View Full Version : Hows school Been Going?

09-09-2003, 06:48 PM
Well i started school friday and this is how its going to for

Very very hott girl in my home room, but... not in any of my classes...:(
I have loads of home work.
I got some freinds in my classes.
BUt my lunch wave really sucks.
MY soccer seoson takes up all my time. School ends at 1:45 practice start at 2:45 even though we start at 2:30 all the time. so i cant go home. Then i get home and i spend most of my time on home work
But other than that its alright.

09-09-2003, 06:52 PM
2 words:

teh suxxor.

Hot girl eh? Lotsa those here. You have a home room? Might I ask what grade you are in?

09-09-2003, 07:04 PM
hot girls, eh? I havent seen any of those here.

09-09-2003, 07:45 PM
haha 4 classes is a breeze compared to 9 in middle school
got a couple hott gurls in my classes
only 2 main classes this semester

09-09-2003, 08:21 PM
so far pretty cool , homework isn't so bad and the chicks r hott,so its pretty cool, and i get to play hacky sack every once in a while, i've gotten pretty good, and espo is good too, we go to the same school

09-09-2003, 08:37 PM
i dont even NEED school to get hot girls! oooohh what now Notre Dame punk!

dryland practice for skiing starts soon! you know what that means? we get to push an SUV up a hill with our captains and manager IN IT every day! woohoo itll be sweet!

09-09-2003, 08:49 PM
AP US is killer. 51% passing rate in the country (89 in my school, but that doesnt make it any less hard... in fact, it makes it much harder)

09-09-2003, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
2 words:

teh suxxor.

Hot girl eh? Lotsa those here. You have a home room? Might I ask what grade you are in?


And Brak.

May i ask were you get your hott girls?

Im sure you must get tired of Looking at guys all day in your classes.

09-09-2003, 08:58 PM
Honors English is the worst. In two weeks, we have to have The Scarlet Letter read, 10 sentence chapter summaries for EACH chapter, plus at least 5-10 looked up words we dont understand from the book per chapter, an essay describing what changed our lives the most, and vocabulary enhancement books and quizes. Ultimate suck.

09-09-2003, 08:59 PM
Im a tenth grader in butte mt and new to this town and high school. First period we swim. That is fun but sucks when you get out and you smell like clorine even after a shower. Then im realy a shy guy so i dont have the guts to ask a girl out. We had 4 fire alarms pulled friday and 1 monday and 1 today. My locker is in the worst place oin the school. But then I have paintball on saturday to look forward to.

09-09-2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
AP US is killer. 51% passing rate in the country (89 in my school, but that doesnt make it any less hard... in fact, it makes it much harder)

Ha!! I took AP World History my sophmore year and said I'd never take another AP history class again, and for some reason I took AP US history :confused: anyways, it is a tough class and it's very different from World History.

I'm also taking AP chemistry this year, which is a really fun class.

And Squid, I had to "read" The Scarlet Letter last year in honors English (10th grade) and yes it did suck, Our teacher made us do nearly the same thing with the summaries and words. That was probably my least favorite book I read all year in that class, so with that being said I give www.sparknotes.com :)

09-09-2003, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
AP US is killer. 51% passing rate in the country (89 in my school, but that doesnt make it any less hard... in fact, it makes it much harder)
dude ap spanish is like half of that, basically if you put mexican as your ethnicity you'll pass

09-10-2003, 05:09 PM
Ugg, i just got back from practice and i am really hurting.
I have loads of homework.But finaly i found some people i know in my lunch wave.

ANd the only real good thing about today was. the girl i really like......also plays soccer,(i do too)well LOOKS LIKE ILL MOVING MY SEAT A BIT CLOSER TO HER!

if i dident have assigned seats.....damn teachers.....

09-10-2003, 07:02 PM
screw the teachers brian go sit down next to her and say hey baby, how u doin, trust, it'll work just do it, and if it doesn't work and she slaps or u suttin it would b a good story to tell:D ps brian = benficachop

09-10-2003, 07:22 PM
Argh. Im really sore right now because like a week or so ago this girl was like begging me to join cross country and I said I would think about it and saturday night I saw her again and she asked me what happened to it and I kind of muttered and was all like yeah I thought about it, and no..
and then I really thought about it and how it wouldnt be that bad and extra exerzize even if I did have to wake up at 6 (;)) and so I called her up and said is it too late to join? and she said she would email the coach and I guess I diddnt catch it but she told me to come to practice the following day... well I guess I diddnt hear that part so I got to school at the normal time and I waved to her and she kinda gave me the look... not like she was really mad at me but heh... you know the look? yeah. So I came the next day (that would be yesterday) and I came out alive, but I started feeling sore twords the end of the day (:() so I took a hot shower and went to bed... ooooh man it was hard to get out of bed this morning.. I was like 10 mins late but the coach diddnt seem to care.. But whats really on me, is that I dont see this girl anywhere, and I thought I diddnt see her yesterday just because I was on the track doing laps the whole time... so yeah I do an inside cross country, strech, do two more inside cross countrys, then he has me do pushups (imbarrasing, I can do like 5 push ups without collapsing :p) and a bunch of crunches ( 10 sets of 25 :() strech, and then im off to the locker room.. shower and im off to class.. when I got up after 1st period I was walking like I had a stick up my yeah. Its been horrible all day.. I kind of looked on askjeeves and msn on what would soothe muscle soreness, and aside from bullyeah rubbing lotions I found epson salt.. damn I hope this stuff works or its going to be horrible tommorow..

