View Full Version : SP patent, another view

09-11-2003, 01:34 PM
Hey I know y'all are sick and tired of hearing about this now, but I was thinking.

Hypothetically say that SP's got the courts on their side against all paintball makers.

Could the paintball makers, say, make an incomplete gun to be assembled by the user?

Kinda like how Presto-Packs (Even though I don't smoke, canadian smokers know what I'm talking about) fall into the category of non-assembled free-tabacco, hence being able to escape the full tax of a fully assembled cigarette.

Also kinda how certain chemical components are legal, but you can't sell it put together in a special mix.

Meaning, SP has a copyright on the WHOLE gun, but does this mean electronic frame makers also fall into the category? If not then, a company could sell their WHOLE gun by selling the main part of the gun, and as a special deal "give" them an electronic frame, seperatly to be assembled by the user at his discretion.

Or you can even go further to sell them to dealers in pieces (solenoid, frame, grip frame, etc...) and then the dealers could put them together and sell it? Kinda how computer dealers get parts from different sources and put it together to sell it?

Anyways, my 2 cents.

-John Cho

09-11-2003, 02:11 PM
Simply put... no. That idea has already been discussed and shot down. :)