View Full Version : Tank Questions

09-09-2003, 11:49 PM
I'm looking to replace my crossfire 47/3000 with something bigger and lighter. I have seen some good recommendations for the worr games tanks. Anyone have anything good or bad to say about them? I am considering the 68/4500 because pbreview people say it's nice and light.

I was also wondering... How is the internal regulator on the RT / RT Pro.

Is it a waste to get a good adjustable reg on the tank or does the internal regulator take care of this anyway.

I assume that having an adjustable reg on the tank would allow me to turn down the pressure a bit to save a little on air consumption. Is this correct?

Is there anything else to know about picking out a tank?

Thanks in Advance Guys!!


09-10-2003, 04:15 AM
Well, dont know much about worrgas but I just recently picked up a 3A 68/45 preset and am very happy with it (they r very cheap, only 159 new). If you have an RT though you might want the adjustable for tuning reactivity. As for the RT reg, its supposed to be great, should work awesome along with any kind of hpa system. However I don't think you'll be able to get much more efficiency by using ad adj. tank. I could be wrong though, you might be able to get a lil bit out of it.
Hope this helps.

09-10-2003, 10:46 AM
Anyone know if a maxdev conquest will work on the RT? It's adjustable but I can't figure out the pressure range. The guy that selling it says 800, but the reviews on pbreview say that it doesn't regulate very well above 600 psi.



09-10-2003, 11:07 AM
Go with a 4500 crossfire screw-in. IMO they are the best.

09-10-2003, 12:33 PM
the maxdev has a MAX output of 600 PSI. talk to anyone that has run it up there for very long and they will tell you that it breaks the spring after while. 600PSI is BARELY enough for an RTP valve to operate and you will zero reactivity.

and no, and adjustable tank will not give you any more efficiency. the dump chamber on a mag is a set size. it will dump that same amount of air every shot.

09-10-2003, 12:41 PM
so since I'm running the elcd anyway, and less pressure doesn't save me any gas, then will the elcd operate better with more reactivity or less reactivity? If the answer is it doesn't matter, then an adjustable tank is just a total waste of money for me then right?


09-10-2003, 12:52 PM
with an elcd the reactivity will not help you. since you are not directly pull the sear (the noid is). but you dont want to starve the valve either. at higher rates of fire, 600 PSI input would do this. (if you have LX, it is doubtfull it would even fire at all ;) )

as for the preset/adjustable thing. if you get a good quality preset like a crossfire, AA mellee, AA "the reg", centerflag 400 series, etc.........you should have very good results. the reason alot of people go with adjsutable tank is more for the high flow, high consistancy of a high end tank. (IE: geddon, maxflo, dynflo, etc)

09-11-2003, 06:54 PM
With the lit that came w/ my x-valve, it recommends an input pressure of 700psi. Preferably between 650 and 750. Most tanks are preset at 850 if I'm not mistaken which is well above the recommended range.

It says...

"Higher pressures will make the trigger more reactive, but the velocity will drop off more when fired slowly."

"Lower Pressures will reduce the reactive trigger and may cause sight shoot down on rapid fire, but the Valve will be more consistent over the chronograph when fired slowly"

Sounds like they recommend 700psi to get the best of both worlds. To do this, then I would have to have an adjustable tank right? I don't know of any that are preset at 700.

09-11-2003, 07:17 PM
a preset at 850 will work fine.

in a perfect world, what they are saying would be true 100% of the time. but the about of shoot down and chrono instability is soo small it is almost not worth mentioning. 10FPS at most.

09-12-2003, 04:19 PM
Here's the tank I'm really interested in. How does it mount if it doesn't screw into the end of the ASA? I guess I'm just used to the fixed tanks.



09-12-2003, 04:25 PM
you got me........maybe a DZII. I would email WGP and ask them how that mounts. they may have a cradle for it.

12-04-2003, 10:41 PM
That tank is mounted by a dovetail rail. If you get lucky you might be able to score one off e-bay for more that $100 less then what that site is posting it at. Make sure you ask what the preset is... Worr Gas can come in preset of 800 or low pressure (600 I believe). I have talked to guys at my field who have used it, and they say it is a very nice tank. It is adjustable up to 1500 psi, and would serve you well.
I'm looking for one myself :D

12-05-2003, 11:33 PM
Of course you wouldn't need to worry about the preset if it is an adjustable tank, haha...
The preset tanks are regular screw in, but you would have to purchase some type of rail to mount the adjustable one.
Sorry for the confusion :p