Anyway, I'm failing intro to science research methods.. my teacher is a botch.. shes too young to teach she should be working at burger king or something.. haha I would love to see that. Anyway Ive never done a science fair project before, and im getting screwed over on this one. Everything, no matter how hard I try, has been late or a fail.. unfortunatly this is like 20% of my grade so with that and some of the tests ive taken, ive managed to get down to a 60. I think im doing pretty good in honors biology, and I like my teacher alot more than the other one. An hour and a half long class is really hard to pay attention to though, so I usually end up either paying attention so much that time flys by fast, or drifting off into space. I cant tell which :D Guitar is an easy A. I havent failed anything so far, or gotten a late. Drafting is another easy A, but its a pos class and we do about 2 mins of classwork and like 1 hour and 28 mins of screwing around on the computer.. it gets boring after a while..
Thats all I have this semester... I want to join soccer but it would conflict with cross country, I'm willing to bet. I'm off to try some of that epsom salt, that is if we have any :(

09-10-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Brak
i dont even NEED school to get hot girls! oooohh what now Notre Dame punk!

dryland practice for skiing starts soon! you know what that means? we get to push an SUV up a hill with our captains and manager IN IT every day! woohoo itll be sweet!
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh do you go to Notre Dame???? The most amazingesterest school ever????????? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

09-10-2003, 08:34 PM
No i go to note dame and its not the College its the High School.

09-10-2003, 09:09 PM
school is easy for me.

I have AP Statistics(EASY), Computer Animation II(College credits)
Survey of British literature(200 level college class, easy)
College Government(100 level), College Bio(100 level), and of course, my free block

All in all I get 8 credits for bio, 6 each for gov and eng, and 3 for comp animation. So all in all, I get 23 college credits in my senior year alone.

09-10-2003, 10:20 PM
I wish I was in high school still. I probaby had an hour of homework a week, at the most. The rest I could do in school. School was fun, I got to see all my friends. Boy, that changed. Now I'm at an engineering school working pretty darn hard most of the time. Luckily, I dont have to take any english classes, or read any novels. Most of my classes are interesting.

09-10-2003, 11:08 PM
Here's a hint for any of you who have not figured this out yet.

First day of class, sit in the middle. Figure out where the chicks are. Get to class early next day and sit near their previous seats. People tend to gravitate towards same seats. Move around as needed as you can, before people start to get possessive of their seats. :p

09-10-2003, 11:54 PM
Started my sophomore year of college on the 2nd. Im having a blast so far, but unlike most people I love school. Lots of chicks, but thats not my purpose of being there since my interest(girl)is located at a college 20 miles away. Thank god for AIM and telephones.:D

Heres a list of the courses Im taking, for anyone that wished to know:

U.S. History: Reconstruction - Present Times (Survey)
Intro to Computers (Lab)
Intro to Computers (Lechture)
Intro to Geography (Survey)
Fundamentals of English (Pre-req. for English 101)

Grand total of 16 credits.
Possible major: A degree in the CSCI field
Possible minor: History or Business

09-11-2003, 12:04 AM
thats cool, i would like to major in csci and minor in psychology

09-11-2003, 04:49 PM
started my junior year of highschool back in august, so far it's not too bad. lots of homework and essays mostly. here's my line up for the entire year:

day one:
spanish 3
CP physics

day two:
world history
english 11

09-12-2003, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Honors English is the worst. In two weeks, we have to have The Scarlet Letter read,
Oh God, we had to read that in my honors class as well. Probably the most boring thing I've ever read.

So far, my Junior HS is going pretty well. My 8 classes are divided up among A and B days. A days suck pretty bad (American History AP, American Problems (that's easy though), Physics, Honors English). My B days rock (Psychology, Precalculus, Commercial Art, and Beginning CAD). The CAD class is great, the teacher encourages us to bring in music to listen to as we work and lets us eat food. On top of that, I find the class subject pretty interesting as well. Hot girls here and there, and they seem to be a lot more friendly this year (growing your hair out = girls for you. Trust me). There seems to be an insane amount of sophomores this year for some reason. Every class with mixed grades seems to have like 50% sophomores, and during assemblies, you can see there are many more kids than last year.

