View Full Version : New E-Mags

09-17-2003, 05:41 PM
I heard PBGear.com was selling the old ones with out the X-Valve so where is the best place to buy the new E-Mags? With X-Valve/L10?

09-17-2003, 05:51 PM
You might try giving pbgear a call. I've never actually heard either way.

09-17-2003, 06:05 PM
If you call, all they would say is that they have to sell old stock so there is no way to guarantee you getting a ULE valve.

09-17-2003, 06:23 PM
Ahh, good point. But what if they don't have any old pre x-valve stock? They'd probably point that out to you, if it were true.

As for other places, I'm really not sure. I'll be completely unhelpful and leave that to someone else.

09-17-2003, 06:53 PM
i ordered from gear in july and got a n xvalved emag

09-17-2003, 07:16 PM
do NOT try 888paintball.com. they guaranteed me an xvalved lvl10 emag and i got the old style. returned it the same day i received it and it took 23 days from when they got the gun back to when i actually received the credit. :eek:

09-17-2003, 08:49 PM
Build from the ground up through Tunaman. Tunamax is pimped out.

09-17-2003, 09:37 PM
i ordered mine from pbgear last year and got an Emax(Xvalved) valve in my Emag. just make sure they have the gun in stock frst before you order from them.

09-18-2003, 03:02 AM
just curious but i could care quite less which valve the emags from pbgear came with... Im MUCH MORE interested in what grip frame was on it? (theres the old ones with their stupid humps and then theres the ULE frame which is built more like a 45 frame)<---- and happens to fit my hand like a glove

09-18-2003, 03:45 PM
i ordered mine from tunaman in june/july
came w/ the ule frame and the xvalve
came w/ a free warp too:D

09-18-2003, 04:34 PM
Where can I talk to this "Tunaman" is he a guy on the board? Where can I get his pricelist?

09-18-2003, 05:08 PM
you can pm him
he's a dealer on this forums
i got the free warp when he was doing a summer special sale

09-19-2003, 05:56 AM
so let me get this straight (new to the forum) if i where to get this new "emag". are you telling me it comes with all the new features like the xmag (lvl 10). what is the difference between the two beside the looks. performance wise?

09-19-2003, 07:59 AM
Xs have eyes and modular breaches.

09-19-2003, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by bmexline
do NOT try 888paintball.com. they guaranteed me an xvalved lvl10 emag and i got the old style. returned it the same day i received it and it took 23 days from when they got the gun back to when i actually received the credit. :eek:

same thing happend to me man, but i was to happy to send the pretty thing back:mad:

anyway its nice now.. all ule and ace in a week

09-19-2003, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by jaylock33
Xs have eyes and modular breaches.

Also, I'm pretty sure if you buy an emag right now it won't have a ULE body, it'll have a stainless steel one. It would perform almost exactly the same as an X-mag with the ACE turned off. It would be a bit heavier though.

09-19-2003, 10:14 AM
If you get it through Tunaman,you can get it made with the ULE body.

09-19-2003, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Wynken

Also, I'm pretty sure if you buy an emag right now it won't have a ULE body, it'll have a stainless steel one. It would perform almost exactly the same as an X-mag with the ACE turned off. It would be a bit heavier though.

why would it almost perform the same with the ace turned off i thought that the new emag and x mag is the same just minus the breach and the looks of the x mag.

09-19-2003, 10:57 AM
Yeah, you're right. Not sure where that "almost" came from. They're the same except for the things you outlined. Except, if it comes with a stainless body, it'll still take twist-lock barrels and not cocker threaded ones.

Personally, I love my E-mag and don't see the step up to X-mag as worth it. But, that's just me.

09-19-2003, 10:58 AM
He's correct. They are the SAME gun, just one is prettier.

No performance difference. (Although the Xmag's ROF cap is 20-24 and the Emag is 16)

09-19-2003, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Dayspring
He's correct. They are the SAME gun, just one is prettier.

No performance difference. (Although the Xmag's ROF cap is 20-24 and the Emag is 16)

oh man your scarying me now you are saying that it has a rof difference than the x mag why. i thought it used the same parts. why would the rof be different on each gun.

09-19-2003, 11:09 AM

09-19-2003, 11:10 AM
Besides the body, they do use the same parts. Except the board on the Emags are programmed differently and limited to 16 bps. However, I believe the 3.0 software update that will be released at a later date will resolve this difference.

09-19-2003, 11:49 AM
SOUNDS GOOD i'll just put myself on the waiting list for the x mag. and i'll wait until they resolve the rof differences on the e mag whichever gets done first i will buy. until then i just use my b2k. thanks guys you have been very informitive. by the way how much does a ule e mag costs.