View Full Version : where were you 2 years ago when it happened...

09-11-2003, 02:46 AM
I was sitting in my room flipping channels before I was supposed to goto class. Saw the 2nd plane hit while watching CNN. Then went to class, heard on the radio the plane flew into the Pentagon, Then we watched the news for the whole class. I skipped my other classes for the rest of the day to go home and was glued to the TV till the next morning.

09-11-2003, 03:47 AM
In my netware lab. saw it on some website. I got to sit through all of my classes without any updates.

09-11-2003, 03:52 AM
I was buying some books that morning for the fall semester when I saw everyone standing around a small television. I went over there to see what all the commotion was about and couldn't believe what I was seeing. All my classes were cancelled that day so I spent the rest of the day glued to the tv.

09-11-2003, 05:31 AM
I was giving a CAD training course.

One of my friends who knew I was going to the states in October for the World Cup called me and for ages I thought he was joking, until we could get onto the net and see what was happening.

We were in shock and I cancelled the training course for the day.

land hurricane
09-11-2003, 05:34 AM
I was in 8th grade. I was outside at break, when we returned to our 2nd period the tv was on and our teacher was watching it. By the time I had gotten to 3rd period I had heard at least 100 different rumors, some like: aliens had attacked us (heh) or that another country has hijacked every plane we have and is flying them around. It was crazy. but yeah, class.

09-11-2003, 06:06 AM
I was in my car just getting ready to park at the port authority on my way to the WTC for a SEC certification class.

09-11-2003, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
I was in my car just getting ready to park at the port authority on my way to the WTC for a SEC certification class.

:eek: :eek: :eek: Scary.

09-11-2003, 06:27 AM
I was in my history class listening watching other people present their projects. Then one of the teachers down the hall came in and told us. We put it on the TV for about 30 minutes, enough time to see the next plane hit. But then our superintendent called the principal and said we weren't allowed to watch it. I missed everything else that happened until I got home at 3.

I hate my superintendent.

09-11-2003, 06:28 AM
i was in school when it happend..and ppl thought the plane was a small plane..but i was like no way.. this is terrorist stuff. everyone lauged at me so i just said.. 'you'll see..'


09-11-2003, 06:30 AM
i was walking into my math class in eighth grade and my teacher had it on and we just watched it the rest of the day, i find it weird how everybody knows eactcaly where they were when this horriable event happened.

9/11/01 Always Remember

Load SM5
09-11-2003, 06:31 AM
I was one the way to work when I heard on the news that there was a fire in one of the towers. 20 minutes after I made it to work I heard it was a plane. The another plane, the the pentagon was on fire. I drove back home to snag my portable TV and brought it back so we could see what was going on. The first tower fell while I was in the car on the way back.

09-11-2003, 06:41 AM
i was on my way to work, and I had the howard stern show on.

he had mentioned that a plane had struck one of the 2 towers. immediately I thought It had to be a joke, but he kept going on about it. i thought to myself.. somebody just got their pilots license and flew their tiny plane into the WTC. seeing how at the time, people crashing their small engined planes seemed to be the thing to do.

I got into work and we had a tv on out back. I was watching the news, and saw as it happened, the second plane hit tower 2..

09-11-2003, 06:43 AM
my brother and i where on the phone
watching/talking about the towers.
we are both firefighters and thought that this was
just another good hi-rise job FDNY had......then the second plane hit.

and when the towers fell.....well as a firefighter you
have different feelings then the rest. no need to explain them if you arnt one you wont understand.

my brother is now a firefighter for FDNY and i will soon be following in the life long dream.

does it hurt when you remember 9-11???

It should, because when it doesnt hurt anymore you will forget! NEVER FORGET.

some times for you to say a prayer or be silent out of respect.
eastern times
8:46 1st plane strikes north tower

9:03 2nd plane strikes south tower

9:59 South tower falls

10:29 North tower falls



09-11-2003, 08:38 AM
I was on Rte 95 South heading towards Derby, CT to get my birth certificate (so I could work at Mohegan Sun). I saw signs that all bridges into New York were closed, but attributed it to traffic or some other mundane problem. I stopped by my uncle's house in Ansonia for a pit stop and to hang out for a while, and my uncle's wife answered the door. The first words out of her mouth were, "They just bombed the WTC. We're watching it downstairs.". The second plane hit while I was still at the door upstairs. Watching the CNN coverage, it was surreal.

