View Full Version : Computer help....please

09-13-2003, 07:38 PM
My computer is wack. Its a 1.8 processor, but it lags so much. A message pops up and says that i am low on virtual memory. I had over 100 videos and kazaa, but i deleted alot of videos and kazaa. It does this and it feels like im on a machine from the stoneage, and 56k internet, becuase i have cable. The other computer doesnt lag, and it is off the router. I have 256 mb ram, any ideas? I have to restart the computer often to get it to stop lagging

09-13-2003, 08:10 PM
hmmm.......sounds like spyware!! go to www.download.com and look for ad-aware. install, and run.

also, go to start: run: msconfig go over to the start up tab, and see how many programs are listed there. if there are a bajillion listed, that would be part of the problem.

09-13-2003, 08:10 PM
defrag, and rin a virus scan.

How big is the HDD? How much space is free? What OS? What do you have your Paging File(virtual memory) set to?

You have to give a little more info than your processor, and internet...

Edit: Spybot Search & Destroy is better than Ad-Aware IMO. And if you don't already, use Kazaa Lite (http://klite.tk/) instead of Kazaa

09-13-2003, 08:50 PM
Had kazaa lite, got rid of it. Downloaded Search and destroy and ran it. I dont know about the virtual memory file...haven't touched it. 14gb used, 70gb hard drive. Xp, ran a virus scan, didn't find anything, I have a firewall also. Its just pustin along......still same speed after i got rid of all the spyware.

09-13-2003, 09:42 PM
When your running all your programs and doo-daa, How much memory is being used?

09-13-2003, 10:07 PM
it says 25-45% when nothing is running. When i launch ie it goes up to around 80 or 90...

09-14-2003, 02:47 AM
www.lavasoft.com (http://www.lavasoft.com)

download ad-aware and run it and it should solve all your problems.

Shame on you and your internet porn!! lol j/k

09-14-2003, 08:15 AM
Control Panel - System - Advanced tab - Performance - Advanced tab - In the virtual memory settings use "system managed file"

If youre running xp do the previous things but instead of using system managed file crank it up to double the recommemnded amount (or use 1gig, you have a 80gig hard drive don't be cheap!)

Low virtual memory CAN be the fault of viruses but I'm a big power user and I got it all the time before I double the recommended ammount... windows xp + photoshop + dreamweaver + flash + kazaa + trillian= better have a powerful computer (yes I run all those at the same time loading them is way too long when I need to do small stuff from photoshop that goes into flash and dreamweaver)

09-14-2003, 10:05 AM
try resetting the router, sometimes that helps

09-14-2003, 10:55 AM
Format your hard drive ;)
Seriousally though, sometimes its best to just back up all the really important files (except the porn, I know its hard but sometimes you just have to leave things behind, its for the better :p) and just start over. Boot from the XP disk and format your hard drive, and reinstall it. Your computer will defentally run smooth after that. And stay away from Kazaa

09-14-2003, 02:54 PM
I have a burner. How do i burn all my files to a cd, if i use windows media to burn music? I've never burned files. We were thinking about reloading windows..

09-14-2003, 02:56 PM
You gotta get a program that will do it, like EZ cd creator, Nero Burning rom, or sometihng.. check out download.com and browse arouind for data cd burning software or something like that. You should be able to find a free trial.