View Full Version : E-mag

09-15-2003, 09:02 AM
Just wondering what everyone thinks about E-mags as compared to other top guns (timmy's, matrix, e-cockers, etc). I just got a PTP Micro E-mag and I love this gun, but I find a lot of people who laugh at mags. What do you all think about E-mags / X-mags? I notice that not many pro-teams use mags...and that's a little discouraging. Is that just because AGD doesn't do much sponsoring as far as the pro-teams are concerned. Let me know what you all think?

09-15-2003, 09:16 AM
It's because AGD doesn't go out and shove their marketing down your throat like some other companies do.

People who know, know that mags are good guns. they may not like them for whatever reason, but they do respect them. It's the little kids and new players who sit and bash them. Little do they know that there are still mags out there working, some of which have been working longer than they've been alive.

The Xmag, however, is AGD's comeback kid. I can't tell you how many boards I've gone to where people say they want them. These same people are also surprised to see that the Xmag and the Emag are the same gun.

All it takes is a little information. :)

09-15-2003, 09:23 AM
My e-mag is fast and I love my e-mag. As for comparison's I have shot some Timmys and e-bladed cockers to compare.

Both Timmys I have shot have not had the trigger set up in a way I liked. That is not the guns fault, just personal preference. I had a little trouble shooting quick but once I got a rhythm going it was really easy to hold it. The only other things that I did not like about the Timmies were length and muzzle rise. I've shot a mag since I started playing paintball and the Timmy just feels long. The other thing is that it seems to have muzzle rise at high rates of fire.

The E-Cocker I shot was a dream. The owner has it set up pretty much perfect. It's easy to get a good rhythm and the gun just fits right in my hands. The only downside I can think of to a nicely set-up cocker is the backblock. I can shoot one fine on the range, but whenever I play in a game I repeatedly whack myself with the backblock.

My E-mag is incredibly walkable. I can hold a nice speed forever. I like it for it's compactness and lack of kick. The only real downside I have with my e-mag is efficiency. During team practices I go through more air fills then my teamates who are shooting comparable amounts. The fills are free so it's more of a annoyance thing then anything else.

Will Wood
09-15-2003, 09:48 AM
Mags will probably always be 'dissed' although now it's more of a joke for old times sake, as many people are realizing that Mags aint slow heavy choppers any more.

I had an Angel for a bit.. I didn't like it one bit. I was going to sell it and go back to mechanical.. but something made me go for the E-mag. I would never own something else now. I love it.

They are not too popular though, as stated, AGD doesn't whore their guns out to pro players.

I think there is only 2 people using E-Mags in Maine (I'm one!), and a couple mags, 2 on my team. But my team has been doing well lately, and hopefully people will begin to recognize mags as a force to be recogned with. And the other guy totting a E-Mag (warped) is the captian of his team and is pretty damn good.

09-16-2003, 03:55 PM

I have shot Trixs, Timmys, and cockers(no eblade yet), and would have to say these are all very good markers. I own a EMag because I love the way it feels in my hands and the way it shoots. I didnt really like the twist lock barrel and that is now taken care of with the ULE Body. I too have been laughed at when showing up to new fields with my EMag, but after the first couple games they all want to check it out. My trigger pull is very short with one magnet and spacer set up, it is a dream to walk. It is somewhat heavy, but it doesnt take long to get used to. There is absolutely no kick at all.

I have converted quit a few x-marker owners over to EMags. The maintenance required to keep a EMag running is nothing compared to any of the markers you mentioned. I have never had a break down with the exception of blowing the plastic detent or the foamy out the end of my barrel while ripping.

Try them all then decide. That is the best advice I can give you.