View Full Version : My Dad has had the WORST luck lately...

09-09-2003, 07:06 PM
I don't really see how his luck can get much worse!

3 weeks ago: Pulling his boat into the trailer, it gets semi stuck. He braces and pulls as hard as he can, only to find out that it really wasn't all that stuck, so the boat basically runs him over. He rolled his ankle (his feet were planted, he fell over, but his right foot didn't move). The doctor told him if he stayed off of it for 3 weeks, it would heal fine, if not, it would be much longer. My didn't like that, so he continued to work with it. Even though it hurt him like all hell (is what he says).

2 days later: Cleaning the winsheild on his truck, the wiper blade slices open the top of his right hand. Needed 18 stiches to get it closed.

1 week ago: Cut his leg. Probably needed stiches for that one too, but he just taped it shut and it seems to have healed realatively well.

But the worst happened on Friday. He works at a Window shop down in Denver, CO. He was going to throw a window in the trash can, from what I understand, he was sliding it in there when it shattered, the glass stopped, but his hand kept going.

He cut two tendons, a nerve, and a branch to a main artery just below his wrist on the right hand. They took him to an "urgent care" facility, but they turned him away, and told him to go to Porter Hostpital. Well OK, the owner of the company he works for drove him out there where they found out just how bad it was.

They rushed him into emergency surgery and stiched shut the artery he cut (its the same one that people cut to suicide, they said that he would have bled to death if they waited much longer) , but told him to come back Monday for surgery on the Nerve and Tendons he severed (he can't move his wrist right now, and they put a plaster caste on it to keep it that way).

Everything is OK so far... he can't lift more then 1/2 pound in is right hand because only two stiches are holding one of the tendons he cut together. Right now he's kind of afraid it might have ripped out again because he can't EVER leave well enough alone. I must have helped him re position the caste and bandages 3 times today. But over all he's acting like nothing happened at all (of course the Vicodin they gave him could be helping that ;) ), he just has the next 8-12 weeks off for workmans comp.

The only good news I can see out of this is that the time off he gets might help heal his ankle... But my dad has only called in sick 2 days in the last 20 years, getting him to not go into work for 8-12 weeks will be the biggest problem.

09-09-2003, 08:03 PM
Break his ankle that will keep him down for a while :)

Hope he gets well soon.


09-09-2003, 09:20 PM
I'm sorry to hear the Koosh.

09-10-2003, 07:40 AM
You're dad sure is a trooper.

Too bad he's the only one storming the beachhead with a couple of dozen watercooled 30 cal machine guns pointed at him :(

heal up!

09-10-2003, 12:46 PM
He needs a less dangerous line of work, like the local police Bombsquad. Hope he finally listens and let's his body heal.

09-10-2003, 01:21 PM
he reminds me of myself.. back in mid school i had a bad bike wreck that i got knocked out. the doc said i coudnt play paintball or anyother sports for 6 weeks... boy was he wrong :rolleyes: i WAS careful though i didnt want to go brain dead :D

just make sure your dad has a nice supply of those meds and im sure hell stay put for a while:D

09-10-2003, 04:13 PM
Um, are you sure your dad isn't superman?

09-10-2003, 04:21 PM
...maybe your dad enjoys pain...and he is making up stories...or he could just need a mag to change that bad luck right around...180 degrees not 360 cause then it would just be bad again...and mags make people smile...more than McDonalds...

09-10-2003, 05:17 PM
stomp on his feet every now and then to take the pain away from his other injuries.

damn, id be down for the count if all that happend to me. hope he recovers fully.