View Full Version : AO in school

09-09-2003, 11:28 AM
I have 2 free periods every day. I just figgured out today that i CAN get on AO in school. So, right about now, my year is beginning to suck less :D

09-09-2003, 03:17 PM
Wow, lucky you!!
Haha I'll be joining you about 12:00 many a time, my CompSci class is SO EASY!! (it makes up for my other killer classes, I guess) We can finish teh lab he wants us to do in like half the length of the period, and then, well, we've still got computers!!

09-09-2003, 03:30 PM
i will be able to go on for like 10 minutes aday like everyday or something cause of focus. otherwise i can't get on at all. damn school should lets on.

09-09-2003, 03:53 PM
Yeah my last period is drafting and my teacher is like lax or something because we have to do 1 chapter of stuff which takes about 5 mins then we get to crap around on the computer for the rest of the period (1 hour 25 mins) I could get on AO if I wanted to but eh... nah

09-09-2003, 04:04 PM
How do you get 2 free periods?

09-09-2003, 04:32 PM
cuz im a junior, and our day is 8 periods long. I take 5 classes, (2 are electives, spanish and physics) and i have a lab switching with gym everyother day. So, it works out nicely

09-09-2003, 04:41 PM
I have 4 classes a day. I get none off. Until next year when I get On The Job Training (OJT) I get to leave school at like 12 and go to work early everyother day :)

09-09-2003, 04:53 PM
i always go on at break time, which is 20 min

09-09-2003, 05:38 PM
my school sucks pretty much so chances are slim that i'll be able to check out AO in the middle of school...:( i feel so left out;)

09-09-2003, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by sps16
i always go on at break time, which is 20 min

instead of going on ao, i usally terrorize the librarians. :D

09-09-2003, 06:09 PM
Im in the same class as bob... but im afraid because of where I am in the class that wont be so easy for me. Lucky you :) two whole periods... eesh

09-11-2003, 02:46 PM
ive got a free period with torbo and we have a GREAT time bein on AO we find w/e comp we can......if ppl r on the comps we go into a lab and tell ppl we've got hw to do

09-11-2003, 04:27 PM
I would go on ao in school but my comp. teacher takes up the whole period and i would use it before practice but i have to wait for my bro to bing my clothes(i would bring it to school but since he drives and goes to practice and he gets out early i make him get them). so i pretty much cant go on anything while im in school.