View Full Version : Alto Sax advice

09-15-2003, 09:54 AM
Well, I play alto saxophone and feel that I want to get a new instrument...I Dont think my Conn (dont laugh) is cutting it any more...I would consider myself good, 1st chair, won awards...blah blah blah. So anyways, whats a good, well respected brand that is very quality, but under $1500? Thanks for any help. I can play, but man am I noob when it comes to technical info.

09-15-2003, 11:48 AM
Drive to NYC and head to the music area, I think its 42nd street, or 40 something, ones porn and ones music I always mix them up.

09-15-2003, 12:58 PM
Lol, I only live in arkansas and dont drive. Are the "saxophone" brands any good? www.saxophone.com ... I was looking at the black sax with gold keys for $995

Archangel Kid
09-15-2003, 02:28 PM
i would suggest yamaha very nice instruments

09-15-2003, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Archangel Kid
i would suggest yamaha very nice instruments

My band director said that yamaha was nice, but he wouldnt recommend it for what I really want. I would really like input on "saxophone" brand, as for the price, and the fact I want the uber sexay black with gold keys, it seems nice.

09-15-2003, 06:32 PM
Any input on the saxophone.com brand?? :confused:

09-15-2003, 06:44 PM
i have a alto i dropped it and picked up guitar its a lablanc pretty nice shinny and its got milling to some symbols on it

09-15-2003, 06:50 PM
Don't know what your skill level is or how long you've played, but Yamahas are great beginner instruments. I wouldn't get to fancy with the type of finish, just make sure it's something that is not going to distort the sound. Conn is another great name. I had a Conn Baritone that I loved. Great sound. If you're looking top of the line, Yanas are awesome. Expensive as, well you know. Try looking around on Ebay to see what people are selling and then trying to match prices against dealers in your area.

09-15-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Well, I play alto saxophone and feel that I want to get a new instrument...I Dont think my Conn (dont laugh) is cutting it any more...I would consider myself good, 1st chair, won awards...blah blah blah. So anyways, whats a good, well respected brand that is very quality, but under $1500? Thanks for any help. I can play, but man am I noob when it comes to technical info.

Well, that depends on how much of an interest you have. You're first chair right? First chair what? State? Region? Are you planning on continuing your musical career. Not to say that you're going to be Harvey Pittel, but that you want to continue in a community band or such.

If you plan on continuing, then I would say Selmer Super Action 80. That black and gold sax is a POS. It probably be better just to spray paint your sax black and gold. Not worth the money, the Yamaha would be better. That would be a good horn if you just want to play in high school. But if you want to make an investment, then I would say Selmer.

Look for Ironmag here on the forum. He's a Sax student of Harvey Pittel, so it would be good to talk to him.

Hope this helps.

09-15-2003, 07:17 PM
When I say first chair, just in our band...lol...I wasnt bragging about it, just being a bit humorous :p I have made all-region...technically, but anyways. Im not a begginner, and would consider myself a good player. Nothing amazing, but I wanna ditch my POS conn. If I were looking for the best, personally, I would get a keilmore :p so the www.saxophone.com brand is teh suck? In all honesty, im NOT just looking for a prettier horn, but if im spending the money, why not get a nice looking one? So with that being said, I want one in black.

09-15-2003, 07:20 PM
it seems as though you are set in your opinion and you're not really looking for ours. you're looking for us to say, "okay good choice." not gonna happen. buy what you want it's your money.

09-15-2003, 07:23 PM
I think our band teacher made us use selmer starting out in 6th grade.....and we had to buy them. It was either that or some other good brand, but im not in band anymore.

09-15-2003, 07:25 PM
Drop alto and play Bari, it's better anyways :p

I'd say yamaha or selmer. I couldn't tell you much more than that cause I only played alto for a semester in middle school.

[shamless plug]: if you know anyone who wants/needs a bari c-Star or a cheapo tenor mouthpiece, drop me a line [/shameless plug]

09-15-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by bluefan101
it seems as though you are set in your opinion and you're not really looking for ours. you're looking for us to say, "okay good choice." not gonna happen. buy what you want it's your money.