09-11-2003, 09:40 AM
I woke at 6am to do my laundry on Sept. 11th, 2001. Had the news on and heard about a small plane hitting the first tower. Thought it was a minor accident and that it'll get put out (the fire) and rebuilt so all will be good at the WTC. Then the news showed the second tower being ablaze and thought it was no longer an accident. They were speculating as to how a second fire started and the possibility that the fire somehow "jumped" from tower-to-tower via the mechanical systems. I am an architect so I knew it was foulplay. Decided to check out the situation since I live less than 1/2 mile away from the site. Was 8 city blocks away looking at the tower, turned away to walk to work (very late) and heard screams. Turned in time to see the first of the two towers collapse from less than a 1/4 mile away. I just knew enough to get away, but realized I was walking towards another target (the Empire State Building.) Got to the office and missed the second tower go down since it was still standing when I went into my office building. Got to the roof, where the whole office was watching the fires and they all witnessed the second tower fall.

Most people left the office immediately to get to their homes. I sat at work watching the news to find out more and found out that afternoon I couldn't go home. My home was in the zone that was cordonned off. I was homeless for three days while they implemented security measures. 3 months later I was still showing ID to get home.

Obviously, my experience was nothing like that of the men and women at the site or arrived later to help. I only had to live with the minor angst of going to a grocery store two blocks from the site for my food and living in a military zone with constant reminders of 9/11 for a year. Sirens, smells of torches cutting metal, the dust of pulverized concrete filled the air for many months and I lived with shut windows and air purifiers to this day.

This was my 9/11 experience.

i like tictacs
09-11-2003, 10:09 AM
I was at school, in a theology class when we heard about the first plane hitting. i had alot of free time next, so i just watched tv in the gym for a hour or two, i saw both the towers collapse, scary ****. everyone was saying how it was a cessna or something.

09-11-2003, 10:16 AM
I had just got home from work and was checking my email, for some reason my cable internet went dead. A few seconds later my FD pager starts going nuts, our dispatch is the same as FDNY citywide.

At that point I started watching the news and got all of my scanners running, saw the second plane hit on tv. By then all the new york citywide radios were going psycho, as sick as it might sound I did end up recording some to my pc, some of the most upsetting, depressing(sp), and tear jerking stuff I have ever heard.

Soon after the first tower went down a friend and I went to atlantic highlands with our local first aid to help anybody that came over. That's when it sunk in, how bad it really was, the boats werre only bringing small amounts of people back and none of them were hurt, we all sat there, over 50 first aid squads and nobody to help.

After that I am sad to say I went home and went to sleep, being that I work nights I was to tired on top of being shocked, stunned, or whatever else that could be inserted here to be of any good.

09-11-2003, 01:17 PM
I was in class at the time it happened and went to the gym afterwards, they had a TV in the gym and there were tons of people around it. By that time the second plane just hit and we watched the rest of it unfold on TV.

09-11-2003, 01:28 PM
I can remember exactly what I was doing on that day. I was driving home from my university to go home and see my father in the hospital for he just had another stroke. As I topped a hill, something started to bleed through the radio station that I was listening to. All I heard was, something about a plane flying into the WTC. At that time I thought it was just an accident (like the one flying into the empire state building). Then all of a sudden I hear the announcer say another one has collided into the towers. I immediately had to pull over and sit for a while and try and conjure up what has exactly happened. As I was sitting there I noticed a trend starting to happen, where once only I stood, now stood over 20 cars. As soon as I heard that the second tower fell, I looked over my shoulder and saw 20 cars, all doing exactly what I was doing, we all had the same look on our faces. Then I had to get it together and drive 4 more hours home.

That day is especially sad for me, for not only did 2000 people die; I also had to face losing my father as well.

09-11-2003, 01:49 PM
Just woken up. Sitting in my room on my computer. My landlord comes up the stairs and says "A plane just hit the world trade center". I barely remembered what the WTC was.