09-12-2003, 11:03 AM
i just moved to butte high, well this year they disided to experiment with out brains by having the 10th graders do algebra 2 instead of geometry. and pre chem and phys instead of biology. Then they got rid of the study halls.
now because of 2 stupid kids pulling fire alarms we might lose are off campus privledge. my school colors are purple and are team sucks. We have no drivers ed for kids during the school year.

My schedule is

typing(im there right now)
montana history
lunch 30 min

09-12-2003, 05:32 PM
Dude take advantage of having girls in your school and ask them out. God you people dont know what you have. My school year is going pretty good. Its my sophmore year so we get to haze freshmen and I have like no hw so far at all. I am going to start driving in the spring and there is this girl who i think likes me. And I made the PBX team.:D Life is good.:cool:

09-12-2003, 05:35 PM
First period is art and we just sit there.

Second period:English: I have a cool teacher and we sit there and talk about stuff.

Third period:Chemistry: I have the stupidest teacher ever. We sit there and throw stuff, or look at car magazines, call people, eat stuff, watch TV.

Forth is track. Run run run with lots of hot girls, nothing wrong with girls.

09-12-2003, 08:57 PM
YEA! Finaly!
My team is going to get a jv team going!
I will be starting,(if i dont the coach isent just a retard, he is a COMPLETE RETARD)
And if i do start i will be trying to get me girls to go :)
(ask them to come and watch)

09-12-2003, 09:01 PM
Man I wish my school had classes like Track and Swimming we just have health/physed and art :eek: Also if we meet all state requirements (pass the regences)we still have to take AP Classes that I dont wanna take. I wouldnt mind taking AP but I would like to get out an hour or 2 earlier or go in an hour or 2 later.

09-12-2003, 09:15 PM
Yeh, me and Tony (fcpchop) play hack in the mornings... so tired.. I barely even remember that stuff now.

Yeh, school is pretty fun, then you get homework, thats the worst. I get homework in every subject on the weekends, and like 2-3 classes on weekdays. Italian homework and bio homework every night.

Per.3-Either Bio again or gym (alternates)
Per.4-Video and photography
Per.5-English or history (alternates)
Per.6-Italian III
Per.7-English or history (alternates)

Girls = sux0r

I'd say theres like 5/6 friendly ones in our school.

Spray Painter
09-12-2003, 09:18 PM
it's alright, i have an awesome teacher for AP physics, a total goofball for english, computers arts is cool(no h/w) we sit around and animate cool stuff, PE is gay, i'm the only junior in an all freshman class, i procratinated taking PE and now i'm paying:), in history all we do is watch movies(he has at least one movie for every unit, i talked to some seniors that had him before, they say they only remember 3-4 days where he dosen't show a movie, algebra 3-4 is BORING,( i never used to sleep in any class, now i've done it twice in the first two weeks)

09-13-2003, 02:54 AM
Originally posted by swat150
i just moved to butte high, well this year they disided to experiment with out brains by having the 10th graders do algebra 2 instead of geometry. and pre chem and phys instead of biology. Then they got rid of the study halls.
now because of 2 stupid kids pulling fire alarms we might lose are off campus privledge. my school colors are purple and are team sucks. We have no drivers ed for kids during the school year.

Your school sounds terrible. I actually like my highschool, biggest one in the state (Alta).

09-13-2003, 11:53 AM
it sucks cause the girls in my school wear the sluttiest clothes they can find, and way too much makeup. to tell ya the truth it's starting to get disgusting..so for now i'm gonna have to agree with EsPo that girls = sux0r

09-13-2003, 01:00 PM
espo not all girls sux in our shcool, well the slutty ones suck pretty good;) but for real there r lots of hot girls in our school and if ya talk to them they will be nice, if u just stare they get alittle upset:)

09-13-2003, 01:05 PM
o ya almost forgot, espo u know ya know bobby in our school who got his hack stuck in the ceiling? well we got it down and i have it now:D hack is basicly the best thing all day,i cant wait till an enrichment cus it is gunna be a crazy hack circle between me u vaz and tom for like a 1/2 an hour o ya and sean sullivan had a cesure, im not sure how to spell it, but it sux.

09-13-2003, 03:33 PM
Girls= sux0r?

No way man.

09-13-2003, 09:29 PM
Im pretty lucky to have a school that make shure pupils dont dress slutty. We have a strict dress code its called the 3 B's

no Belly Buttons
no Butt cracks
no Breast

We have pretty nice woman in our school and im proud to say i found one for me. Havnt asked her out yet. But plann too.

