View Full Version : RTPro gas up and shooting problem

09-15-2003, 07:47 AM
Hey everyone, I did a search for this problem and couldn't come up with the solution, so I thought I would ask.

My RTPro (68 3k Flatline tank) has recently started to do a strange thing. When gassed up, 75% of the time it won't "click" on. You can pull the trigger and feel resistance, but it won't cycle the gun. Sometimes there is a delay and maybe 20 seconds later it will arm, other times it won't. To get the gun to arm I de-gas it, remove the valve and remove and replace the On/Off assembly. The gun seems to gas up fine after that. I'm not sure if the On/Off is the culprit or not.

The second thing (which might be related to the above problem) is that when I'm cycling paint through it some shots fire normally, others will sputter and throw paint half the distance. I've had this gun for 4 years and I don't believe I'm short stroking. I feel these two things are related.

Any Ideas?


09-15-2003, 09:41 AM
How long has it been since you cleaned and oiled everything?

Also, try holding the trigger down when you gas up.

Lastly, try upping the velocity a pinch and see if that helps you.

09-15-2003, 10:00 AM
Never tried holding the trigger down while gassing up... can give that a try. I would like to figure out why it's happening though.

Gun is oiled before every game, cleaned when necessary. The gun internals seem fine, but I'm just guessing that an O-ring is the culprit somewhere.


09-16-2003, 08:04 AM
Anyone with some more ideas?

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09-16-2003, 02:03 PM
eh It happens to me to with my level 10, im on the shortest spring. Your best bet and easiest would be just to get a straight shot squeegee stick it down the barrel and reset the blot

09-16-2003, 02:38 PM
turn up the velocity and use longer spring with lx

09-16-2003, 02:48 PM
Thanks for the tips guys, but I don't have the level 10 bolt.

Is the click that you hear when you gas up the marker the bolt setting?

09-16-2003, 06:09 PM
more than likely the click you hear is the on/off pin hitting the sear and locking the bolt in.

I had a similar problem and took the on/off pin and orings out and cleaned them really well. then re-installed them with a generous amount of oil. gas up and shoot the extra oil out. haven't had that problem since. with the o-ring tolerances as tight as they are, even a little spec could be hanging the on/off pin up.

another thing to look at. how old is your main spring? take your bolt off(with spring installed on it) and look at how far the spring extends past the end of the bolt. it should be about 1/4" past the end of the bolt. if not, you may need a new mainspring. (not pushing hard enough back on the bolt to reset it.)