View Full Version : Evil Computer Problem

Will Wood
09-16-2003, 08:50 PM
Ok.. possible working in a small window of opertunity here.. so bear with me:)

Ok. 2 comps in the house. One's running off wiress network, the other us using a wire into the back of my computer(That's me!)

My dad's wireless internet is working perfectly. At the time it started working.. mine stoped. I can be online for about 5 minutes.. before I can't get on for another couple minutes.. then repeat.

Anyone know what would possible cause this problem?

Ok. Bear with me I don't know what stuff is called.
We got 3 box thingys. One router for the wireless. One Switch thingy, and the one you get for cable(I'll call bob so I don't have to say all that)

2 cables comming from ground. One is the type you put into your tv. That is plugged into the box thingy you get when you get cable. Another, is a cable you plug into the back of your computer. No matter where I put that.. it doesn't do much (lights on the plug I put in don't lite). I think it's just sitting there not doing anything.

I have a wire going from bob to switch. From bob is a wire going to wireless net and the back of my computer.

Wireless works, mine rarley does.

Um..I think that is it.. I dunno if I am enough help to provide info to solve it.. but whatever.


09-17-2003, 03:53 AM
Coupla Questions. Does your wireless "Router" have more than one cat 5 port on it. Have the two computers ever worked simultaniously without problems? (And I mean for more than just a day or so) 3rd... when you link directly from the cable modem directly to the computer you still get no lights on your nic (Network card)??

Unfortunantly there are about 3billion possible answers to this senario.... it all depends on what your true setup happens to be. If you can answer my qs abouve I can narow it down to a few likely suspects.

Will Wood
09-17-2003, 08:44 AM
The wirless had multiple ports. One is labeled "Internet". There then is 5 more.

Before we had 2 computers.. Both with cable going into the network card, worked fine. Then my brother got a wireless laptop, and that sarted the problem. He left.. the problem was fixed.

My dad just recently got a wireless laptop, and the problem started up again. So I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with the wireless router.. which my brother got for cheap.. it was a returned item. Could something possible be wrong with it?

09-17-2003, 11:09 AM
It is a possibility, what type of router is it? maufacture and model. Go to the company website and update the software for it. Log into the setup page on any of the computers and look at the DHCP clients table and make sure all computers are listed.

09-17-2003, 12:00 PM
also make sure the laptop doesn't have Internet connection sharing enabled..

that can cause alot of issues with other pcs on the same network trying to obtain an IP via DNS. If there's a router sending out an IP and another computer sending out an IP that will cause conflict.

Also you said the wireless router has 5 more ports in teh back. and one that says internet.
more then likely you can hook the cable coming from bob (the cable modem with the TV cable going into it) right into that internet port, and the other 5 can goto computers.

the laptop should still connect because it's wireless.

you've essentially got two routers hooked up.

tell me if this makes sense..(phear my lee7 paint skillz!)

here is what you have, pic on top is how it's setup now, pic on bottom is what you want.


09-17-2003, 04:37 PM
what he said.. only I'm going to add a couple of things.

If you are getting lights on your nic what is happening is that you are running 2 DHCP clients off of one modem (Your computer and the untrusted side of your dads wireless) The problem is that since your wireless is always on, it always has the ip, and proboly only allows for you to have one. Could be a couple of other things, anyhow yes the solution is to remove the switch out of the middle of this picture.. this way you are only running one network.

So like he said abouve.. From the Cablemodem (bob) to the internet port of your dads wireless. And then from one of the 4 other ports on your dads wireless to your machine. Here is the one change..... REBOOT EVERYTHING. Power everything off, unplug it if you have to... leave it powered off for 30 seconds or so. Then power up your modem (bob) and let it initialize and boot all of the way (Give it a minute).. Then boot up your wireless....let it start all the way up...this shoulnt take so long. After everything else is running then boot your pc. You should be set to go.

Let us know how it works out. I can think of a couple of other problems that you may be having... but lets not confuse the issue if it doesnt need to be. Good luck!

Will Wood
09-17-2003, 04:55 PM
I got it set up like the picture and running.. time will tell if it holds up.. Thanks.

Will Wood
09-17-2003, 05:32 PM
They both work! Thanks again.