View Full Version : New 2004 Armageddon

Duke Henry
09-17-2003, 08:00 AM
Well, just when I bought my Apoc 2k last year, AA has to release a new tank!


Still waiting for info, but I know personally for me, if I can have the input/output on the right side of the tank, I will just HAVE to get this puppy, since my Apoc can't do that...

It will allow me to get rid of the drop off of my gun, since my warp won't interfere with my tank. Definately looks interesting...

Creative Mayhem
09-17-2003, 11:47 AM
WOOT! Air America is da bomb... Now, I wonder if i can get one of the puppies anno'd purple fro the factory ;)


09-17-2003, 11:55 AM
and they changed from 1/8npt to a different thread why? loctite isnt the devil like so many think. Just needs to be used correctly.

Cool change in looks, but doesnt look right to me, I like the dynaflow better for looks.

But at least they are changing SOMETHING.

09-17-2003, 12:41 PM
What a huge disapointment! That thing is as fugly as all get out! I am a long time, die hard Armageddon fan who has been waiting a long time for an updated version and I'm not buying that hunk of crap. First the old Armageddon was H-E-A-V-Y. That was due to the chunky aluminum reg body, but also (in great part) due to the SS "arm" in the bottle. It looks like the kept the "arm" in SS - so no weight savings there. So the shaved down the reg body a bit - so what.

The fittings issue might be because it was designed in the UK, I think 1/8NPT is a US standard.


09-17-2003, 12:43 PM
even the angel uses 1/8 npt... :) I understanbd they want to get a "self sealing" thread like an ORFS (o-ring face seal) or STOR (straight thread o-ring), but this have been standard for years. changing gauges and fill niplles will become a PITA, especially for field owners and pro-shops who have to stock them.

09-17-2003, 07:30 PM
So is AGDE manufacturing these for AA because it mentions John Sosta in the article...just wonderin..

09-17-2003, 07:40 PM
Looks a little flatlinish to me....eitherway, I wonder if they will have them in just straight satin black to match my mag?

09-17-2003, 08:24 PM
DB, noticed the same thing of Sosta being metioned in the article, I'm wondering the same thing.....


09-18-2003, 12:30 AM
Duke: just change the fittings around, you can have the input and output on the same side, just move the one side gauge and replace with the other sides fitting. you may need smaller gauges though.

John Sosta basicly has an AGD (AGDE) franchise AND an Air America franchise for europe. so thats why he's invovled.


09-18-2003, 08:54 AM
I wonder.. can I use my apoc bottle on one of these new regs? Or is it a totaly new beast?

09-18-2003, 09:55 AM
Ahahahah :) When I first glanced at the picture, I thought that thing was the reg AND the tank... somehow, and then I realized how big the drop was and then everything else. It really scared me though lol

09-18-2003, 10:11 AM
We all have them on our team and they are very very nice air regs indeed. John Sosta was very very involved and manufactures them from his little cave in the hillside of Colchester, England.

cledford What a huge disapointment! That thing is as fugly as all get out! I am a long time, die hard Armageddon fan who has been waiting a long time for an updated version and I'm not buying that hunk of crap. First the old Armageddon was H-E-A-V-Y. That was due to the chunky aluminum reg body, but also (in great part) due to the SS "arm" in the bottle. It looks like the kept the "arm" in SS - so no weight savings there. So the shaved down the reg body a bit - so what.

so buy something else cledford. I'm sure they will cry all the way to the bank.

Duke Henry
09-18-2003, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Shane-O-Mac
Duke: just change the fittings around, you can have the input and output on the same side, just move the one side gauge and replace with the other sides fitting. you may need smaller gauges though.

John Sosta basicly has an AGD (AGDE) franchise AND an Air America franchise for europe. so thats why he's invovled.


Yes, thanks for the suggestion. I do plan on getting AA to swap the setup for me when I send in the tank in offseason. For the life of me, I couldn't find any decent gauges locally to use, since the AA ones are just too big to have both on the same side.

Thanks again!

09-22-2003, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by Bolter

so buy something else cledford. I'm sure they will cry all the way to the bank.

