View Full Version : a paintball conversation prose

09-12-2003, 09:13 PM
i wrote this in the matter of 10 minutes, it came to me in a dream(not really)

new thread same ole pome, betetr title(tahnx carnifex)

everything passes through your mind,
your doubts
your fears,
your hands are clammy,
you got the chills and shakes all over you body,
your gameplan is reminded
it is a echo in your ear
you hear over and over again, you hear the 10 seconds warning, butterflys appear in your stomach, you get a quick cold, sweat on you, you look for your bunker to go to, grip up and dig down
it all comes down to this...
all your doubts disappear it all comes together
all your team mates run to your pre-assigned bunkers.
all of your tea mates run like clock work, it's automatic
you run for your bunker
you dive by behind the cover you hear the roar of the crowd
the noise of over 100 paintballs flyign thru the air into bunkers you turn and start snap shootign it's all automatic..it"s what i live for


09-12-2003, 10:32 PM
Three, Two, One,
10 Seconds...

Hoppers on
Markers ready

Heart Thumping
Blood Pumping

Mind raceing
Fingers pacing

it all stops


I wrote that one, not near as long though

09-12-2003, 10:55 PM
Closed-bolt Soliloquy by Miscue -

I have an elf, installed myself
He helps me shoot real far

He rides my bolt, provides a jolt
Why is this thought bizarre?

Supplied to me, by WGP
He came with my new gun

I'd like Budd Orr, to raise some more
Give two instead of one!


09-13-2003, 07:29 AM
lol nice miscue