View Full Version : Re-live your childhood .... :) they're back ....

09-11-2003, 07:58 AM
For those who havent heard, they (topps) are bringing back the Garbage Pail kids :) ...

Time for some childhood re-living ...



09-11-2003, 08:18 AM
lopxtc....how old were you when these were popular. you've gotta be right around the same age as me because half the stuff you post, I'm right there with you on.

As for GPK...I still have a bunch from when I was in 5-6 grade.

They ruled. I think parents hated them though.

I'm gonna have to go dig up my old ones now.

09-11-2003, 08:21 AM
sweet, i was cruising around toysrus the other day(my bussiness not yours lol) and i came across starscream, the evinl decepticon jet, yeah the old one, and then i saw prowl, and various other transformers, in all their old glory repackaged in a comeritave(sp) box, i was so close to taking star scream hoime to stand opn my computer, then i saw what they wanted for him 32.99, all of the old 8$ transformers were 32.99....but then i noticed something else all the new transfomers come with these little robots wich i belive may be like pokemon, only they said you have to COLLECT them all...i dont get it, the only little transformers i want are the ones that came with the purple radio decepticon,shockwave/soundwave....whatever, but yeah garbagepail kids, yeah the were the shiz:D

09-11-2003, 08:50 AM
Yeah I was born in 75 also ... October. I remember being out in San Diego then and trying to hid these things from my parents LOL ... would skip lunch at school to go and buy packs of these cards on the walk home.


Originally posted by beam
lopxtc....how old were you when these were popular. you've gotta be right around the same age as me because half the stuff you post, I'm right there with you on.

As for GPK...I still have a bunch from when I was in 5-6 grade.

They ruled. I think parents hated them though.

I'm gonna have to go dig up my old ones now.

09-11-2003, 09:16 AM
Dude that hilarious, but gross.:)

09-11-2003, 09:37 AM
Ah yes...there is this thing called a profile. I guess I shoulda just looked at yours to find your age. hahaha.

Now I'm all excited to go dig up my old cards.

BTW...did you live in St. Louis in highschool? If so, which school did you go to. I dated a girl who went to Pattonville when I was a freshman/sophomore.

09-11-2003, 09:45 AM
LOL You sound like your from STL ... thats the first question any native asks another "Where did you goto HS?" ...

Yeah I know Pattonville ... I went to Parkway South myself.


Originally posted by beam
BTW...did you live in St. Louis in highschool? If so, which school did you go to. I dated a girl who went to Pattonville when I was a freshman/sophomore.

09-11-2003, 10:07 AM
i was cleaning out my garage and found a bunch of old garbage pail kids, and my old garbage pail kids card album/book. my boyfriend almost pooped in his pants when he saw them.

09-11-2003, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by lopxtc
LOL You sound like your from STL ... thats the first question any native asks another "Where did you goto HS?" ...

Yeah I know Pattonville ... I went to Parkway South myself.


Well, actually, I'm not from STL. :( She was from Iowa and moved down there.

Graycie...I'll trade you an Armpit Britt for a Joan Clone. :D haha