View Full Version : There I was all relaxed....

09-11-2003, 07:20 PM
Well just as others share their drive by incidents here's one for you that only just happened to me. As a few who read some of my more flipant posts will realise I am in England..you know the one where the police shout "stop or I'll shout stop again"...we don't have armed police other than special response units. Anyhow, there I am all settled down watching TV when I hear a crash and then a huge bang. I rushed out side expecting to hear moans of someone who has fallen through the roof of a garage next to my house but not so lucky there is a Transit (panel van) on fire outside my house, half the windows on the other side of the road as that was the bang as they had been blown out. The Transit is used by a group of immigrants to my country to go to some kind of work every day and due to parking restrictions in the street they live they park the Transit outside my house overnight. Now no political conclusions should be made however this kind of thing doesn't happen amongst the people that live in my area...we are not that kind of town, sure there are criminals in all towns but not of an obvious nature where I live. So this firebomb attack can only be a grudge or something to do with work. Damned scary as I had to move my car as I was worried that the petrol tank of the transit may have exploded..turns out it was a diesel but I didn't know that at the time. Bloody emergency service centre was like no help all they wanted to do was repeat my number to another switchboard operator as I wanted to move my car before any further damage happened...I ended up giving the info they needed and then hung up, police called me about 15 minutes later to confirm what I had said was correct..still took the fire truck 25 minutes to get to the fire, the fire station is 10 minutes in traffic away during the day but at this time of night way less. The police have found that they don't have a registered owner for the Transit so someone is in for a shock this morning at 6.30 when they come around the corner to go to work. Ok report over just had to put it down in words while it was still fresh in my mind, I did think about pics but as I was more taken by all the flames I only have the aftermath.

09-11-2003, 07:25 PM
sound like u had a fun time visiting belfast LOL:D

09-11-2003, 07:26 PM
Wow it is a good thing that Transit was in front of your house to catch that Molatov Cocktail meant for your house by your stalker. I guess you owe those guys some beer, eh?;) :p

Al least no one was injured. Only death is permenant, everything else can be fixed!

09-11-2003, 07:40 PM
No not Belfast although that does still happen from time to time though it tends to be restricted to shootings. this attack was directed at the vehicle/owners. The culture from where the owners come from is one of "you kick me, I cut you". so as I said in my first post it was either a grudge or something to do with that the group who use the vehicle are working. there is a great dislike of the immigrants coming into my country but only against those that take the handouts and don't work. This, although of course just my idea is that someone of the same nationality did it.

09-11-2003, 08:00 PM
Your emergency response sounds pretty crappy. If someone blown up a vehicle here there would be Swat helecoptored in on it while the police and FBI speed to the scene.

09-12-2003, 02:14 AM
And I htought the worst thing they had in England was ... drive-by arguments...

09-12-2003, 02:34 AM
in our city this was this hobo guy with a big stick and they got 7 police cars to arrest him! 7! If he had a spoon they probably would have called swat