View Full Version : Counter-Strike 1.6.....Do you like it?

09-18-2003, 01:08 PM
Steam keeps pissing me off, its always down.

The new CT shield is so cheap, there is nothing to counter that. I tihnk T's need an RPG or something.

Other then that its ok. Nothing to great.

09-18-2003, 01:50 PM
well, steam sucks. THe shield was banned on 2 of the 3 servers I play on. And it takes up ALOT of resourses my computer doesn't have. So now I get really choppy game play :( I'm not very impressed...

09-18-2003, 03:11 PM
unless they changed it and didnt change the name of the version theres a very easy way to get around shields whenever they strafe its practically like having no shield

09-18-2003, 07:25 PM
i don't mind it.. :) took me a lil bit to get used to.. and they changed the buy menu around..

09-18-2003, 08:37 PM

09-18-2003, 08:45 PM
i love it just throw a granade be hind them if the got a sheild , it works everytime!

Gitaroo Man
09-18-2003, 09:00 PM
i hate it. steam is flooded way too often...the CT shield is cheap but it is going to be banned on a lot of servers...way too many HS...and I think the new T weapon is too good because CT doesn't have anything to match it with. I'll stick with 1.5 for now

09-18-2003, 10:49 PM
1.5... i dont wanna spend a month downloading 1.6 to find out that it is still pretty lame...

09-19-2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by SlipknotX556

09-19-2003, 08:15 AM
I think it's pretty good.

1) The shield. My server is populated with some pretty skilled players, and the shield isn't some uber-defense mechanism like people think it is. If you know what you are doing, its easy to bypass or kill someone with a shield. At the same time, shields are only useful if you know how to use them.

2) The Galil. I'm not a huge fan of this weapon, but it is good for the price. Its a $500 cheaper AK, I still don't see the point of it.

3) The Famas (Clarion). This weapon is the best thing that ever happened to the CTs. At 2250, finally CTs dont have to save up to 3100 for a rifle. All too often in 1.5 CTs were stuck with SMGs or Pistols while they saved for a rifle. The only problem I've noticed is this gun is absolutley useless at long range. I was playing assault, and I was on top of the building by the truck with the cameras in it as a CT. There was a T on the roof. I fire three 3-rd bursts at him, and then switched to auto and fired off a few 2-4 round bursts at him. I must have fired off 6 bursts total before he noticed me, when he promptly turned around and shot me dead with the AK. One of the players spectating was amazed, not only did I not kill him, I didn't hit him a SINGLE time with around 20+ shots. I was aimed right at him, too.

4)Stronger grenades. I've been *****ing about this all through 1.5. Grenades were pitifully weak in 1.5. You could have one explode right under your feet and it would only do like 60 damage. I'm sorry, but if an HE grenade blows up at your feet, you are one dead mammer jammer. I'm all for the more powerful HE grenades.

5) New maps - the new maps are gorgeous. I don't see how anyone would possibly complain about them.

Ok, now onto my comments about some of the drawbacks:

1) Steam problems. I had these myself for a while. Go onto fileplanet, download the steaminstall_cs.exe. It's the 379mb download that has CS packaged with it. This has worked for EVERYONE on my server. The regular steaminstall.exe was causing problems for at least half the people, but the cs install works for everyone I've seen so far.

2) Lag problems. Every server seems to be having some lag problems now and then. Hopefully it sorts itself out. Not much you can do about that one.

3) Shield exploit. For those who don't know, there is a way to have the shield out in front of you and shoot at the same time. The best answer to this is a good admin group who will kick people using the glitch. Most servers seem to have crappy or non-existent admins. Find a server with good admins, and you don't have problems with bug abuse. I reccomend www.frankensteincs.com :)

Oh, and one of the funnier things you can do in 1.6 is abuse the fact smoke grenades take up even more resources. If you are on a map where the other team is likely to rush your spawn, nade spam the hell out of it with smoke grenades, make a defensive circle, and make sure at least one of you has a para. If you aren't standing in the smoke, you won't lag too bad. Anyone running through all those smoke grenades will lag like hell as their FPS drops through the floor. There was a kid with a 128MB graphics card absolutely CRAWLING trying to get through the smoke as we hosed him with the para. Its kinda funny for a few rounds, then people get pissed off :)

Overall, I like 1.6. The new weapons add a little more flavor, but don't unbalance the game.

09-19-2003, 08:55 AM
I really dont like it to much. I did enjoy using the FAMAS though and I have no problem killing people at long range with it.