View Full Version : My Official BKO Review [as some of you requested :)]

09-10-2003, 04:14 PM
Well, i got my bko yesterday in a huge box full of those styrofoam "peanuts" :D

:First Look: "whoa it looks weird" at a first glance it looks like an impulse or a matrix.

:The "trigga":
the trigger was tricky to customize... the manual said that the bottom hole is for trigger pull length, and the top one is for adjusting the screw that hits the microswitch. only problem was that THERE ARE 3 HOLES!! so it produced a problem that my local shop had to fix :( along with adjusting the pull length, you can also adjust the spring tension , which i found out that the top hole was for spring tension. but in the end, its mega short and light :o:D

if you look on websites, they are more than likely going to say that it has an HPR and a LPR. there is only one gauge on the gun, and this is for the PSI entering the gun. there is a little knub type thing in front of the trigger, and this is for adjusting the LPR. the LPR is for adjusting the velocity on the gun, i believe. this brings up a con about the gun because there isn't a gauge that tells you what the pressure is set at. from the factory, its supposedly set at 85-95 PSI.

bolt assembly is very, and i mean very, conveinient. if you just so happen to chop a ball or two, merely pop out the top pin and pull out the bolt, wipe it on your shirt or whatever, then just pop it back in. if you think you got some paint in the hammer area, merely dry fire a few times and it will get the paint right out :)

the low-rise is a little funky. hopefully the feedneck on your loader will be too small for it, so that you can just put one, maybe two pieces of electrical tape on it so that your hopper has a nice tight fitting. if your feedneck is too big... uhh then you're more than likely going to need to buy a new rise, because i wouldn't recommend sanding down your rise...

the stock barrel is 10 inches long, and has some half-decent porting. only big problem though, its LOUD AS A FRIGGIN CANNON!! it was great last night when i was ripping on it, and this woman walking her stupid poodle goes "if you shoot one more time im calling the cops!!" and my brother gives the good response of "hey! SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN!" so when she told us to "go inside and do your homework and study!" my brother then again gave the good response of "uhh i already did mine!! IM A GOOD BOY!! :D"

the stock board is capped off at like 23 or so bps

so yea, thats my basic BKO report, and if you have any questoins you can feel free to ask. if you want to add anything, go ahead :) and if you disagree with something i said, you better have proof to back it up :D

P.S.- scooter, if you read this, you can eat my BKO's bullshniz

09-10-2003, 04:26 PM
Pics. did you get the new style or the old style body?

09-10-2003, 05:09 PM
i should have pics this weekend when i can use my dads digi cam :)

old and new style... im assuming i got the new style, because aren't the old ones sorta box-shaped??:o

09-10-2003, 06:24 PM
try to shoot fast, it'll chop like mad

09-10-2003, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Skoad
try to shoot fast, it'll chop like mad

hehehe :) i used my brothers TSA the other day so i could rip on it. it worked out very well, but i kept outshooting it :D and i only had 2 chops i think [this was out of 140 balls]

im glad my dad is HOPEFULLY getting me an egg for my birthday :)

09-10-2003, 07:55 PM
it dont matter if there is no lpr gauge just about every gun dont have a lpr gauge. sounds like you got the new 2k3 because of the 3 screws on the trigger. if you want to put any upgrades on it send it to vaporworks they work magic with bushys i sent my defiant there and it constantly outshoots my egg2 and i dont chop it pinches paint

09-10-2003, 08:29 PM
Where can you buy the 2003 bkos? the 2k2s at pb gear olny say 10 bps, but you said 23??? where can you buy the 2k3s?

09-10-2003, 08:36 PM
How much did you get it for and where from? :)

09-10-2003, 09:49 PM

after doing a VERY extensive research for approximately a month, i know just about every site that sells BKOs and how much they sell them for. a lot of sites dont carry ICD guns, and im not too sure why. people may bash on them, but they will have to use one to see how good they really are. the bad thing for me though, is i just got about 630$ in paintball stuff in the past 2 days, and I separated my shoulder joint, so i cant play paintball for ONE MONTH!! ::PISSED:: :mad: :mad:

www.firstcallpaintball.com sells them for the cheapest at 255$, and currently there is a free shipping thing for orders over 200$ :) they also have a fairly nice inventory at good prices

www.888paintball.com has them for 263$, but i wouldn't highly recommend that you dont order from that stupid site... they sell a ton of cow pie...

www.pbgear.com has the overpriced BKOs :) so order if you feel like spending more dough

www.countypaintball.com has them for 254$, but i just didn't like their site layout. plus, a lot of the time their stuff is out of stock :\ and the pic of the BKO they have, its an old 2002 body i believe

www.paintballkingdom.com has it for 295$, and then again its pricy.

at www.icdpaintball.com you can order it directly from Indian Creek, but thats probably the biggest mistake you can make because its 300$ for the gun, and then theres the shipping costs! :eek: so thats a No-No! :)

www.pbfanatics.com has the bko for a sound 260$. its a pretty good price, and i've had good business with PBF :)

www.paintballwizard.com has the BKO for 279$, which may not be the best price but i like the prices of some of their other products

www.shop4paintball.com has the BKO for "299$" but we all know now that its WAY overpriced :d

so thats all i can come up with off the top of my head :) and if i come across or remember some more ill post those up too :D and if you have sites, feel free to add those too :)

09-10-2003, 11:09 PM
www.shootpaint.com has them in all the colors for $255, plus this is where you get the SP mod. Edit: Forgot no shipping charge.

09-11-2003, 01:08 PM
ICD is constantly improving the BKO, and for the money it is a trick little gun.

They currently are shipping in the 17bps range. That is crazy fast for the design and they work great.


09-11-2003, 02:53 PM
heh, i kept saying that the BKO could shoot up to 17bps, but then i started saying 23bps. i guess that i was saying the CPS instead of the bps :)

09-12-2003, 08:55 PM
hers a pickcher

09-12-2003, 08:56 PM
anudda pickcher

i think he shoots like 16 or 17 bps

09-12-2003, 08:57 PM
and yet, another picture

pwn pwn pwn

09-12-2003, 08:58 PM
theres more to come:)

09-12-2003, 09:00 PM
this would be your view of it :D

09-12-2003, 09:02 PM
i take too many pics :l

09-12-2003, 09:04 PM
ok thats all for today. tomorrow i might stick up my harness [ i duno why] and then HOPEFULLY if my dad got me my egg, ill slap that baby on and take a pic :D :cool:

lemme know what you think :)

looks gay? looks cool? looks like i stole your gun?

09-13-2003, 01:31 AM
If anyone is interested in a very slightly used one (with a few aftermarket upgrades) my roomate is selling a red one. Great condition.

09-13-2003, 09:01 PM
pics with the egg!! :D :D :D

btw, those are Diablo BLAZE purp/white/white balls :)

09-13-2003, 09:02 PM
this just looks damn cool since you can see the ball in the breech :cool::cool:

oh, and thats my brother

Goldie D Pimp
09-14-2003, 09:28 AM
If they're out of stock let me know and I can generally get BKO's. I dont' stock them too deep, but it only takes a couple days to get them in stock if I don't have the color you want.