View Full Version : hey guys.. i'm SIGSays did i do something to offend someone or something?

09-07-2003, 09:45 PM
did i get banned or something? when i try to log on i get this screen:

You do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
You do not have permission to access the page that you were trying to. Are you trying to edit someone else's post or trying to access administrative features? Check that you are allowed to perform this action in the Forum Rules.
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Logged in user: SIGSays [logout]

did i offend someone in any way? please email me if i did... i mean i'm sorry for what i did but i don't remember doing anything... so if anyone got beef... we gotta clear this like men... you could have atleast warned me.. is it my sig or something?

09-07-2003, 09:51 PM
idk if this was the same deal, but it happend to nik o time as well. we asked army or cphilip or someone and they said it happens some time, but you might actually be banned. idk.

09-07-2003, 10:05 PM
I believe it's a 3 day ban. In your topic about the gerbil or whatever biting your finger, you uh....said a profanity. Apparently, asteriks are just as bad as spelling it out.

09-07-2003, 10:07 PM
ya...same thing happened to impostal22...

09-07-2003, 10:09 PM
woops... :( i'll be careful next time

09-07-2003, 10:57 PM
You have been banned again for circumventing the original ban. Quit playing the 'stupid' game.

09-07-2003, 11:19 PM
So you get banned again for asking why you got banned in the first place. Would someone get an email saying why they were banned?

I mean if not, it sounds really stupid. If you really don't know, you might think it is just a code problem, and then you find out that you got banned for something you didn’t think was bad enough to get a banning, and end up being banned again.

Something doesn't seem right.

09-08-2003, 12:04 AM
I banned him for 3 days for cussing. Yes, all who get a ban are notified by Email or PM, it would be rather rude on our part not to.

Collegeboy, he knew it was bad enough, he circumvented the filters. We don't levy a ban unless a clear violation of the rules occurs. How come you always have to question our motives or reasons?

09-08-2003, 12:12 AM
do the mods know that banned users cannot access the PM system? least I wasnt able to when i had a temp ban.

i also didnt get an email on it. i had to register a new user as chris here did and get miscues email addy to email him to find out what happened.

09-08-2003, 05:36 AM
yeah i didnt get an email or anything, but i knew better than to make another acount:rolleyes:

09-08-2003, 05:57 AM
Yes, an e-mail is definitely the way to go.. PMs are kind of silly IMHO for that kind of notification. It is like trying to get your mail from the post office, but the outside door is locked. ;)

Maybe there can be an added thing to the rules section saying that if an account is not working for ANY reason, that an e-mail be sent to (then list several e-mail accounts.. heck we know Webby would not want them ALL ;) ) stating your member name and that the account is not working… but to NOT create another account.

This could be put in the BAN section of the rules as well as in a general area.

Just a thought….

09-08-2003, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by shartley
Yes, an e-mail is definitely the way to go.. PMs are kind of silly IMHO for that kind of notification. It is like trying to get your mail from the post office, but the outside door is locked. ;)

Maybe there can be an added thing to the rules section saying that if an account is not working for ANY reason, that an e-mail be sent to (then list several e-mail accounts.. heck we know Webby would not want them ALL ;) ) stating your member name and that the account is not working… but to NOT create another account.

This could be put in the BAN section of the rules as well as in a general area.

Just a thought….

this is a fairly good idea, because the mod email addresses aren't posted, you have to be a member to contact them. so the only way to find out why you were banned (if you received no email) is to create a new account to contact a mod via email. but then there's a high probability the mod won't respond, or so i hear.

09-08-2003, 07:46 AM
I think it was particularly nasty for miscue to ban this account...he only wanted to know why he was banned. I really doubt he was planning on posting on the ChrisChoi account...And whats up with the chat? Am I banned and why?

09-08-2003, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by shartley
Yes, an e-mail is definitely the way to go..

Only problem with that is a lot of us have junk mail filters that don't know we want to see that e-mail.

Is there a way for a banned (or otherwise not working account) to just E-mail the mods to ask what's up without having to log onto the forum?

09-08-2003, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
Only problem with that is a lot of us have junk mail filters that don't know we want to see that e-mail.

Is there a way for a banned (or otherwise not working account) to just E-mail the mods to ask what's up without having to log onto the forum?
I understand…. But that is a USER problem, not one of the Forum/Site. I am sure you can input those e-mail addresses (of the Mods/Admin) so that your SPAM filter would let them in. The Forum/Site should do its best to reasonably accommodate the members, but that does not include going around “personal choices” the members may have for their e-mail client(s).

