View Full Version : PTP Micro E-mag trigger help!!

09-10-2003, 08:24 PM
I need to adjust the sear pin, move it back. Anyone who owns an E-mag probably knows what im talking about. If it's too far forward and it resets toward the top, it gets in the way of the trigger pull and you have pull harder to force the pin back so the magnet catches. Can someone help me with how to do it, I have a Pro Team Micro E-mag.

09-10-2003, 10:09 PM
any one who messes with a sear pin without a micromiter is a madman. every mag tech knows that. just bring the thing into a agd certified tech and have them check the length or call up agd and ask them for the proper length if you have a caliper.if you need to mess with the magnets thats one thing but sears are geometry if you screw that up youv'e got much bigger problems then a stiff trigger. i've owned an e-mag i didn't need to mess with the sear.:rolleyes:

09-10-2003, 10:25 PM
i did it withought a micrometer, though i have been called crazy before, i dont think i am a madman. i wouldnt recomend it, but if you know what you are doing, then i say go for it. if you have to ask how to do it, i will assume that you dont have a clue, and in this case, i will agree with madhatter, take it to a tech.

09-11-2003, 07:51 AM
How about just adjusting your magnet towards the back so it energizes the HES sooner. That way you won't have to come in contact with the trigger stop or the trigger rod in order to electronically fire the gun.

09-11-2003, 08:16 AM
OK, I guess I was confused. I didn't mean the sear pin, but instead was talking about the trigger rod. This is the piece that I need to move back...if I can. Tell me if I'm wrong and what I can do to fix it. The rod resets too close to the trigger, and when I pull the trigger I have to force the rod back too. Yes, I have tried playing with the magnets, but sometimes the rod resets too close (it butts right up against the back of the trigger). Someone please help.