View Full Version : Serious Burnout

09-13-2003, 02:47 AM
Oh man, I'm feeling depressed. Since school started, I have had to quit my job, thus ending my steady flow of cash. Upon looking at everything I plan on doing for the rest of the year, I realized tournaments weren't a very realistic option, and my team can never seem to get their crap together. The last time I played was three weeks ago, it just seems like there's so much else to do right now.

I do have a ton of money I had saved up over the Summer for a new gun. However, since tourneys aren't a realistic option right now, I think I'll get something other than an E-Mag or a Viking. I was thinking of building a ULE Mag or maybe a Powerlyte Hybrid (I would get the kit, and set it up with a slider). Since I'm still interested in playing, I'll be playing rec for the time being (maybe 2 or 3 times a month). I could always use the extra money to make sure I'll always have some to play with, and plus there are things other than paintball I'd like to spend it on as well.

School just fouled everything up :mad:, and I felt like venting my frustration (sorry).

09-13-2003, 02:52 AM
i know JUST how you feel :) same thing that goes on with me after the summer every semester of college

09-13-2003, 08:13 AM
you think that is bad? try going to collage 18 credits a week and working a full and part time job. THAT'S when you wonder how you ever heard about paintball since you can't even keep up with the news any more!

Anyway, I just wanna tell you to hang in there!! It'll all be worth it in the end. And paintball will be here next summer again too, it's not going anywhere! press-on!

09-13-2003, 08:36 AM
yeah, similar to my situation.

i had two jobs over the summer...farming and mowing. i have an extreme hatred towards mowing so i'm trying to quit that gayness since it sucks up a full day for only 30 bux minus gas money so 20-25 bux.

and my dad's trying to force me into quitting farm work even though it pays better, more hours and less gay. so that i can work for free at home.

therefore i have no weekend :P
i feel for ya

09-13-2003, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Heat
you think that is bad? try going to collage 18 credits a week and working a full and part time job. THAT'S when you wonder how you ever heard about paintball since you can't even keep up with the news any more!

Anyway, I just wanna tell you to hang in there!! It'll all be worth it in the end. And paintball will be here next summer again too, it's not going anywhere! press-on!

I did 15 credits and 60 hours a week my first year in college... I will NEVER do that again unless I am forced to... now its 14credits (and summer classes) and about 20-30 h/w

09-13-2003, 11:37 AM
yeah, i'm in college right now, 12 credits a week, and working 40 hours a week. luckily i get *some* time off from both to sit on AO, but playing is pretty much out.

09-13-2003, 11:58 AM
I just hang the mag up in the winter so I can concentrate on my other love, snowboarding. I noticed you live near SLC, and the snowboarding there is tha shizz, you should totally pick it up for the winter, if just for a change of pace.

09-13-2003, 03:11 PM
also know the feeling...

right now I've got 17 credits of grad-level classes, including a thesis design studio...

I'm gonna have to pick up some sort of part time job...

and to top it off i still live at home, which is 20 minutes away from school...:rolleyes:

best part is, after Castle Conquest I'm not gonna be playing paintball for a long... long... time... :( well, at least until i graduate in may...


09-13-2003, 03:22 PM
I don't think Ov3minds issue is really "burnout" , but more of a matter of available time and financial resources. Heck, I was burnt out from playing over 3 years ago but still continued to play for 2 more years. I finally had enough and I haven't played for over a year now.

School shouldn't be where you are pointing the finger at for blame, I know I'm going to sound old for saying this but it is as important as your parents would say it is. You may not think of it like that now, but in the long run it will benefit you. I'm finally going back to College full time to finally finish out my undergrad, along with working 25-30 hours a week to stay on top of bills, and trying to keep up on the home improvement projects, playing paintball is the farthest thing from my mind.

09-13-2003, 03:36 PM
I know how ya feel, but school just takes up all my time. During the week, i have one day to my self without me having to go any were or anything.

09-13-2003, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by graycie
School shouldn't be where you are pointing the finger at for blame, I know I'm going to sound old for saying this but it is as important as your parents would say it is. You may not think of it like that now, but in the long run it will benefit you. I'm finally going back to College full time to finally finish out my undergrad, along with working 25-30 hours a week to stay on top of bills, and trying to keep up on the home improvement projects, playing paintball is the farthest thing from my mind.
Oh, I realize school is important. The main reason I quit my job is so I could concentrate solely on my education. I'm just mad it has put me in this situation.

Anyway, thanks for the replys, makes me realize I don't have it as bad off as many other people. einhander619, I may look into it.

09-13-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by graycie
I don't think Ov3minds issue is really "burnout" , but more of a matter of available time and financial resources. Heck, I was burnt out from playing over 3 years ago but still continued to play for 2 more years. I finally had enough and I haven't played for over a year now.

School shouldn't be where you are pointing the finger at for blame, I know I'm going to sound old for saying this but it is as important as your parents would say it is. You may not think of it like that now, but in the long run it will benefit you. I'm finally going back to College full time to finally finish out my undergrad, along with working 25-30 hours a week to stay on top of bills, and trying to keep up on the home improvement projects, playing paintball is the farthest thing from my mind. Well Graycie we sure do miss ya!;) :D