And your second sentence says the same thing I suggested…. They E-Mail the Mods without having to log onto the actual forums. You confused me….

09-08-2003, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by shartley

I understand…. But that is a USER problem, not one of the Forum/Site. I am sure you can input those e-mail addresses (of the Mods/Admin) so that your SPAM filter would let them in. The Forum/Site should do its best to reasonably accommodate the members, but that does not include going around “personal choices” the members may have for their e-mail client(s).

And I (and I'm sure everyone else) will be happy to enter the adresses if they're provided, no proble there. However, I'm not removing my junk filter on the off chance that I am one day banned from AO.

I (as you do as well) still think the best thing to do is to make a contact point available to ask the question if you were banned and for what reason that does not require logging on.

09-08-2003, 10:06 AM
I know this is probably defying common sense (which many psychologists would argue is useless), but....



Here we are trying to come up with ways to accomodate offenders (who, don't kid yourself, know they broke the rules) by making it easy for them to find out why they are banned for 3 days. I say, send them an email and leave it at that. It's their choice to post the content that gets them banned, it's their choice whether to enter a bogus email addy in their profile, and it's their choice as to what email filtering they do on their end.

One last thing.... I love it when someone creates a new user account, comes on AO and POSTS a question about why they were banned. I mean...that is a given....additional ban. hahaha it's so funny. :)

09-08-2003, 10:21 AM
whew man im glad i havent pissed the mods off yet! i did have an issue like this, i changed my email and didnt know that if you do that you have to reactivate the account, so i emailed Webby and was very polite and he replied almost instantly telling me to check my email and reactivate my account. he was very polite and said he was greatful that i was civil toward him. if you cant log on and cant find Webbys email then just wait 3 days and if it still doesnt work procede from there.

09-08-2003, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Army
I banned him for 3 days for cussing. Yes, all who get a ban are notified by Email or PM, it would be rather rude on our part not to.

Collegeboy, he knew it was bad enough, he circumvented the filters. We don't levy a ban unless a clear violation of the rules occurs. How come you always have to question our motives or reasons?

Well thats kinda a load of BS. My brother had his account banned, and never received an Email or explaination. when I went into chat and confronted you and Webby, neither of you fessed up to banning him. I think people have a right to question stuff like this.

09-08-2003, 11:33 AM
Who is your Brother? His user name that is?

Not always are they banned. Lately a few of you have turned into "User Awaiting Email Confirmation" status. This looks like a ban and requires the same action to reverse as a ban however its the users fault that caused it. What happens is they fail to respond to the confirmation email when they change their email here. And so it awaits the confirmation and you get the same error message and cannot post.

I always use email but often the user has used an email he never checks to register here. It's fairly often I find them not realizing it until one of their friends asks for them whats going on. And then they often have no idea what account they used to register here. Often a Hotmail or something...

09-08-2003, 11:33 AM
heres an even better idea.

i did this on an old board that I ran.

have webby create a new forum, called "banned" or something of the like. make it so only mods and members that are banned can see this.

then, when a mod bans someone, they can create a post in the forum explaining why they were banned, and when the person logs in next, they will see it.

just a thought, that I think would work out great.

09-08-2003, 11:38 AM
We would have to give them a place to beach and gripe? special just for them? and create special access for them? I should think not! :rolleyes:

The purpose of a ban is so that WE ALL can be shed of them for a few days. Why would moderators want to deal with them further?

09-08-2003, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
I think it was particularly nasty for miscue to ban this account...he only wanted to know why he was banned. I really doubt he was planning on posting on the ChrisChoi account...And whats up with the chat? Am I banned and why?

There are things that go on in the background that you are unaware of... and I have no reason to bring it to anyone's attention. I banned his new account after I already knew that he was aware why.

First of all, he already knew why he was banned. This entire post is him playing stupid and acting like he didn't do anything wrong. Just read the title of this thread and ask yourself why he chose that title.

Second... he had his friends and a few random people sending PMs in AO and IRC. This is how it was brought to my attention in the first place, I didn't know what was going on until one of them PM'd me. "He doesn't know why he was banned, and I don't either!" I provide them the link to the thread that got him banned. "What an idiot." It's self-explanatory. The thread was obviously locked after I told them why, because I didn't even know about it until they asked me.