I sat there with two of my roommates and my landlord and watched it all for a couple of hours. Feeling all the strange emotions pour through me that I guess you feel when you realize your country just got attacked, and the feelings you feel when you watch others suffering, and sacrificing.

09-11-2003, 01:49 PM
I was in school getting school pictures taken (8th grade). A few people started talking about how the towers were on fire, and there were plenty of rumors going around (lighning strike, bombing, arson, aliens, etc), and the whole thing was taken more as a joke than anything else. When I got home I turned on the tube and watched it until about 2 am. The reality of the situation, about all the people who lost their lives, didn't sink in until a few days afterwards.

09-11-2003, 03:35 PM
I was in my second hour English class. I joined in just after the second plane hit. Watched it the rest of the day.

09-11-2003, 03:45 PM
I was going to buy books for class, and saw it on TV going through the student union. I watched the second plane hit, and the buildings as they were falling. Everyone was glued to the TV. I thought to myself... Oh my God, this is actually happening. Then I starting thinking about Russian nuclear weapons that are unaccounted for, and stuff like that. Tom Clancy stuff you know. :p

09-11-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Collegeboy
That day is especially sad for me, for not only did 2000 people die; I also had to face losing my father as well.

That's a very rough thing to have to go through. A national tragedy AND a personal tragedy in the same 24 hours.

09-11-2003, 04:21 PM
I was sleeping and my mom woke me up.. I was homeschooled.. ;)

09-11-2003, 05:31 PM
i was in freshman english class. I had no idea untill 9:30 when i got to "lunch"

09-11-2003, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

That's a very rough thing to have to go through. A national tragedy AND a personal tragedy in the same 24 hours.

I am sorry I should have rephrased it. He almost died, but didn't. I should have added this in, almost losing my father.

09-11-2003, 05:37 PM
I was sitting in 2nd period, singing my teacher happy birthday, when another teacher ran in and turned on our tv. We didnt know what she was doing at first, but it didnt take us long to figure it out....

09-11-2003, 05:57 PM
I was in my calculus recitation. The grad TA teaching the class got a call on his cell phone, from his mom who worked in the wtc. She was in the first building that got hit, and was outside at this point. She called her son and while she was on the phone the second plane hit. Class just sort of ended then. Luckily she was ok. I went back to my room and played video games. Even when I heard that the towers fell, I really had no idea how big of a thing it was. Classes were cancelled, and I just went about my day. People were running around the dorm in tears because they lived right near it, or their family worked there. It took a few days for me to actually realize what had happened. Then I was like, holy crap.

09-11-2003, 05:58 PM
I was in shop class.

Spray Painter
09-11-2003, 06:20 PM
i was on my way to school, i heard on the radio that a "little" plane had hit the WTC so i didn't think much of it, then later when i got to school i saw what acually happed on the tv

09-11-2003, 06:39 PM
i was at school, 3rd period apporximately, we got called to the auditoirum and todl what happened, they gave us very little insight and we didnt; watch it on tv, i thoguth soem dumb butt flew into the wtc big deal, hten peopel started gettign pulled out of class, i got home and realized what had gone on:(

09-11-2003, 08:07 PM
i was at work loading my package cars when one of my drivers came in and told me a plane crashed into one of the towers. i dismissed it as a wayward cessna and didnt think much about it until i got in the car. i listen to sports radio so when i turned it on to hear peter jennings voice and not the normal hosts i thought this was slightly more serious. i had driven all the way to the mall that i deliver at and i had grown more and more confused by the reports i was hearing. peter jennings was on tv so he was not being as descriptive for the radio listener and in my head this was still a cessna. i called my wife and had her turn on the tv to tell me (also so she could call her sister who lives just south of where the towers were) and she gave me the awful truth of it. i heard peter tell me i just didnt want to belive him. watching the rest from radio shack just made me sick to my stomach and i had a really hard time working that day. we didnt find out about my wifes sister until 10:30 that night.

i just watched the hbo memorial and for the first time my son (who is 3) could understand something horrible was happening on the tv. a horrible day that none of us should ever forget. the 12 hours we went without knowing the status of our loved one was gut wrenching, but we got a phone call from her. thousands of americans never got that phone call. we cannot forget that.