View Full Version : Need help on changing into a back guy.

09-15-2003, 11:37 PM
I normally play front and middle. Though it seems we have an overload of front players so I am going to move to back. I am taking one other front player with me. I need some advice on playing back etc. I normally play extreamly tight with a mag or timmy. I was told having a longer barrel is good for back, to push the bunkers aside. I have only 10inch tips to my freak. So I am thinking about getting a 16inch. I have a warp and I think I like it more than vert. I don't shoot left handed that much since I use the warp. I am a righty btw. Umm...well if there is any suggestions or tips and tricks yall could give me lmk.

09-15-2003, 11:44 PM
learn to shoot fast. you only need to shoot fast in the begining but still. yell you have to make it so ur points can here every words you say. theres much more but im to tired to type them

09-15-2003, 11:49 PM
well...I've been playing back as long as I've been playing paintball and all I have to say is think about the position as if you were a quarterback...you should always be looking around...shouting out information...and shooting paint like it's going out of style...because you are the eyes, ears and mouth for everyone else on the field..

09-15-2003, 11:51 PM
yea man its so cool when you have the game that totaly clicks like you c a guy going to the opposite side of the field out of the corner of your eye and you just turn and light him up oh man no better feeling

09-15-2003, 11:51 PM
You do not need more then a 14 inch if your just using it to push bunkers to the side etc. You want to throw a lot of paint, carry more then you did when you played middle/front. Be very vocal, make sure your teammates can hear you. You are responsible for a lot of things, keep your eyes on the field at all times, throw a lot of paint at all times. The warp in my opinion would get in my way if i'm playing back but heh whatever works

09-15-2003, 11:53 PM
yeah i agree about the warp you have to be able to shoot both sides of the bunkers. granted u could try and shoot lefty with ur right hand but that exposes more

09-16-2003, 12:00 AM
k...I do have one fastest fingers on the team. I can do 14ish max. I am pretty vocal and yell out where they are, but they tend not to hear me, any tips on how to get their attention? Also I think I might use my timmy till I get my x-mag from the marker-smith. I think I will practice next time I play during an open play with only shooting lefty.

09-16-2003, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by elpimpo
yeah i agree about the warp you have to be able to shoot both sides of the bunkers. granted u could try and shoot lefty with ur right hand but that exposes more

If you are shooting the warp the way it was designed, you wont expose more! I used a warp for over a year.... I just shoot faster by playing switch

09-16-2003, 12:02 AM
i wear a flex 7 and roll it up so theres not a whole lot blocking my voice. granted it hurts like hell when u get shot in the face.

09-16-2003, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by hostage
k...I do have one fastest fingers on the team. I can do 14ish max. I am pretty vocal and yell out where they are, but they tend not to hear me, any tips on how to get their attention?
communication is just in the team, they should Want to listen to you, but not fully depend on you however you guys should , in practice, work on communication so that you are being heard!

09-16-2003, 12:14 AM
yeah, and dont listen to those guys that tell you you cant play back with a warp. If thats what your used to stick with it. Switching hands is slower.
Ive been playing back with a warp for about a year and ill never switch back. when your that tight in the back its pretty hard to get hit.

09-16-2003, 12:15 AM
Remember that being a back guy is not only talking, but also listening to the player you're watching. He may yell back and tell you to cover a move. You may yell at him to pop up and get a guy.

It's more 2 way communication than people think.

09-16-2003, 01:32 AM
1. Carry more paint. Nothing is worse than a back player who runs out of paint. Oh yea welcome to the world of throwing your money away. 2-3 cases a weekend YAY!

2. Shoot the lanes. Most of the time it looks like we're(backplayers) are shooting at nothing. Well it's kinda true and then it isn't. Your job is to waste paint so you hold them back and your guys can move forward. A win is a win it doesn't matter how many guys you personally hit. It's how the team does. Like Dirty said it's kinda like being the quarterback. Let the receivers and running backs score.

3. Get used to being the last one left. Also get used to 2 v1 or 3 v1. Yea it sucks but ahah sometimes the game will be left to you.

4. Pads. I wear just as much padding as my front players. Not that I slide as much but when you start off in back by the time the balls get to you they bounce.

5. Don't zone out. If you are protecting the tape that's fine but don't forget the center of the field.

6. Communication...not only with your assigned front player but with the other back players. Sometimes you will need to cross it up. You can't always hit everything and crossing up is a good defense when it's just the back guys left.

09-16-2003, 01:59 AM
9 good pointers for back (even though I play mid)

1. Have lots of paint, it is good to have more paint, means you can fire more and longer, means you can supress more, means you have a better chance of hitting things.