And Squid...
<img src="../~Miscue/lemon.jpg">

09-08-2003, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
We would have to give them a place to beach and gripe? special just for them? and create special access for them? I should think not! :rolleyes:

The purpose of a ban is so that WE ALL can be shed of them for a few days. Why would moderators want to deal with them further?

no phil..

im positive that the BBS permissions allow the administrators to choose where people can and cannot post. (obviously make this forum unpostable to anyone but administrators. the purpose of this forum is just to show a user that they have been banned, and why)

i think you are just brushing off a good idea here. it will be helpful to the board, and eliminate people double registering and creating posts like this one. try and think of the benefeits before brushing an idea off..

09-08-2003, 11:51 AM
Um you missed my point entirely. I am not GOING to give them special access at all. And in the case of a permanent ban where their IP is banned that does them no good anyway. It already takes several actions and time from a Mod to just do the ban in the first place. And then the Mod has his documetation to do. And then an Admin has to moderate that action and reverse it all at the proper time. You want it to include several more steps. I do not think are nessicary to the process. Email is good enough. Period. And I do not want to even talk to them at all in a place where some others can see it. The other banned members. If all the banned members can see other banned members arguing... and if some of you could see some of the nasty hatefull stuff banned members here sent to me (and some others mods too) you wouldn't want it even semipublic. In fact you would be appalled! You do not cater to people that cause problems. If they are inconvenienced then good. Thats fine. That was thier choice to think before they posted. I not going to spend extra time catering to them. They can discuss it in email. If they do not check their email then thats their problem not mine. But all that should be private between us and them. No others. And a special forum would allow others to be privy to it.

09-08-2003, 12:34 PM
Hey, I got it! We could also hold a random drawing of all the people who have received a ban over the past month and give them a brand new XMAG!

Duh. You don't cater to the offenders...you cater to the people who follow the rules.

09-08-2003, 12:46 PM

Originally posted by loverofhate22

this is a fairly good idea, because the mod email addresses aren't posted,

09-08-2003, 12:57 PM
[email protected] will always work!

09-08-2003, 01:15 PM
I would not be aposed to my email being posted somewhere that anyone could get it without loggin in. But yea the webbmasters addy is always there.

Dayspring, can they see that page without loggin in? I realy do not know.

I had even thought some kind of public page but if you can't view it then thats not much help.

Perhaps we could add some to the log in error message that comes when you get that message that would allow you to email several of us and ask us to check into it? Rather than just Webby? I would have to ask him if that could be done...

09-08-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Perhaps we could add some to the log in error message that comes when you get that message that would allow you to email several of us and ask us to check into it? Rather than just Webby? I would have to ask him if that could be done...

That's a fantastic idea and achieves everything that is needed. On one had it allows to banned to communicate with the banners and on the other hand it places no burden on the mods to seak out the banned person and speak to them. The onus is completely on the person having trouble.

09-08-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
If they do not check their email then thats their problem not mine.

thats fine and dandy but obviously you(mods) havent been emailing people as to why, i didnt recieve one, jedi's bro didnt get one, sigsays didnt get one, joey d didnt get one, look at all the recent threads about what happened to so and so's account.

09-08-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Army
I banned him for 3 days for cussing. Yes, all who get a ban are notified by Email or PM, it would be rather rude on our part not to.

how are they supposed to check their PM's if they can't log in.....

09-08-2003, 05:29 PM
Again... what was the user name of you brother? So I can check that out...


We Mods or Admins don't send that one, the software does it automaticaly. We also do not know wether you replied or not until you complain you cant get in and we find your status that way. We do not know they even changed it. Its automatic. But it involves a reply from that new email to confirm it works and is yours. You have to do that. Not us.

Unless they reply they end up in limbo until they have us check it out and see why. And when we do it says "User awaiting email confirmation" when we go look. And that means they DID NOT follow the instructions in the email or see the email and reply to activate the account under the new email. Its their fault it happens most often than not. Not ours. So I fail to see your point here at all.

Again....MOST OF THE ONES I HAVE CHECKED RECENTLY and the I think some of the ones ones you are harping on WERE THOSE! Not anything to do with bans not being emailed to the banned person. Not at all. Its a totaly different thing altogether.

