View Full Version : How to beat people better than you?

09-10-2003, 08:55 PM
Ok this tournament we're playing in sunday we can beat everyone but one team probably....they have 2 angels and a timmy....what should we do to beat them.

09-10-2003, 08:58 PM
and it posted 2 for some reason and one wont delete

09-10-2003, 09:02 PM
...More info please...

1.What guns do you have...
2.What type of playing field...(details would help)
3.Sepcs of your gun...hoppers...nitro,co2,gips upgrades.ect...
4.Your abilites...playing style, postition, how comfotable your are ect...
5.Do you know what "The ZonE" is...
6.How confident are you...

give me all that and ill tell you how to win...

09-10-2003, 09:03 PM
why do you have ascreenname3's sig?

09-10-2003, 09:03 PM
Play smarter than them, talk, move aggresively, talk, know where the other team is at ALL times (uber important) and catch them off guard. Occupy none-standard bunkers off the break, but not disadvantageous ones. Be aggresive but reserved enough not to get stupidly out

/is how I win

09-10-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by RenagadeOfFunkRTPcf
...More info please...

1.What guns do you have...
2.What type of playing field...(details would help)
3.Sepcs of your gun...hoppers...nitro,co2,gips upgrades.ect...
4.Your abilites...playing style, postition, how comfotable your are ect...
5.Do you know what "The ZonE" is...
6.How confident are you...

give me all that and ill tell you how to win...

1. 2 mags and a m98
2. airball (thats all i know never seen it)
3. 12v's, nitro
4. Fat kid plays back me and my friend play front
5. no
6. what???

09-10-2003, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by LittlePaintballBoy
why do you have ascreenname3's sig?

I am ascreennam3

09-10-2003, 09:11 PM
ok is the m98 in back? it should be.

The ZonE is when you shake like crazy, your upper li[ps sweats, your muscles ache, your eye roll into the back of your head, and you are so focus your body flows easily...It happens when i play. You must "feel" the field and subdue it...before you start locate good spots on the field. Find all of your enemies good spots and expose them. Plan ahead...

you guys seem fine. you are scared of the guns, thus scared of them. all you need is a gun that doesn't chop and can do 5 bps, THATS ALL!!! if you can aim well and keep in contact with your team and never let your guard down you can win. Make sure that your back player has a good view of the field. Make sure he doesn't play the bunker tight too much or their front players will bunker you. Your back player should be able to aim well, and give commands... ill write more later...my mom is yelling at me to do the dishes....ugh...where did i go wrong?

09-10-2003, 09:16 PM
yes m98 is back...And we know they're strategy because the back kids cousin knows these kids and is telling us everything they do and who does what...aparantly the timmy kid bunkers a lot.

09-10-2003, 09:16 PM
a keep 2 in back. off the break shoot as much paint at them as possible. (aka laining) and unless the tippy guy has a decent barrel dont stick him in back.

the one comment i have to put in to c how bad i get flamed. learn to wipe.

09-10-2003, 09:19 PM
The way I beat people better than me is to know that I am better than everyone else. Confidence is really easy to have in paintball. Almost anyone, on any given day can go out and just have the game of his life ;)

Are there players with more skills then me, probably... but does it hurt my confidence to be able to go up against anyone and know that I can beat them? no.... :) just go out there and have fun, worrying about/thinking you cant beat a team will only dig you a hole.

09-10-2003, 09:20 PM
Shoot them before they shoot you :)

All the help I can give you, communicate, and play hard. Don't be afraid to take risk's because last tourney I played (3man beginner) I shot 8/12 people I could have shot (I played 3 games) and I didn't get shot once. even though I should have in 3 of the 4 games.

First game, chilling in back right snapshooting the other backright, got bored ran to the right 30, shot center 30 from there, made a run for the 50 (I'm 5' 10" 150lb big guy... shouldn't have made it, but I did) I shoot out the back left from there, than our center 50 got shot out, and my buddy runs up the midde to their center 30 and somehow gets gogged (He ain't too smart) so I shoot backright when he trys to snapshoot. I should have been gone much sooner.

Next game... I go to back right and my buddy takes center 30 and back left. I sit in the back left and cannot find anything whatsoever to shoot. My buddy runs to the left 50 and shoots out their guy at the left 50, and another dude runs up the center 50 and shoots out my buddy, so theres a guy in back right and a guy at center 50... I see the center 50 go to my center 30 but can't shoot him... I realize I haven't looked right for a while so I come over the top (laydown) and see him at the snake (it had a beercan in the middle and he was poking out) I took 2 shots and got back down, I hear "He's gone!" And I'm like ref where am I hit? "No where your clean" "whatt?" so I run out and see the center 30's gun sticking out so I light it up as I'm running and grab the flag and hang it... luckiest game EVER.

