many people I've gotten hooked on eMags after doing that. once you've had a chance to shoot a few markers then I think you'd be better in a position to decide on what your hard earned dollars should go to. That's my 2 cents.

09-07-2003, 10:11 PM
As far as angels go, I LOVE MINE! Its just an LCD, but its fast as hell, and never gives me problems. but there is something about an impulse that is drawing me in...

09-07-2003, 10:27 PM
Dirtybunny is absolutely right. You must go out and try these markers for yourself, do not buy one based only on the recommendation of someone else. I did that with an emag, and I found out that it was just not the gun for me. So I might say I like Vikings, another might say they like angels, but the best thing to do it try them out and see for yourself.