So thats why I asked you about his user name. If no one knew he was banned, nor reported him banned and he thought he was, it might have been one of those that I corrected and not a ban at all! See what I am asking for? See where I am going with that? Thats why I asked for the information. You didn't give it to me at all. I can check on it and tell you. If its a missing email I can tell that too and that can happen but its pretty rare. So I would like to check. Your not correct that its happening all the time. That I do know. We have had like three bans in the last week and three messed accounts from not confirming. And this is the only one says they didn't get the email or claimed not to. So I would like to check on your brother as well and see which category he is in. Some weeks we have no bans at all.

But I will also remind us all to make sure we email. Now that some guest features are turned off it might be the only way. But still we get many who claim they never got them and we realy have no way to know which are lying to us and playing dumb and which ones just didn't get em. Its not a perfect world or perfect system. Nor are any of us perfect. We do our best.

09-08-2003, 08:00 PM
Or people could just...stop breaking the rules.

09-08-2003, 09:42 PM
well...cphillip - impostal22 never got an email telling him he got banned or whatever. he was never notified as to why he was banned, and the only way to find out was to create another account, because admin email accounts aren't accessible. furthermore, he never received (or read) the warning given about his signature. his email account was never changed, so it isn't that. he never wanted to disobey, and didn't know his sig was offensive because he never received a warning. such is life, i suppose.

09-08-2003, 09:55 PM
Partly that is incorrect. I just went and looked at the record. He was communicated with and given a period of time to remove his signature. He did not. He failed to act or reply to the email at all. So he was banned. We are not going to get into a he said she said thing with someone... its your responsibilty to post apropriately. I could care less if your argument is that your dog ate your homework. We might be wrong and it might not be fair but its all we can do is give resonable notice and then act. People will just ignore the emails when they mean to be difficult. The most common response I get is I didn't know or no one told me. And in many cases I know thats just not true. I will have to say in a small percentage it may be. If so many did not use that excuse manybe it would be believable to me. We have no way to know if they are doing that or the rare something happened. We have to act at some point He has never discussed that with anyone since....He has not asked to return and that signature image is still in his account of course which I can show you how offensive it was. And you seem to know a lot about it...so at some point I have to wonder...I will take a look at your relationship. He is free to email me and we can talk about his return. [email protected]

09-08-2003, 11:21 PM
im with restola, is it really necesary to defy the rules; use all sorts of symbols instead of a swear word. do people on here bug u some much that u fell the need to swear. i think thats hilarious. why do u let someone u dont even know or have even seen for that matter get to you.

09-09-2003, 12:31 AM
there are over 15k people on this board I would say it stays pretty trouble free for the most part.

09-09-2003, 08:07 AM
Good work Cphil, Props to you. You only the trouble makers are asking for why there banned, and we all know you know why your banned. So want don't you all calm down and be good little boys like me. :D

09-09-2003, 08:25 AM
loverofhate22 = impostal22 :rolleyes:

09-09-2003, 10:14 AM

how quickly would you have banned somebody for addressing an image like the one you addressed to Squid? do mods get special rights to insult people just because they are mods? if thats the case id like to become a mod! :D kidding kidding. but seriously, i dont think its right that you told Squid to suck lemons knowing fully well that you wont get into trouble while, had squid told you to suck lemons he would be AO-less for 3 days. it just seems kind of unfair to me, but what do i know, its probably an inside joke between you two and i just waisted this time. i just thought that id share my opinion

edit:spelling and to tell impostal22: if you arent IP banned then quit making new names, suck it up and wait for 3 days. be the bigger man

09-09-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by xadamx
i dont think its right that you told Squid to suck lemons knowing fully well that you wont get into trouble while,

Oh, so thats what that meant lol.

09-09-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by xadamx

how quickly would you have banned somebody for addressing an image like the one you addressed to Squid? do mods get special rights to insult people just because they are mods? if thats the case id like to become a mod! :D kidding kidding. but seriously, i dont think its right that you told Squid to suck lemons knowing fully well that you wont get into trouble while, had squid told you to suck lemons he would be AO-less for 3 days. it just seems kind of unfair to me, but what do i know, its probably an inside joke between you two and i just waisted this time. i just thought that id share my opinion

edit:spelling and to tell impostal22: if you arent IP banned then quit making new names, suck it up and wait for 3 days. be the bigger man

Making stuff up are we?

Squid accused me of abusing my powers, which I do not appreciate. You also have made accusations. Please provide an example in which I banned someone w/o just cause. You won't be able to.

The only reason why you are singling me out is because I provided the warning that he was banned... If I abused my powers, why would I even let anyone know what I was doing? It would all be done in stealth. But of course, I don't do that because I have no reason to.