Next game I actually go to the center 30 my bud's at back right and back left, I get really sick of this cause it was getting boring, they had the same setup as us... I figure ah screw it... I run down from our center 30 past their center 30 (was going to bunker him) but he wasn't there apparently my friend shot him so I keep running and WHILE I'm running start walking my emag and lightup the back right and than turn and I then proceed to run down the back left who was trying to run away from me or something I unno? and I lit him up, I got hit quite a few times and I ask the ref to check me multiple times... and I wasn't hit?

The final game I played was against the worst team in the tourney they were good kids but they expected the beginner tourney to truly be beginner (like 3-6 months of playing) I was around my 2nd year of playing, well we ended up rolling them and in the end there was one kid in the back left and I was at their 30 and I just put one ball into him. I feel sorry for them cause they thought it was a true beginner tourney, they wore matching shirts and pants and stuff like that they thought they were pretty good, but in their final game they made the sweetest flag grab ever (Best move of the day) and the only points they ever got. one dude was at the center 50... He goes sprinting for the flag (inbetween the left 50 and center 50) and he grabs the flag than Dives OVER the left 50 and shoots the dude who was there... the ref said he was out before he shot him though so no count.

We took 5th place in this tourney out of 24. The only 2 games we lost in the prelims were unlucky games, the 2 games we lost in the finals were because of stupid mistakes.

Just have fun and play paintball, communicate, shoot people, and don't be afraid to take risks, because as I said before, if you time it right you can pull anything off :P like one dude beat us in a 1v3... we were the 3... and we lost ... and he was shooting a piranha and his team took like 19th or something... very sad.

Good luck and have fun... and read the stories, they're pretty good :)

09-10-2003, 09:22 PM
blaze ill read yours later my moms going crazy because i have chemistry h.w.

09-10-2003, 09:33 PM
Wow that h.w. was SO hard! Took a whole 5 minutes!

09-10-2003, 09:38 PM
yeah im going to watch tv my brothers freaking out because he wants on the comp...cant wait till xmas so i get a comp for my own room

09-10-2003, 10:03 PM
one of the most important things i can say is shoot paint.

disagree with me? then i guess you dont play paintball.

yes talking is very helpful, but if you can move and shoot accurately at the same time, then you're made. if anyone calls you a "paintwaster" then you simply reply with "lol i guess 'wasting' that paint wound up getting my sorry butt across the field without anyone even poking out." any fool would know not to stick their head out when they got 20 balls flying right by their bunker.

one of the best things i find to work, is that when someone is poking out, and you shoot 10 or so balls, they fly back behind the bunker. so, if you can all shoot right at your target for around 10-20 balls, they should stay bunkered, and this produces a fairly well opportunity to move around. it could almost even augment the probability of bunkering someone... ;)

just my 2¢

Good Luck!

09-10-2003, 10:11 PM
If it starts to look bad...do something unexpected, insane, irrational, unconventional, etc. You just may suprise then and get lucky.

09-11-2003, 12:42 AM
Nail them in the junk a few times.. j/k...lol:p Just play to the best of your ability out there, thats the way to beat them. Wait for them to make a mistake, however small it may be, and capitalize on it. Dont be intimidated, if that happens..its all over.

Good luck and kick some arse out there:D

09-11-2003, 01:03 AM
Don't be intimidated by what type of marker they're shooting. You can't base their skill off of that at all. Worrying about it too much will end up hurting you on the field...just have fun.

Anyway, communication is extremely important. Don't underestimate it. Having 2 people shooting off the break usually works well. Don't be overanxious to run up to the front all the time. If one of your teammates gets shot out, try to cross up your paint stream with your other teammate to prevent getting bunkered.

09-11-2003, 01:37 AM
This is somewhat of a dirty trick.. but every now and again it works.

Get REALLY loud barrels. You heared me loud. Pro Team armison, pref 10" or shorter, anything like that that makes a horendus racquet. Personaly I like the proteams because they shoot well at short to mid range, which this will be since its 3 man and airball.

Why would I recomend something so silly you ask.... well its a mental thing.... normaly when you hear the stucko of a paintgun shooting in another lane or whatever you tend to drown it out..... when you hear bang bang bang bang bang from something really loud like that your instict is to play tight and to duck.... this will even out the mental advantage that haveing all that firepower handy gives them and should give you a fairer firefight.

And yes... I said mental advantage... having a Timmy DOES NOT make you a better player, all it does is give you a firepower advantage over an equil player with a lessor gun. Remember this.. its important.

