View Full Version : Stack tube blow back electro w/ eye

09-12-2003, 04:50 AM
Well it was bound to happen eventually. The first electro spyder clone w/ anti chop eye has hit the market (insert intimadator joke here). Heres the link (hopefully it will work). http://dragunempire.com/products_detail.php?id=9
If not its the T.E.S. sniper. Theres a video there too. Its not to bad actually. Good price too. Might have to get ahold of one and find out.

09-12-2003, 05:34 AM
Is it me, or does the center part of that "3D milled" body look like a chord? It's ok, but in my book its still a spyder.


09-12-2003, 05:46 AM
it is still a spyder

09-12-2003, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by spydervenom
it is still a spyder

the the x-mag is still a mag... your point? I mean the xmag compared to the classic mag is leaps and bounds over it, such as an electronic spyder with eye is leaps and bounds better then the crappiest one they make :)

09-12-2003, 11:32 AM
Putting any eye on an electro spyder will solve one of their biggest problems. ei. their tendency to turn into blenders at too high a rate of fire.

I think it's a great idea and I don't understand why it's taken so long to happen.

Jack & Coke
09-12-2003, 11:49 AM
Could this possibly could be the BEST gun for $325.00?

Looks like a great entry-level tourny gun...

09-12-2003, 02:17 PM
Hey jack i'll buy that Tunamax off you for $400.

You could get that Spyder and have a little left over for paint.

09-12-2003, 03:19 PM
i dont know what u guys are talking about, my buddy has a flash, and the only thing on there that is stock is the body. im talking every other part on that gun is an aftermarket part. then he threw an egg 2 with y board. he never chops, hes consistent over the chrono, its accurate, and he can rip that thing like u wouldnt believe.

Jack & Coke
09-12-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by AlabamaMan

Hey jack i'll buy that Tunamax off you for $400...


09-12-2003, 03:27 PM
They don't chop much cuz they cap them at 13 a second (at least the 2 electro spyders my neighbor has had)and he's using a good feed system. They still are able to, and do sometimes.

A good marker should not chop paint no matter what, whether through an eye, or being able to pinch paint (both would be best). Personally that is the most important thing to me. Having to squegee takes time to do, and takes your eyes and concentration away from the field. And if you don't squegee then you can't hit anything.

09-12-2003, 03:49 PM
The draguns are either 10 or 20 bps. the TES is 20bps. :-) KINGMAN's guns are all at 13 bps.

This isn't kingman material ;-)

09-12-2003, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by taylor492
i dont know what u guys are talking about, my buddy has a flash, and the only thing on there that is stock is the body. im talking every other part on that gun is an aftermarket part. then he threw an egg 2 with y board. he never chops, hes consistent over the chrono, its accurate, and he can rip that thing like u wouldnt believe.

so he has to dump a ton of cash into it to get it to work. should of just bought a used angel

09-12-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by nerobro
The draguns are either 10 or 20 bps. the TES is 20bps. :-) KINGMAN's guns are all at 13 bps.

This isn't kingman material ;-)

Yeah, but he was talking about spyders.

And hopefully this will be better than kingman material too;)

09-12-2003, 05:21 PM
why would he do that when what hes got works almost as good, besides hes strictly rec.

09-12-2003, 05:28 PM
that was a pretty long trigger pull at the end. the guys voice made me laugh too haha

09-12-2003, 05:51 PM
guys, its not a spyder, its a tactical electronic sniper. sounds pretty extreme:rolleyes:

09-12-2003, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
Could this possibly could be the BEST gun for $325.00?

Looks like a great entry-level tourny gun...

the BKO is a lot better than any spyder clone... It is the best in the $325 price range. Plus you can get a BKO for $270 + SP Mod (anti-chop mod) $50 = $320

lol next_guy...

09-12-2003, 05:58 PM
Nice hand :D

We had a good conversation.

09-12-2003, 08:11 PM
The TES has a very sweet trigger frame. That and the milling are really the main things that set it apart from any other stack tubed blowback marker. The Anti-Chop Eye is an improvement, but an inexpensive modification to current Spyders. I look forward to seeing some TES's. I wouldn't spend $325 though. But I'm the kind of guy that values parts as being very cheap (buying new E99 for $15).

09-12-2003, 09:56 PM
Interesting they use the word "Empire" along with Dragun now.

Considering that Empire is a trademarked brand name in paintball from a company that has the resources to enforce it, that sounds like poking a sleeping dragon.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

09-13-2003, 05:52 AM
nahhh, that would be like Tom sueing Bud Orr because they both have "auto" in their gun names. Besides not like you could mistake the 2 companies. As long as Dragun doesnt go overboard with it there shouldnt be a problem.

09-13-2003, 08:51 AM
i dont know if its the "best for under 330" because all of the electro blowbacks i have encountered (kingman, m3, ect.)have baaaaaaaaaad problems with recocking, chopping (even with eggyII's) ect. I would be a little shaky.

09-13-2003, 08:53 AM
interesting that kingman has "international" behind their name which is just National with an "inter" prefix...

09-13-2003, 10:28 AM
i think that is cool and a good entry level tourney gun bad company should switch to these

09-13-2003, 11:27 AM
bad company can't switch or else they lose all of their sponsorships and money.
but i am sure they will have antichop eye'd spyders before next season is out.

09-13-2003, 11:29 AM
I love the video of it in aciton they have haha dumped a lot of paint there

09-13-2003, 02:07 PM
I think its a great gun for its price, i have seen them for $275. I'm gonna pick one up as a backup/loaner soon.