What are you talking about? I asked about one sax, was told it sucked, and said nevermind...otherwise, nobody has really recommended anything. I am considering everything I have been told to look at... :rolleyes:

Oh, and barry isnt for me :D Im looking at selmers stuff, and am also thinking about just taking the one I have in to have the key put back on (duct tape fixes all) and refinished etc. Would be cheaper.

09-15-2003, 08:44 PM
I was gonna post earlier but didn't have time to finish typing before I got out of work. As Marek mentioned me before, I am a Music Major at The University of Texas at Austin and I study under Harvey Pittel. Harvey Pittel is a professional musician and has studied under many great saxophonist, so he knows what he's talking about.
Anyways, from the looks of it, the Saxophone.com saxes are POS's, especially any saxophone that is black laquered. If you are going to get a saxophone, by far the best one to get is a Selmer Mark VI, which is what I have. Unfortunately, these are not made anymore (not since the 70's) but you can find them used at places, although they may be too expensive for your price range. I was fortunate enought to get mine for $2,200 from a former teacher and believe me that was cheap since they regularly go for $2,800 and up. If you can get one, great. Other good ones to get are the Selmer Mark VII, Selmer Super Action 80 (Series 1), Selmer Super Action 80 Series II, or a Series III.
If this is too much for your price range, then look into Yamaha. They are decent horns. The ones that I would recommend are the YAS-62, the YAS 475 and the YAS 675 with each one increasingly more expensive but are good none the less. Don't even look into the YAS-23 or YAS-52 since these are their beginner and intermediate models.
Then there is also the Yanigisawa saxophones but I have mixed feelings about these.
Also, take into consideration that this is more intended to be if you are going to be sticking with a saxophone for a long time and not quit band anytime soon since buying a good instrument is an investment. Hope this helps and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me anytime.

09-15-2003, 09:17 PM
Well, thanks a lot for that help. You seem to sounds like quite the accomplished musician. I currently have crappy, I mean a CONN 21 m. I nicknamed her crappy. Would it be wise just to get it fixed up and keep it? Any recomendations on what would give it better tone quality etc?

09-15-2003, 10:08 PM
What is your current set-up as far as what you use to play with. I use a Selmer Soloist mouthpiece (pretty old, from the 70's), a regular Selmer Ligature and Vandoren Reeds size 5 (although I do work on my reed, such as using a reed knife to shave it down a little bit to get it to work where I want it). I do not recommend that you use a "donut" which is pretty much a wire ring wrapped usually with pantyhose and put in the bell of your saxophone.

Also, as far as tone development goes, do scales and try to maintain eveness of tone when you do this. It helps if you play loud doing these and make sure you stay loud especially at the high range. It may be a change in the way that you play but it did wonders for me, is to keep the corners of you mouth away from the mouthpiece, kinda feels like you are frowning while playing and does take time to get used to. Doing this opens up your sound so much you won't believe it. Do this with all 12 Major scales and if you can with the minor scales too. The book that I use is "Scales and Arpeggios" by Marcel Mule. All you need right now is Book I. Another good book to use is an etude book that is used alot here in Texas called "48 Famous Etudes" by Ferling for Oboe and Saxophone. Lots of good stuff in that book, slow and fast. Both of these you can get at Southern Music Company, just give them a call.

If you need any help, feel free to ask me anytime.

P.S. Never ever play anything faster than you can play it all evenly and good (especially with fast music). Practice really helps, trust me.

09-15-2003, 10:35 PM
Good lord!! A 5!!!! I only use a 3 1/2. Jebus. Your using a 2X4 :p ... Anyways, you have been VERY helpful, and will be sure to inquire further if need be...I just use the mouthpiece crappy came with. I practice every night, but have not done much scales, unless im going to all-region...I will be sure to pick that book up. Thanks for all of your help, I may just keep mine...still not sure. Looking at the selmers.

09-15-2003, 11:08 PM
-=Squid=--seems like Ironmag knows his stuff pretty well...

