View Full Version : Fair price for a ..............

09-12-2003, 10:00 AM
Okay was afraid to put the manufacturer of the marker (BE) in the title. However I have an opportunity to acquire a BE nightmare (if you don't know what it is please don't add any typical BE joke oh wait I'm being redundant). I was just wonder what I should offer the person for it.

09-12-2003, 11:29 AM
Dude. . .. I Would LOVE to have a brass eagle nightmare.

For any that don't know, the B.E. nightmare was one of the early paintball guns- - - completely stock class. Ive seen one in person, and i would definitly like to own one for the occasional stock game, and additionally just for the heck of it.

No idea on the current value, though. Sorry.


09-12-2003, 05:11 PM
If i could get one cheap i'd jump on it as a collectable. For serious stock class play i'd probably go with a phantom though.

09-12-2003, 05:15 PM
Nightmares arent bad - I have two - an SB and LB comp.

Its hard to judge value - Id say $50-$75 for an average shaped one. Id say around $100+ if its in real real good shape as far as collectors go.

Its not a great gun compared to moddern markers. A used phantom, sniper, or a Trracer with a good barrel would peform better and the seals are more avialable.

OH and I think most all nightmares were techncaill Direct feed - though some took just 12 grams. I imaging there were SC varients though.