View Full Version : minimag air leak

A5 Capo
09-13-2003, 12:45 PM
i'm using a minimag with retro valve, and i recently have been having a problem with an air leak (running nitro--def not co2). when i turn the air on (on/off asa), the air seems to hiss through the space between the valve body and the body of the gun (see red arrow below). however, sometimes the air also seems the come through the sear opening in the trigger frame (benchmark 2x) just behind the trigger (see red arrow below). please help me out ASAP, as i don't know where to start, and i don't want to mess or play with it and possibly make it worse. thanks.

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09-13-2003, 01:23 PM
check the area between the valve and the body you may have to loctite it or just turn the 90* adapter a few more degrees to tighten the screw to seal it, or tfe (tefelon tape) on the thread try to tighten the screw on the top of your trigger it shouldnt be leaking there cause thats like the twist lock pin and air isnt situated there, oil your barrel orings. basicly just oil your gun and try from there

A5 Capo
09-13-2003, 06:00 PM
i don't want to loctite the valve to the body because then i can't take it out. i already warpped teflon tape around all air connections and tightened them as far as they'll go. i have not yet tried oiling everything...i'll try that next. i hope it works. thx for the advice, smurf.

09-13-2003, 07:45 PM
Try opening the valve and check your Regulator Valve Pin Assembly for gunk. You might need to replace this. I had this same problem. If your not sure what this piece is or what it looks like go to www.airgun.com and look for the ReTro valve blow up picture.