Ironmag-wat high school did you attend?

selmer or yahama are really good brands..

i have a used yahama if you would like to purchase it from me.. i have no use for it and its sitting in my closet after i got out of hs...
only place i know around here is brook mays
their kind of expensive but its a shop :)
here is the website

09-16-2003, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by Jon/xpm
Ironmag-wat high school did you attend?

I went to J.W. Nixon High School in Laredo

09-16-2003, 07:44 AM

09-16-2003, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by Jon/xpm

Why? You have a problem with that school?

09-16-2003, 11:49 AM
Texas has a big marching band thing... :rolleyes:
old schOOl :)

09-16-2003, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Jon/xpm
Texas has a big marching band thing... :rolleyes:
old schOOl :)

and what school did/do go to sir? The Colony H.S.?

09-16-2003, 03:23 PM
their is a couple of music majors going to the same college as you...who are from Colony i believe...

09-16-2003, 06:30 PM
Yeah, I know a few Colony people and one of them happens to be the girlfriend of my roommate right now. Small world.

09-17-2003, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by Jon/xpm
Texas has a big marching band thing... :rolleyes:
old schOOl :)

Really, ppl in TX like Marching Band? Next your gonna say that they like football too.

09-17-2003, 04:12 PM
Wow you really got me bud
you hozed me with your awesome insults
please dont hurt me anymore

09-17-2003, 05:29 PM
Um, yea. Don't forger to take your Zoloft.

09-17-2003, 05:54 PM
hahaha :)
nice try...
all you did was make me laugh
sry good try :p

09-17-2003, 06:41 PM
Comment still stands.

09-17-2003, 06:42 PM
sry comment does not do it :rolleyes:
better luck next time :)

09-17-2003, 06:44 PM
uh huh

09-18-2003, 12:25 AM
Yamaha YAS-60 or the Selmer Super Action 80

Both are great instruments, personally, I have the Yamaha. Also, both are top of the line models.

09-18-2003, 12:41 AM
Well, I just checked the Yamaha website, and it seems that they have changed their formats a little bit. If you're gonna buy a horn that you plan on keeping for a while, at least get a YAS-62II (New model #), the next one is the YAS-82Z (new model) and finally the top of the line Yamaha being the YAS-875EX (new model #). Don't even bother with a YAS-23 or the YAS-475, those are more for beginners and such.

If you are going for a Selmer (better), the go for the Model 52 Super Action Series II, or maybe a Series III. Mind you, it is always best to try an instrument before you buy it so that you know what you are getting.

A must that I recommend you get is a Selmer S80 C* mouthpiece. Trust me, it is a good/great mouthpiece for just about anything that you do and is pretty much a standard for classical playing, but can be used for jazz music if you choose to. You won't be dissapointed, a great investment if you choose to take you playing seriously and to the next level.

Oh, and stay away from colored saxophone (such as black, red, white, etc...)

10-30-2003, 07:37 PM
Wow, I just found this thread. I did not know we had a saxophonist/music major on these boards.

I play saxophone too, mostly tenor though. I'm still in High School, but I'm first chair in my schools symphonic band and jazz band. I've also sat first chair at the district honor band and district jazz band. I've also made All-state too. (not trying to brag just trying to tell you I don't sleep through band class :) )

You obviously know your stuff Ironmag and I'd like to get an opinion on mouthpieces from you. I currently play on a YTS-62 with a Rousseau 4R. Many people have reccomended the C* just like you but I bought one and hated it. My instructor told me that C*'s were devolped around and for the Selmer horns while Rousseau devolped his mouth pieces around the Yamaha horns. Do you know if this is true or not, it sounded kind of like BS to me. (And how the heck do you play on a 5? Well, you do play Alto and you do shave them down a bit .... but damn, I use a three with my concert mouthpiece and a 2 or 2 1/2 with my jazz mouth piece)

And do you have any good exercises that Pittel or anyone else has taught you. I'm really looking to try and devolp my tone, especially in the upper register.

10-30-2003, 10:57 PM
Actually, he's just copying at all the stuff he said from a book that his roommate has. It's a woodwind techniques book that he reads out of to sound cool to all the high school kids. :p