View Full Version : What's the deal with Christians and Abstinence ?

09-16-2003, 09:15 PM
OK, let me explain. I'm a Christian and have been for years. Its always been explained to me that a couple should wait until marriage to have sex. I guess I sort of agree with it and I always went along with it but lately I've been wondering why? Its not that I doubt my faith, its just that no one has bothered to explain this. Its just been kind of a given.

Where in the Bible does it say that you should wait until your married before having sex? Or it just some quaint old custom?

Mods, if you fell this is to risque then feel free to remove it. I don't mean to offend.

09-16-2003, 09:20 PM
i don't know...i guess just to be morally and money ready for a baby...and to express your love to one person...and to keep AIDS and that stuff down ;)

09-16-2003, 09:25 PM
Yea, I guess that makes sense. But I specifically remeber reading something that said that god commands Christians to wait.

I was just wondering if anyone could pick out the scripture in the Bible. (I'm one of those Christians who, occasionly, wants proof or at least some support from the Bible :rolleyes: )

09-16-2003, 09:33 PM
Just wait untill Rob Sees this religious post :)
For that reason i'm not going into why I believe the bible is not an accurate source :)

09-16-2003, 09:34 PM
well im no bible scholar but i do vaguely remember a commandment saying something to the effect that having physical love with a woman you are not married to is wrong. i think most people think adultry is messing around with someone when you are married but i belive it means messing around with someone that you are not married to. but who really belives that old book anyway. :p

09-16-2003, 09:52 PM
this is gonna get shut down real quick methinks...

so take up the discussion on the boards here:




09-16-2003, 09:54 PM
I found 1 Cor. 6:9-20 & 1 Thes. 4:1-8. Basically it comes down to self control and keeping your priorities in order.

09-16-2003, 10:00 PM
and also you're not supposed to waste your seed.....er....wait, that's why I'm not supposed to play 5 on 1. Oh well.


e mag
09-16-2003, 10:03 PM
these day's it's probably not that bad of an idea, there's a lot of people with diseases and you can have fun while abstaining, but to each his own.

09-16-2003, 10:22 PM
If you believe that the Bible tells you that you should be abstinent before marriage, well then thats all fine and dandy...

but when I read the Bible I see a whole bunch of dudes with multiple wives. If the Bible okayed polygamy, then so should society today. I want at least 7...one for each day. :D

This is why society is going down the drain...its because we have strayed from the teachings of the Bible, that every man should have more than one wife. (or at least one wife and a bunch of concubines) Hey if King Solomon can have 700 wives and 300 concubines....why cant I just have 2..or 3??


ps-The Bible doesnt say lesbianism is wrong. So girl on girl action is AOK ;) (at least thats what I tell my wife) ;)

pps-in before close

09-16-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious
If you believe that the Bible tells you that you should be abstinent before marriage, well then thats all fine and dandy...

but when I read the Bible I see a whole bunch of dudes with multiple wives. If the Bible okayed polygamy, then so should society today. I want at least 7...one for each day. :D

This is why society is going down the drain...its because we have strayed from the teachings of the Bible, that every man should have more than one wife. (or at least one wife and a bunch of concubines) Hey if King Solomon can have 700 wives and 300 concubines....why cant I just have 2..or 3??

I'm no Bible scholar myself but I think that whole polygamy thing is in the Old Testament and MOST, not all, modern Christian religions follow the teachings in the New Testament. And it's all in the interpretaion each different religion takes on the Bible that make their core values and such.

09-16-2003, 11:33 PM
I don't think waiting for sex until marriage is realistic, what if they've got some gotesque something or other, or you're just not good for one another?

Sex is for Love.

09-17-2003, 12:12 AM
I agree with u Carnifex, I understand the need for christianity to impose some kind of moral code on their followers and its a tradition and yadda yadda but come on...Sex is very important in a relationship. By no means is it everything but it sure is a BIG thing. Some people are not sexually compatible no matter how much they love each other or have in common...it just doesnt click. If you step into a marriage with no idea of that compatbility, then thats certainly taking a gamble to say the least. If your both virgins then theirs obviously no possible std issues to worry about, then, assuming u both are in a monogomous relationship together, do what you will. I know it sounds crude, but I wouldnt buy a car without test driving it first. Theirs a LOT of stuff that could be revealed on your wedding night that u didnt expect to find out, so I'd definetley discuss this with her.

09-17-2003, 12:31 AM
as an atheist, i think most religions are bunk. however, i also believe in abstaining, at least until you and your partner are financially and emotionally capable of raising a child. even if you use protection, there is always a chance of a condom ripping, or of the woman missing a day to take the pill, or whatnot.

09-17-2003, 01:05 AM
I think that... getting physical can cloud your perception of someone. Do you like this person because of who he/she is? Or is it really that you are liking the physical part that this person is providing to you?

You can artificially like someone more because you like the physical part... and especially if you develop a form of addiction to it. You have to be careful to sort out what is real, and what is not... if you're looking for an authentic, quality relationship.

Personally, I think the physical is the icing on the cake... really good icing. :p However, these are questions that are important to me: Do I like/love this person. Does she like/love me? Could I spend my life with this person? Are we very good friends? I need to know these answers before I can even entertain the thought of a physical relationship. And I sure as hell do not want anything distorting my perception of someone such that I cannot be clear-headed with the answers I come up with.

My highest goal in life is to marry my best friend. And quite honestly, every girl that I ever loved... I thought was too precious a thing to get physical with... something just seemed wrong about it. Of course... this is until a good amount of time passes and whatever happens happens.

It's good to wait...

BTW: Be careful with this thread... it will stay open so long as everyone keeps cool.

09-17-2003, 01:12 AM
You know... after re-reading through this thread (I skimmed at first)... I think it's a bad idea to keep this open so... gonna close it. Sorry.