View Full Version : Mango, It is a small world isn't it!

09-12-2003, 09:53 AM
Hey JT,

Now I get your Rowan Comment! It is a really small world! I can't believe you are in a class with my business specialist, Tanya! LOL. DOn't give her any info that might embarase me. She thinks I am a monster PBalla! ;)

Just don't bunker her! She is right by the way. You really should come out to one of my classes!!!;)

09-12-2003, 10:17 AM
He's looking for some "inside info."

Come on. Hook the officer up! :D He's got the cuffs. He's just waiting to use them. ;)

09-12-2003, 11:13 AM
HAH! Yeah last night was pretty funny, after talking to her she mentioned she worked at Fleet and I said that I knew you. :) Pretty cool huh?

Yeah I definetly want to come out to one of your classes though. When is your next one?

BTW: if you need any part time help lemme know, I'm going to need a job soon LOL!

09-12-2003, 11:20 AM
We are always hiring. You have my card, call me! HR is in my building.

I am hosting a class next Wednesday on writing a Small Business Plan. Tanya will actually be representing me at it. I will be at the Riversharks for a birthday party that night. I teach more on the Financing a Start Up business aspect.

I think the next seminar I teach is in Oct/Nov. You want to attend, you can be my guest. I'll comp you for the class.

We ought to get together at Down on Mainstreet one night when you are in class. Best wings in Glassboro!;)

09-12-2003, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
BTW: if you need any part time help lemme know, I'm going to need a job soon LOL!

Best part is, I'll pay for you to go to school!:D