View Full Version : boards capped

09-14-2003, 09:14 PM
i would like to know why companies capp boards. wouldnt they want there gun to shoot faster than any other out there? :confused:

Spray Painter
09-14-2003, 09:20 PM
probably so you you can't shoot fast enough to make it into a paint blender, and so they can sell you an "upgraded" board for $200 that has a cap of 5 BPS higher than the stock one;)

09-14-2003, 09:23 PM
ya i guess but like they say the emag can go like 20 bps without shoot down but they capp it at 13, im like wtf

Nick O time
09-14-2003, 09:33 PM
its also for safety reasons too. so you don't overshoot as much.

09-14-2003, 09:35 PM
imagine how much $$$ you would spend on paint if you shot 25bps all the time!:eek:
but thats not the reason

09-14-2003, 09:38 PM
The reason why some older electros were capped at 13bps is because there was a gentleman’s agreement between the manufacturers to cap the guns at 13bps. Some did, many didn't so that's why you see higher caps now. The reason why lots of guns are capped around 16bps is because for a long time you could not feed any faster, there for you would chop paint left and right. As you see, most of the new guns coming out are capped at 20bps or higher (some as high as 50bps). 20bps is plenty fast for anyone.

adam shannon
09-14-2003, 09:39 PM
you may have really old software, agd will upgrade it for free. my sfl is capped at 24 and my x is capped at 20.

but the answer to your question is that nobody can really shoot that fast...66bps on the was board, and no hopper can feed it.

so the moral is if your a foolish little kid its cool to be able to talk smack that your board is that fast because your finger and hopper will never be. if every bling bling punk learned how to play not just pose and talk smack there wouldnt need to be any boards needlessly capped at stupid high and unachievable rates.

and yeah im on a rant after my weekly dose of playing with spoiled little kids that like to talk smack to cover the fact they cant play.