Gee, thanks for the great advice - I guess I never thought of buying something else. Listen, this is a public forum produced for the purpose of it's members expressing their opinions and sharing information. I don't need worthless advice from you on what to do with my money because you don't like my opinion.


09-22-2003, 07:33 AM
Cleford you are perfectly entitled you your opinion but before you express it you should get your facts right

"First the old Armageddon was H-E-A-V-Y. That was due to the chunky aluminium reg body,
but also (in great part) due to the SS "arm" in the bottle. It looks like the kept the "arm" in SS - so
no weight savings there. So the shaved down the reg body a bit - so what. "

the arm valve is now all aluminium so a lot lighter and all the internals are now ally as well, they used to be steel the whole thing is almost half the weight of the old Armageddon I got to hold one at campaign and its a lot lighter than my old Armageddon also you don't mention the improvements internally
1 on off valve so you can turn it off
2 downstream bleed in the on-off how useful is that
3 alloy piston not steel so faster reaction time

its quite clear that you did not get any of the facts before your post and put your mouth in gear before you knew anything so in that sense you are knocking a product that you have never seen or held or even read the literature on .
In that case your opinion is based on well nothing.

09-22-2003, 08:00 AM
exactly dude. You rip into an AGD/Air America product on an AO forum without you actually having touched looked at or used it. I took offence to this as I am very proud of all the support and help AGD give me continually and I find it hard to appreciate views of someone who cannot qualify the remark they made other than they..

So the shaved down the reg body a bit - so what.

so try it out. If you then find problems with it, then let everyone know.

09-22-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by proteus81

2 downstream bleed in the on-off how useful is that

I have a feeling there's going to be more than one unsuspecting kids with a secondary reg that won't quite get what the bleed is meant for the first time.

Anyone else find it funny that Air America has a reg built in England?

09-22-2003, 09:27 AM
not really....why?

Nike don't make trainers or sneakers in America.

09-22-2003, 09:35 AM
nike doesn't have "america" in their name.

I just thought it was a funny literalism, not a big deal.

09-22-2003, 09:42 AM
sorry I didn't mean it like that!! I was just trying to make a point......er.....ok ...what about French Fries made in the states.....ahhhh forget it!!! Damn freedom fries now!!


09-22-2003, 09:43 AM
watch it, terrorist.

09-22-2003, 09:46 AM
back to all seriousness, i want to know, if john sosta was involved, what does the design most resemble? I'm not going to make any assumptions here...

09-22-2003, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by thei3ug
back to all seriousness, i want to know, if john sosta was involved, what does the design most resemble? I'm not going to make any assumptions here...

John Sosta has been designing stuff for AGD and AA for years. I don't know what you are insinuating, but be a bit careful here.

The new Armageddon (I have one) resembles the original Armageddon but with many enhancements and extra features.

It's on/off bleed system is completely new and revolutionary as far as I am aware. It's similar to a fantastic on/off valve that AGDE and John Bonich came up with many moons ago.

John Sosta, AGD Europe
09-22-2003, 03:53 PM
Yes it was me that designed the the new features of the latest Armageddon, or the "Abaddon", as Air America U.S. have decided to call it.
1. The Sleeve & ARM Valve are now all aluminum, along with most of the internals, and the weight has been virtually halved.
2. We have left some extra material on the sleeve, to allow for custom C&C versions.
3. The drop forward in the p8ntball.com pic is just for display purposes, there is no drop forward supplied with it.
4. It has an in-built on/off, and a downstream bleed, so that you can bleed any residual gas from your hose & marker, without dumping the gas from the bottle.
5. The ports are 1/8" BSP parallel threads, and allow the mini-gauges, fill nipple & thread adaptor to seal on a "dowty" seal, without the need for loctite. It's not that theres anything wrong with loctite, it just isn't needed with dowty seals. It also means that the gauges & fittings are more recessed than with tapered threads. The thread adaptor, converts the BSP port, to a 1/8" NPT port, so that you can still use your std 1/8" NPT fitting. We provide the adaptor to keep it flexible, so that if you are left or right handed, you can still swap the 2 input & 2 output fittings, to give you your preferred set-up.