2. Always have a good idea on where to put your paint

3. Keep a good flow of paint going at all times.

4. Make sure that you're flinging that paint fast.

5. Always keep a good overall view of the field, never focus in too much. You'll leave too much opportunity for the other team elsewhere

6. Communicate the hell out of all movement

7. Shoot the lanes, it'll slow them down, stop them for a bit, or eliminate someone eventually.

8. Try to get bounces but don't go overboard. Pads and a little bit bigger sized jersey will do fine.

9. Don't be afraid of the paint flying towards you, just dodge the ones that absolutely need to be dodged

09-16-2003, 02:45 AM
My favorite part of being a back player is knowing where all 5 of the other team is and sending my fellow players up to other bunkers. This is key. If you are a back player and you can hold 3 guys into their bunkers on one side, a guy can just bump up the field. Mid is a little different since you have to relay all the talking if its hard to hear, and you have to be able to play both sides of the field better.. Back has to watch the tape then be able to cover down the middle angles.

09-16-2003, 05:07 AM
and maybe a bigger tank for all that paint you're slinging :)

09-16-2003, 07:59 AM
Yeah, carry a lot of paint and don't be afraid to throw it all down field. You have to cover movements in the back, not just try to hit guys.

Bob McCrackhead
09-16-2003, 10:17 AM
the most important thing is to have patience. As a backer, you will not be looking for your next move, but rather how to move your guys forward. Do not get ancy, and charge down the field. Your position behind your other players gives you a better view of the field. However, if one of your front guys gets shot out of a key bunker, or one of your tapes is eliminated, you must fill the position. Also, you can push your players up the field when backing. Let them know that if you are able to get further down the field than them, then they should be further forward. Do this with caution, however. Dont look for the opportunity every game.


09-16-2003, 12:15 PM
Call it getting old, call it Dyslexia, call it not paying attention in speed reading class.....

But I could have sworn the thread title said:

"Need help on changing back into a guy"


09-16-2003, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Army
Call it getting old, call it Dyslexia, call it not paying attention in speed reading class.....

But I could have sworn the thread title said:

"Need help on changing back into a guy"


Hehe, what were you thinking about Army;)

09-16-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Army
Call it getting old, call it Dyslexia, call it not paying attention in speed reading class.....

But I could have sworn the thread title said:

"Need help on changing back into a guy"


at least Army didn't post any tips on how to do it :0

09-16-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Army
Call it getting old, call it Dyslexia, call it not paying attention in speed reading class.....

But I could have sworn the thread title said:

"Need help on changing back into a guy"


good call i thought that when i clicked on it but then after i read it i realised what was going down

09-16-2003, 10:07 PM
i was almost like army, i thought it read "Need help on changing into a black guy."

good times

09-16-2003, 10:18 PM
well it worked on mike to go from black to white but i dont think u could go white to black

09-17-2003, 12:45 PM
Read the book called "Black Like Me" by John Howard Griffin. Its a true story, and its pretty whack.

09-17-2003, 02:39 PM
lol...its amazing how these conversations go off topic, seems like some of yall are more ADD than me :O

09-17-2003, 06:41 PM
Yeah playing back is ok.

You should do the following:

Have plenty of paint (7pods at least)
Have plenty of air (68/4500 minimum)
Be very vocal, but listen to your guys (2way as mentioned)
Be careful.

You should be the first guy on the field and last guy off. There is a lot of leadership in that base player. Keep your guys covered and play like you are the queen in a chess game.

(NOTE: I did not just tell him to be a "Queen", just to play like one :) )

When you leave that back bunker you should have your mid guys flinging lots of paint and you better be out of people to shoot at :)

Sweet spotting is a key skill most front's are not as good at compared to backs.

Hitting what you shoot at distance. It constantly amazes me how in-accurate front players get to be.

Stand a pod up in the back of the field, go to the other end. Put your marker down, pick it up, shoot one shot at the pod. Put your marker down, pick it up, shoot one shot at the pod. Repeat till you can hit it.

Know your gun and where it shoots. In the front if your gun goes down you get a flag pull and start communicating.

In the back if your gun goes down your team gets mowed down.

Best of luck and get used to shooting.


09-17-2003, 07:14 PM
longer barrel, more paint, bigger tank and bew ready to shoot lots a paint

09-17-2003, 07:29 PM
Also don't forget. Just cuz you can see um doesn't mean you can't hit um.

Learn how to lob over bunkers. Use middle bunkers as a shield and lob paint over it to hit players cross field.

09-17-2003, 07:32 PM
yes...and shoot at anything that moves..