09-14-2003, 12:30 AM
Hmm, lets go through my day:

4:30- Wake up
6:00- Get driven to bus stop
6:20- Get on bus
6:20-7:15- Talk to cool people on bus
7:15-8:00- Hang out with friends at bus stop.
8:00-9:45- Goto either, English(somewhat boring class, but don't get much homework, don't know many people in the class very well)or Chemistry(have one friend in that class, teacher moved us apart because we laughed at him too much, get a decent amount of work)
9:45-10:00- Break, hang out with "friends"(or so they used to be)
10:00-11:45- Goto either Spanish(Extrememly boring class, the teacher is one of those monotone speakers. Get way too much stuff to study, and I don't know anyone in that class because its a freshman class, and I'm extremely white and can't use a good spanish accent, and its embarresing.) or Radio+ TV production(I think I'm going to fail this class, this class goes by years, and my fresman year we had a full class of 30, then sophomore year there were about 10 people, now its just me and 2 others and they are the most irrisponsable and lazy people ever and they never work in that class, they just go talk with their friends who have open period, therefor im on my own to pull their weight in the projects)

11:45-12:15- Lunch, everywhere is crowded, I go sit with my "Friends" again, talk a little, talk about what we're gonna do after school.

12:15-2:00- I either have US History(not too boring of a class, nice teacher, cool subject because we're working from the 90's back. Not too much homework, or work at all realy.) or Drama(fun class, all the cool girls are in that class, and I met this freshman girl and we're like close friends in just 2 weeks, pretty much the only girl that I hang out with, and ya, we partner up do scenes for class, and other stuff, we hang out in the morning and after school alot too)

2:00-3:30- Kick back with my real friends and do umm... stuff... either get something to eat, or goto their house and spark trees(I quit for 3 months, but right now, its the only thing that makes my day a little better) And then I catch the school bus or if I miss it at 3:30 I take the city bus. I usualy get home at 4:30-6:00 depending on where we goto eat and what time I get on the bus.

On the subject of girls, my school has sucky girls. They are all trying to be gangsters or whatever, they are always all *****y and have attitude, and they are majorly stuck up, and the only kinda guys they want are gangstas with nice cars and guys who will buy them stuff. So screw that. There are mabe like 10-20 cool girls in a school of almost 2000.

Nick O time
09-14-2003, 12:37 AM
except i have all the hot chicks in my classes and no friends in any of my classes and our lunch ging rules. same thing with soccer, it takes up all my time and so does homework.:( i ging hate school.

09-14-2003, 01:20 AM
Sheeet, it's been like 3 weeks of school, and i'm already planning out my summer.. dammit. But eh, my classes aren’t all that bad, the only class which irritates me is AP US History.. those outlines piss me off, along with the everyday 1-3 hours of HW. My AP Psychology class isn't that bad. GT Engineering is awesome. Honors Calc. is somewhat challenging due to the fact that my teacher is a little evil scientist and teaches honors as if she was teaching AP. English is koo, my teacher has one eye, kinda disturbing but he is a great teacher. Business Law is a class full of bull sh*t. And my last class, physics, is awesome. Junior year.. gonna go by pretty slow. What I really look forward to everyday is chillin with friends, pimpin the ho's, and my drive to and from school in my beastly Honda Accord :D

09-14-2003, 01:34 AM
school is soo bad... It's senior year, im taking 4 AP classes, and i have like 3 hours of homework a day. Add soccer practices, work, and then paintball, and i almost have time to sleep.

Speaking of which....im going to bed


09-14-2003, 01:43 AM
school is ok when you don't get a hella load of homework. the girls are hot but they either think they are too good for you or they are too shy. millwork is sweet

09-14-2003, 05:53 AM
School has been alright. Most of my friends moved, but I'm still having fun with some new peeps that came. My bestfriend as a girl is Maria right. Just found out she has this really hot sister thats 2 years younger then me and has this really hot friend also. And whats really weird I don't like girls younger then me at all, I like college girls. lol. Is that a bad thing? lol.

ok ya that was a stupid post sorry. :)

09-14-2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by bunkermaster10
School has been alright. Most of my friends moved, but I'm still having fun with some new peeps that came. My bestfriend as a girl is Maria right. Just found out she has this really hot sister thats 2 years younger then me and has this really hot friend also. And whats really weird I don't like girls younger then me at all, I like college girls. lol. Is that a bad thing? lol.

ok ya that was a stupid post sorry. :)
and how old is the girl 2 years younger than you?
Becuase if shes hott i mean......heehhehe

i like tictacs
09-14-2003, 07:53 PM
i'm taking physics this year.

i got 90's in chem.

is it hard? meh, only thing i'm worried about. i start tomorrow

09-15-2003, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by Benfica4ever

and how old is the girl 2 years younger than you?
Becuase if shes hott i mean......heehhehe

I think she's 14 or 15. And I will be turning 17 here in Nov. lol. But dude she's FINEEEEE.