Evil Bob
09-22-2003, 05:17 PM
John: good to see you finally released this. I can remember you showing off the prototypes you had just got into the shop back in early 2001 :)

Any concerns with the aluminum arm into the bottle over SS at all?

-Evil Bob

11-13-2003, 06:26 AM
Well, I just received my new abaddon this morning and I must say , tis thing looks even better in real !

I have a tequila fade one that matches my tequilla x-mag perfectly.
And I must say it feels much lighter than the original armageddon.

Now , I 'll just have to screw on the my bottle and gas it up and I 'll let you guys know how it works. but I'm 200% confident in what our agd guys in England have come up with !

I still have to try the on / off key dough , because that part isn't 100% clear to me (can I let the bottle on the sleeve when I let it bleed ? )

just a little question : should I put a little loctite on the treads of the air bottle or not ?

and by the way guys : french fries actually come from belgium ! :) those who have tasted them know what I mean :)

11-13-2003, 08:03 AM
can u just take the reg and put it on lets say, a crossfire tank. or do i have to buy a hole new tank also?

11-14-2003, 04:11 AM

11-14-2003, 04:50 AM
here is the site : http://www.airgunuk.demon.co.uk/


11-14-2003, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by $tevo
can u just take the reg and put it on lets say, a crossfire tank. or do i have to buy a hole new tank also?

yes, you can. but if the armageddon is 4500psi, and the tank is only 3000[psi, you can still only fill to 3000psi
same thing if tank is 4500 and reg is 3000, only can fill to 3000

but yes, it will work. just have a airsmith put it on for you to be safest.

Duke Henry
11-14-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by speedyfox666
Well, I just received my new abaddon this morning and I must say , tis thing looks even better in real !

I have a tequila fade one that matches my tequilla x-mag perfectly.
And I must say it feels much lighter than the original armageddon.

Now , I 'll just have to screw on the my bottle and gas it up and I 'll let you guys know how it works. but I'm 200% confident in what our agd guys in England have come up with !

I still have to try the on / off key dough , because that part isn't 100% clear to me (can I let the bottle on the sleeve when I let it bleed ? )

Please let me know when you have used the tank for a while, and can post a review. I would love to read it, and see some pics!


11-14-2003, 10:52 AM
AA is one pimp company. They have some of THE best warranty work I have ever seen. Sent my Apoc. Reg. in to have it fixed and it came back 3 days later in perfect condition.

This new Armageddon looks to pimptastic, I may actually have to get one.

11-15-2003, 07:15 AM
Please let me know when you have used the tank for a while, and can post a review. I would love to read it, and see some pics!

I'll do that (in fact tomorrow i 'll play my first tournament with it so that's a good test !

I've just gassed up my beast and I must say : you really can adjust the output pressure by little steps and you really can feel the difference when you change it .

and the pressure stays very very constant.

before I used a old armageddon and was very happy with it but this thing is from an other planet !

the only thing I haven't sorted out yet is the on / off function. ( I can let it bleed but then it empties my whole air bottle and that's not what I need.

(I'm going to try to take a picture of my gun so you can see how well the abaddon fit the x-mag's colours.

11-15-2003, 07:46 AM
here are some picture of my X-mag with Abaddon 04

XmagAbaddon (http://users.skynet.be/fa276291/images/XmagAbaddon.jpg)

XmagAbaddon2 (http://users.skynet.be/fa276291/images/Xmagabaddon2.jpg)

02-15-2004, 08:28 PM
does anyone know when we can expect these in the US?

i neeeeed another geddon

02-16-2004, 03:44 AM
Heh, I used to have 2 Oldschool Armageddons. They were the most Consistent Tanks I've ever had, easily rebuildable if an oring busted here and there. Bit heavy, but they were solid tanks.

Maybe I'll look into one o these hot new Geddon models.


03-25-2004, 11:43 PM
I second that. Anyone know when these will come here?

Originally posted by magmonkey
does anyone know when we can expect these in the US?

i neeeeed another geddon

03-26-2004, 12:10 AM
Call AA and bug them about it.......if the rumors i hear are true, it may be 6-8 months yet..............
we will see.............


03-26-2004, 04:05 AM
go to Air America and try to order one.