View Full Version : i think agd should make a lower end gun, here me out

09-08-2003, 01:57 PM
well i no there is gunna be lots of critism but its just an idea, think about it we all know that though BE has a bad name but it makes lots and lots of money. they put there low end guns in walmart and such and make bundles, agd could make a decently good gun for like 150 or suttin, this way they could make more money, and think about it if they r gettin more money that means that they could even lower the prices on high end guns or even keep it the same it doesn't matter. but atleast thing might get done faster with more money, plus i would love an agd back up gun that doesn't cost so much. i would just like tk to c more of the money in this paintball buisness then they do since they r the best company by far:) opinions?

adam shannon
09-08-2003, 02:18 PM
thats why BE has a bad reputation...bad guns, cheap.

09-08-2003, 02:38 PM
ya but everyone already knows automags r good, so it isn't like they r gunna get a bad name when they also have the x mag out

09-08-2003, 02:41 PM
a stock classic mag is $200 or so. That's about what you can pay for a Tippmann or Spyder. I'd say that the classic is VERY competitive when it comes to that market. They just aren't pushed out with the gusto that Tippmann and Kingman do.

adam shannon
09-08-2003, 02:43 PM
ford has always had a good name...then things like the edsel come along and knock it down a little. joe boxer, oneil, stussy, members only, etc etc etc were brands that were sold at trendy mid/high end stores...now they are available at walmart, k-mart, and target. your brand is only as good as the continual effort you spend in turning out high quality products...start turning out junk and walmart will make shelf space for you in a heartbeat.

09-08-2003, 02:43 PM
With the move away from steel to aluminum as the main metal in Automags, I wonder what the production cost on a Aluminum Classic vavled, aluminum body and possibly a polymer double trigger frame would be.

If that could be done for $200 I think that would be a good price point.

However, I don't think it's going to be possible for AGD to compete $120 e-Spyder types. But they shouldn't have to. They are completely different markers.

my humble .02

09-08-2003, 03:18 PM
yes thoase all r goos points

09-08-2003, 03:41 PM
Personally what I think they should do is come out with a mid electro. Classic valve, ULT, and a cheap electric grip frame. Since its a budget marker (sort of) it doesn't matter that it won't be able to shoot too fast (convinces people to buy X-valve later down the road), cap the board at 13 or so. And with the ULT it can use a small solenoid and battery in the grip frame. Go ahead and put LX on it, sell it for like 350-400 with a barrel.

Personally most things that are sold in walmart end up being labeled as cheap junk. And for them to put a marker in that price category, I doubt it will be up to AGD standards anyways.

09-08-2003, 03:45 PM
thats a good idea also

09-08-2003, 03:52 PM
umm idk if you know this but if your company is making really good money and has good reputaion, they usually don't lower their prices, take nike for example. one pair of jordan shoes cost five dollars to make:confused: chew on that for a while.

09-08-2003, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by adam shannon
ford has always had a good name...then things like the edsel come along and knock it down a little. joe boxer, oneil, stussy, members only, etc etc etc were brands that were sold at trendy mid/high end stores...now they are available at walmart, k-mart, and target. your brand is only as good as the continual effort you spend in turning out high quality products...start turning out junk and walmart will make shelf space for you in a heartbeat.

Very true but those folks are laff'n all the way to the bank.

Mongoose did that same thing when they want from making nice bikes to walmart specials.

Its all about $$$


09-08-2003, 04:03 PM
uh, classic mag for 185? 'nuff said...

09-08-2003, 04:36 PM
They sell Tippmanns at Walmart now.

adam shannon
09-08-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by speeddemon
Personally what I think they should do is come out with a mid electro.

there arent going to be any mid range electros anymore. why spend R/D $ on a concept that your company soon wont even be able to produce legaly.

09-08-2003, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by adam shannon

there arent going to be any mid range electros anymore. why spend R/D $ on a concept that your company soon wont even be able to produce legaly.

Nobody knows whats going to happen, so don't even bother speculating. My opinion is that they won't win, but my opinion really doesn't change anything. If SP wins and decides to crank down on everyone, then obviously AGD won't do this. If SP loses, then I think they should.

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
09-08-2003, 08:50 PM
lol the X valve costs $325 but that includes LX but neways its gonna be really hard to produce a nice high end cheap gun spyders are just... icky

09-08-2003, 08:57 PM
mags are all based on a similar design since the beginning, and its the valve that costs the most to make. So to make the gun significantly cheaper they would have to change the valve and that would be stupid. Somehow I can't see AGD coming out with a spyder clone.

09-08-2003, 10:40 PM
to make a cheap gun to put in walmart could comprimise AGD's biggest asset, the fact they make reliable products.

09-10-2003, 12:41 PM
I think it's up to AGD to really decide how much they really want to be making, and what they're willing to do for it.

It isn't that hard to make lots of money, it just depends on: how much extra time you're willing to put in, how much of a scum you're willing to let yourself become, and how much scum you're willing to deal with. And this doesn't just apply to paintball.

I'm sure AGD is perfectly capable of playing the BS game like the other companies, but it's up to them to decide if they want to do that. I really think the market is theirs for the taking if they really wanted it.

Anyways, all that aside, yes, a stock mag can go for $185 new I guess. But you can get an entire blowback package for that much. They're not even anywhere near the 'lower end'. You know what? I don't even like to call it the 'lower end'. From now on, I'm going to call it the 'rear end'.

Personally, I wouldn't care if they released a 'rear end' gun if it in no way had any effect on the mag product line. I wouldn't buy one, but I wouldn't really care either.

The electro thing... I think if they made an x-valved standard-ish mag + ULT + simpler electro mechanism (standard switch, no need for the hall stuff, no ACE as long as the L10 is there, ability to power up off your hopper batteries, easy intellifeed hookups), that'd be ... great. Some of us don't particularly care for a fancy x-mag body; a standard no-rised centerfeed body + rail would be fine. And the ability to fire the gun without batteries is cute and all, but in my opinion not really necessary. I generally don't like electros, but this is something I would seriously consider getting.

That's... like my 2 cents.

09-10-2003, 01:34 PM
The only way to make the BE price point is to farm out production to China

09-10-2003, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
a stock classic mag is $200 or so. That's about what you can pay for a Tippmann or Spyder. I'd say that the classic is VERY competitive when it comes to that market. They just aren't pushed out with the gusto that Tippmann and Kingman do.


09-10-2003, 03:05 PM
before tom should even consider something like this i think he would wait till after the lawsuit to see if he can keep his higher end line or not and to see where the market rushes to once many companies cant produce their productes.

09-10-2003, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
before tom should even consider something like this i think he would wait till after the lawsuit to see if he can keep his higher end line or not and to see where the market rushes to once many companies cant produce their productes. What he said. The only thing is, Tom could still produce electros, but he'd have to pay up for the royalties to SP, which would be passed down to us. Same with all other companies producing electros. And I know for a fact that many people would refuse to buy electros simply because you would be moderately supporting SP via the royalties. I can picture a lot of companies going under due to this. Luckily companies like DYE (new producers of the matrix) have other lines to keep them in business. Others are not so lucky.

In the end though, it's Tom's decision. It's his company, his money, and it sure as hell would be his gamble.