View Full Version : John Titor

09-10-2003, 09:04 PM

theres some bright people as well as conspiracy theorists on this board, so i thought you might enjoy some of these links.

discussion welcome, curious what everyone else thinks about this.

09-11-2003, 03:19 PM


09-11-2003, 03:47 PM
i hardly think that was him that posted that. look at all of the pictures etc, that way too much work to end it like that. either way, i'd like to hear some opinions.

09-11-2003, 08:08 PM
I agree that it is interesting and very elaborate, but you don't really believe that do you? I mean really.

09-11-2003, 08:54 PM
i bet you hes from space.

09-11-2003, 09:00 PM
Its things like that that just seem so believable, and would be SO neat to be able to truely believe in...but I know its crap deep down inside. Just like the people who say tupac is coming back :rolleyes: Oh well...I dont think thats the real john titor who said it was a hoax, but I also dont believe any of this is true. Im still reading it though :D

09-11-2003, 09:11 PM
Ok, in the pictures, am I the only one who sees the car steering wheel, and the legos? :rolleyes: My mind has been officially made up.

09-12-2003, 11:38 AM
Looks like he has returned from 2038. And just yesterday...hmmmm what a coincidence.

He is going to try to stop the supposed future civil war and he is going to offer proof of himself and his time travel capabilities on Sept. 16th. He says he will predict the exact time that North Korea will prove they have nukes.

Man this is entertaining. :)


09-12-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by beam
I agree that it is interesting and very elaborate, but you don't really believe that do you? I mean really.

i'm on the fence, along with many others. my instinct tells me its all bs, but the story is too real to discount.

and to everyone else, don't belive what people post just because they post with the name john titor. john said he would make no predictions on the future, some leaked out when he was answering questions. as with everything, including the 'real' john titor story, take it with a grain of salt.

09-12-2003, 03:57 PM
Read a bunch of physics books. In theory, time travel is very possible. Do i believe this guy? No. But could time travel exist in the future? Most likely yes.

09-12-2003, 04:00 PM
If time travel can exist in the future, then it can exist now. All that would be required would be for someone in the future to come back and create it at an earlier date. This has not happened, and therefore I doubt TT is possible.

Why? Because it doesn't exist now.

I know I know, that is screwy logic, but hey, it's fun. :D

09-12-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by beam
If time travel can exist in the future, then it can exist now. All that would be required would be for someone in the future to come back and create it at an earlier date. This has not happened, and therefore I doubt TT is possible.

Why? Because it doesn't exist now.

I know I know, that is screwy logic, but hey, it's fun. :D

they have explanations for this, if you will belive it :)

there is a finite, but uncountably large number of 'worldines.' each one represents some event or change that differentiates it from the others. for example: if one day you wore a plain old shirt and nothing special happened, and the world went on pretty much without you, as in you were nobody important or world changing when you died. but there exists another worldline in which you wear some shirt that for whatever reason makes a girl notice you, you get married eventually, and your kids become famous and chang the course of the earth. these worldlines are very far apart, some can be so close that theya re identical witht he excpetion of a few unimportant discrepancies. john even stated that because of his time travel and interaction with us he would not be able to return to his own timeline, but one very close to it.

for the time travel being in the past because it was brought to us from the future, the worldine theory plays a part. in many different worldlines john travels back and for sake of argument, lets say in half, something happens that allows us to time travel before the advent of the machine. in our worldline this does not happen and for whatever reason will might never know, our worldline is drastically different froms johns original one already this theory has made sense to me(originaly heard it many years ago) since i heard it, and i belive it is a very real possibility, and it allowd for quite abit when you start getting into warpin of time and space.

i apologize if this came out kind of sloppy and it doesnt make sense, ill try to sort it out later...