View Full Version : RTP Upgrades

09-11-2003, 08:58 PM
I've finally gotten sick of the fact that RTP is almost two feet tall, so I'm considering a new body. While the ULE bodies are nice and everything, I dont have a Cocker barrel on hand, and I don't really want to go and buy one, not to mention that I'm one of the people that like the Twist-Lock barrel design.

So, I'm fairly sure that I'm going to be purchasing a Centerfeed No-Rise body in the near future, but seeing as how the loader sits almost directly on the bolt, I'm going to need to do something to prevent breaks in long strings.

Either I go and buy the Level 10 modification, or I dont and go buy myself a HALO. While I'm actually pretty good at tinkering with things, I dont really want to fool around with Level 10 to get it working right, but a HALO costs more, so there in lies the problem. What would your suggestions be? Does anyone happen to be selling a body, Level 10, or possibly a HALO?

(btw - I dont want to buy a centerfeed mag barrel either (yes, I am cheap) so I wonder, can a use a drill-press and make the dent in the center channel of the "T" shape a little deeper and make the barrel work? Let me know if anyone's done this before)

09-11-2003, 09:16 PM
Level 10 is the best upgrade I have ever purchased. Hope that helps ;)

09-11-2003, 09:26 PM
Do you have PF or CF now? If you already have the CF, AGD_Jon I believe was doing CF modded to low rise/no rise a while back. If its black it will look a tad ghetto around the weld.
Just adding another potential option that would be cheaper, if still available.
Level 10 is still the best investment regardless.