View Full Version : Newest BKO body

09-09-2003, 11:14 PM
Thought you guys with the BKO's might like to see this. I sent my gen2 BKO to ICD for a little tuning, and ended up getting the latest body design. It is almost identical to gen3, but has a little more milling on the side. Especially around the feed neck area. Head tech said this body won't be out untill November or December. I also got the latest board too. Props for a company with great customer service!
Always a cool factor to being one of the first with something!
http://www.xpb.us/images/bko.jpg http://www.xpb.us/images/bko1.jpg http://www.xpb.us/images/bko2.jpg

And in case you were wondering......
Zenitram Z-grip
Zenitram Valve
Zenitram ASA and LPR port
Palmers STB Micro Rock
Mac Dev Glad reg

Ronin 23
09-10-2003, 12:05 AM
The Dobbins are good people. Too bad not enough people appreciate their products as much as SP's.....even if they represent a better value for the money.

/s/ Mel C. Maravilla

09-10-2003, 12:07 AM
Sorry, but that is not the newest body I was told I was getting. It is a 3rd gen body which is already out. But enjoy it anyway lol.

09-10-2003, 06:53 AM
Is that tray the normal height? It looks shallower than I remember them being?

Did they ever change the heights of the trays?

Load SM5
09-10-2003, 07:00 AM
Sure looks shorter. There does'nt seem to be enough room for the usual Bushmaster/BKO bubble sticker.

09-10-2003, 07:09 AM
I believe BKOs have a thinner tray than BM2Ks and BM2K2s (whether this is due to the type of solenoid or not, I don't know).

BTW, I love the BM2K, mine didn't give me any problems at all when I used it at Shatnerball (1st gen silver BM2K with Halo B and 114/4500 Max-Flo).

09-10-2003, 05:44 PM
the tray is smaller because the battery is not in there like on the bm2ks. instead its in the grip frame.