View Full Version : big prob???

09-15-2003, 07:22 PM
hey i just got my new gun and i was trying to tune the levelx and the ult but i don t know which one to tune. i haven t touched the ult yet but been working on the levelx for a while and can t get the right carrier. i know there s a levelx problem thread but its long and my post might get lost. right now i have the 2 ring carrier w/o dots in and its leaking when i hold the trigger down and once in a while when the gun is aired up. please help me!!!

09-16-2003, 08:42 AM
Don't worry about the gun leaking when you hold down the trigger unless it just continues to pour air out the front. The level 10 will leak slightly and then stop when the trigger is held.

To start the tuning of your level 10, remove all shims.
This will remove a possible cause of leaks. Now test fit your carrier/o-ring combination onto the stem of the bolt. It should fit snug, but moveable. You shouldn't have to force it to get it to move on the stem of the bolt. If you hold the bolt by the carrier and the bolt stem slips out of the carrier, then it is too loose.

Once the proper carrier is found, put the powertube assembly back together and install the valve and bolt into the body. Use the shortest bolt spring. Adjust your velocity so that the gun fires consistently. If you have a chronograph, set your velocity.

Once the level 10 is working properly, you can tune your ULT. Start with a single shim and keep adding shims until the gun multifires or becomes too reactive. When this happens, take the newly added shim out and you should have the ULT setup that will work for your gun.

You will be able to change bolt springs to increase the sensitivity of your level 10 once the gun is working. Don't forget to increase the velocity if you increase the bolt spring tension.

09-16-2003, 11:54 AM
I might also suggest you put your old on/off assembly back in until the LX is tuned. that will remove one variable from the mix. once the LX is tuned and you know it is working correctly, then you can ptu the ULT back in and tune that.

some of the leaking might caused by the ULT, but with the LX not functioning correctly yet, it is hard to tell.

09-16-2003, 06:06 PM
hey guys thanks alot i m gonna go try it out right now.

edit:hey i tried it and there isn t leaks w/o shims but with 1 shim in it starts leaking bad. so now wut?

09-16-2003, 10:44 PM
Are you talking about the LX bolt? If it leaks with a shim but not without, then use it without.

09-17-2003, 06:12 PM
ooo igght thanx