In fact .. if you can get over your gun fear you can proboly use this to your advantage... think about it... in their head they are going we got firepower... we are going to roll these guys. What happens when off the break all hell breaks loose? That overconfidence is going to kick them in the ***. This is the bigest tool you have... use it.

09-11-2003, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by OfficerGoat
This is somewhat of a dirty trick.. but every now and again it works.

Get REALLY loud barrels. You heared me loud. Pro Team armison, pref 10" or shorter, anything like that that makes a horendus racquet. Personaly I like the proteams because they shoot well at short to mid range, which this will be since its 3 man and airball.

Why would I recomend something so silly you ask.... well its a mental thing.... normaly when you hear the stucko of a paintgun shooting in another lane or whatever you tend to drown it out..... when you hear bang bang bang bang bang from something really loud like that your instict is to play tight and to duck.... this will even out the mental advantage that haveing all that firepower handy gives them and should give you a fairer firefight.

And yes... I said mental advantage... having a Timmy DOES NOT make you a better player, all it does is give you a firepower advantage over an equil player with a lessor gun. Remember this.. its important.

In fact .. if you can get over your gun fear you can proboly use this to your advantage... think about it... in their head they are going we got firepower... we are going to roll these guys. What happens when off the break all hell breaks loose? That overconfidence is going to kick them in the ***. This is the bigest tool you have... use it.


09-11-2003, 07:58 AM
what should we do to beat them.

step 1- Find out where they live.
step 2- Get dark cothing.
step 3- Get heavy blunt object.
step 4- Put on dark clothing, grab heavy blunt object.
step 5- Go to their homes. At dark. HIDING! <- this element is very important

step 6- Wait until they leave their homes
step 7- Jump out of bushes.
step 8- Practise physics homework by observing the laws of motion and force as heavy blunt object comes in contact with soft brittle shins.

step 9- run.

step 10- play tournament blistfully knowing that your betters will not be there.

If caught blame TV and the corruption that the news coverage of the Tania Harding/Nancey Caregen case did to your young mind.

PS THIS IS A JOKE! I refuse to be held accoutable for anyone not realising this is to be taken in jest.

09-11-2003, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Quickling

PS THIS IS A JOKE! I refuse to be held accoutable for anyone not realising this is to be taken in jest.
LOL nice job covering your butt!

TALK!!! make sure your fat back player talks his rear off. he can still speak normally after the tourni then he didnt do his job.

shoot shoot shoot paint all over the place. this is important.

dont do what you are doing right now, which is telling yourself that you cant beat them just because they have timmies and angels. my old 3 man team(all mags, all classic valve mags) beat pleanty of teams shooting timmies, angels, trixies, cockers, whatever. dont worry about their guns. tell yourself tat youre going to win but dont get cocky. when you think that nobody on earth can beat you a no account team shooting stingrays will blow your butt outta the water.

smoke a cig right before the games(this helps me, dont start if you havent already, its a bad habit)

talk(we already covered this)

have the two guys that can shoot the fastest burn off the break and have one guy rip up the center to the 50.

dead men dont talk. remember that. you can get another guy pulled for talking after your shot out. loosing 2 guys from one paintball is never ever good.

be crazy

remember, its just a game and you are there to have fun. this aint the pros and you dont have much riding on this game(i doubt anyway)

good luck

PS-always have a backup marker or two because right before your big game your mag will explode in a ball of fire. happens every time to everybody and every gun. thanks a lot murphy and your damned laws

09-11-2003, 11:36 AM
To quote a Knight's Tale

"How would you beat him?"

"With a stick, while he slept"

No sKiLLz
09-11-2003, 11:36 AM
R they noobish? Watch them play. If they post and rain then start the match without shooting. Off the break, they have the advantage, so don't lane. Book it for your bunkers. If you have some time before the tourney, practice sliding so you're up right away for the shot. If they are already in their bunkers, wait. Keep peeking out and talk it up. Don't shoot at them unless they move or get close enough to snap. Go man for man and get in a snap shoot war. If they post, you have the upper hand. It's up to your fat kid to make sure Timmy guy doesn't bunker you.

Snap from random positions. Pop out and shoot 2 shots, then drop to your knee and do it a split second later. Shange your shot intervals. Count 1 (shot shot) count 1,2,3 (drop to knee and then shot, shot). You can't overpower them, but if they are postmen (hee hee) and you do this, it will give you a leg up. Practice snapshots with your teammates. And give fat kid a lot of paint, because you never want him to duck back in his bunker.

Good luck.

09-11-2003, 11:46 AM
There is a lot of good advice here.