And also, you misinterpret my picture. It means: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." :p I seem to have misplaced my go-jump-in-a-lake picture, and used that one instead. And of course it's not something anyone would get banned for, that's ridiculous. And what makes you think my mod status shelters me from anything? In fact, there is LESS I can say because of it.

Professional victims... with imaginations.

09-09-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Miscue

Making stuff up are we?

Squid accused me of abusing my powers, which I do not appreciate. You also have made accusations. Please provide an example in which I banned someone w/o just cause. You won't be able to.

And also, you misinterpret my picture. It means: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." :p I seem to have misplaced my go-jump-in-a-lake picture, and used that one instead. And of course it's not something anyone would get banned for, that's ridiculous. And what makes you think my mod status shelters me from anything? In fact, there is LESS I can say because of it.

Professional victims... with imaginations.
I will raise the BS flag on this one…. That picture does NOT mean “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”…
Where in this does it mean THAT? LOL

It clearly shows as straw plus two lemons… suck lemons.

And I have to also point out that he NEVER said you banned anyone who did NOT deserve it… he is saying that there are times when Mods DON’T ban people who DO deserve it. And there is a clear difference between those two things. And he is right to a point…. Like it or not.

It has nothing to do with anyone being professional victims. It has to do with someone pointing out something that many people know to be a simple truth (much like police letting off other police for speeding offenses and such), the Mods on AO (as well as probably most every forum on the Internet) have gotten away with things that they have punished others for doing. Deal with it. LOL

But now you want to toss a barb BACK at the person pointing this out. LOL One might say “professionally flawless”… ;)

09-09-2003, 02:32 PM
My "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" thing was a 40 IQ joke. Of course that's BS... duh! I even made it more obvious with my 'jump-in-a-lake' comment.

"And I have to also point out that he NEVER said you banned anyone who did NOT deserve it… he is saying that there are times when Mods DON’T ban people who DO deserve it."

Did you even read what he wrote?

"how quickly would you have banned somebody for addressing an image like the one you addressed to Squid?"

Now, if you read this carefully... you'll see that he is inferring that I would ban someone quickly for some trivial thing.

"Mods DON’T ban people who DO deserve it."

I am in COMPLETE agreement. In fact, there are certain cases where they DO deserve it, but we cannot ban them even if we wanted to.

09-09-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
My "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" thing was a 40 IQ joke. Of course that's BS... duh! I even made it more obvious with my 'jump-in-a-lake' comment.

"And I have to also point out that he NEVER said you banned anyone who did NOT deserve it? he is saying that there are times when Mods DON?T ban people who DO deserve it."

Did you even read what he wrote?

"how quickly would you have banned somebody for addressing an image like the one you addressed to Squid?"

Now, if you read this carefully... you'll see that he is inferring that I would ban someone quickly for some trivial thing.

"Mods DON?T ban people who DO deserve it."

I am in COMPLETE agreement. In fact, there are certain cases where they DO deserve it, but we cannot ban them even if we wanted to.

Talk about reaching for something that isn?t there. ;) Sorry that is not what he was saying.. that is what YOU want to draw from what he wrote.. which was not there at all. Typical? oh well.

He is saying that if anyone else would have done the same thing, they would have been banned. And that is not saying that the person BANNED was unjustly banned, but that the one NOT banned was unjustly NOT banned. There is a difference.

I think you are drawing WAY more out of his statement than was intended.. thus making YOU the victim.. as is what happens every time folks question the actions/inactions of the Moderators. Personally I could care less, but it seems like the pot calling the kettle black??.. ;)

** Note I forgot to post before closing this, yet again another flame fest on mods doing thier JOBS. Just as a note guys, in the past Mods have been banned for posting or doing something they should not have. There is a check and balance system. Think before you do something everyone here knows the rules, you READ them when you joined. ** - Robert

09-09-2003, 02:50 PM
"I am in COMPLETE agreement. In fact, there are certain cases where they DO deserve it, but we cannot ban them even if we wanted to."

barbs pointing back at you sammy, Professional Pwned.:rolleyes:

09-09-2003, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by dansim
"I am in COMPLETE agreement. In fact, there are certain cases where they DO deserve it, but we cannot ban them even if we wanted to."

barbs pointing back at you sammy, Professional Pwned.:rolleyes:
I am so hurt...

Because I disagree with something and post about it.. while following the rules… I am attacked for it. Interesting.

09-09-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I am so hurt...
and yet you're still here, why is that?