Don't be intimidated by the fact that your opponents have more expensive equipment. At the same time, don't be underestimating other teams because their stuff isn't as nice as yours. All it means is that someone had more or less money to spend. It says nothing about skill or experience.

Observation, communication, and staying calm are your best strategies. Picking good but un-obvious bunkers is also highly recommended. Your opponents will likely try streaming paint into the most obvious choices off the break.

In my experience, quick reactions are key. By this I mean both snap-shooting, and reacting to changes in the game. When you go up or down a player, react to the situation faster than your opponents. You will be able to catch them off-balance for a bit, and should be able to take a player out either way.

PS - I've done the super loud barrel thing before. It does make people take notice, but I don't know how much it affects the games, if at all. I don't know what kind of barrel I have - I picked it up second hand from a parts-bin. I'll post a pic of it someday and ask.

09-11-2003, 12:40 PM
like I've said to COUNTLESS people, read this thread I wrote a while back.

scroll down until you see a big map. It explains it all.

09-11-2003, 01:33 PM
Who cares what markers they have? That is irrelevant. Just play your best game and if you win or lose, always take something positive from it. If you worry about beating them it will distract you. Just make sure you team is focused and ready. And don't be hard on yourselves. If you stop having fun with the game then stop playing.

09-11-2003, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
To quote a Knight's Tale

"How would you beat him?"

"With a stick, while he slept"
exactly what i was gonna say lol:p

09-11-2003, 01:40 PM
whyd you go to your other SN?

09-11-2003, 01:46 PM
What do you mean by them posting or whatever?

09-11-2003, 02:26 PM
Posting- Meaning training your gun on one target and waiting for him to pop his head/gun/leg out.

You don't want to do this too often b/c it takes your attention away from other parts of the field. But, if it's a key bunker that will allow them to get multiple eliminations, key in on it and wait for that SOB to pop out. :D

09-11-2003, 04:32 PM
How to beat people who are better:

Don't get shot.
Shoot them.

But seriously... if they are actually better than you, they will consistently beat you - hence why they are better than you.

To even the odds, you must learn how to play better so that they are no longer better than you... or at least, not so much better that they will spank you and you can't even hope for lucky breaks.

Remember: No amount of wishful thinking will help you. You have to work hard and practice.

09-11-2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Blazestorm
Shoot them before they shoot you :)

made a run for the 50 (I'm 5' 10" 150lb big guy... shouldn't have made it, but I did)pretty good :)

that's not to big. i'm 6'2, 194, and i do nothing but make it to the 50

09-11-2003, 06:49 PM
And after the game don't forget to post how you did here so we can see if this helped ;)


09-11-2003, 07:07 PM
Remember any given day... and do not be intimidated

I was playing a one on one, I drew someone MUCH better than me, the first game he laned me out... then I drew him again. I made an awesome counter move as he took the fifty to the other side, using hte bunker as cover, and came around the center - about five feet away - he moved and I flinched... AND MISSED... he gave me two of my three eliminations that day, as I essentially missed on a bunker move...

09-11-2003, 09:43 PM
if you would want to totally wing it, you can use my brothers tactic of the "Walk 'n' Shoot" where you just get out of your bunker, and just walk to another while unloading tons of paint. i know it sounds like suicide, but if you all just lay the smack down, it shouldn't be too hard to pull it off :)

09-11-2003, 09:50 PM

09-12-2003, 08:11 PM
Blaze.... with those mad skillz u gots u should b playin pro....:rolleyes:

anyways if other team is in key positions bunker them outta it, dont let them b live in there and kill ur whole team, also cheat as much as u can

my next bit of advice, 3 man is pussy... atleast play 5 man which is still weak but infinitly better than 3's

09-12-2003, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by spider54
Blaze.... with those mad skillz u gots u should b playin pro....:rolleyes:

anyways if other team is in key positions bunker them outta it, dont let them b live in there and kill ur whole team, also cheat as much as u can

my next bit of advice, 3 man is pussy... atleast play 5 man which is still weak but infinitly better than 3's

Man I wish i was as cool as you :rolleyes:

I wouldnt worry about what guns they have it means absolutely nothing. My suggestion is to try and make them play your game.

09-12-2003, 08:34 PM
I dont know how to beat somoeone better then me, no one is better then me. ;)

09-12-2003, 09:38 PM
im not sayin im "cool" 845 im just sayin 3 man is horribly weak... im also sayin that most the people on here r not really tourney able... maybe local 3 man tourneys which most still wouldnt win (not flaming just stating obvious) and if u want proof of my game come watch me at world cup ill b playin both 5 and 10 man with my team Indy Sewer Rats....:p