View Full Version : Matrx questions

09-18-2003, 09:59 PM
Well, as some of you may know, and others may not know, i sold the sfl e-mag, to purchase a blue to silver fade Toxic matrix(pics are being taken this weekend and will be up next weekend)

well, all the other matrix owners boards are a little touchy if you ask something that has been asked before, and none of them have a matrix starter faq, so i was hoping to get some answers.

first off, lets ask, what are the fastest and most efficient back/foreward pulse settings? i had heard that 12/35 was the key? is ths true?

also, is the idea behind the SCM mod, that you set it once and forget it?

also, what modifications do you reccomend? the gun came with a leethal backwall, but that appears to be it. im planning on getting the c4 to replace it, or the leethal spacer, so the leethal mod works correctly, which would you all reccomend?

also, what is the most reliable way to set the PBC LPR?

ans, im assuming i have the "centerflag" reg. how do i adjust it? is in up and out down? or vice versa?

thanks for your help guys, and for your information, i havnt abbandoned AGD or mags, i still have my Sydarm, and my Flatline :)

09-18-2003, 10:20 PM
go with 14/45 for your pulse settings.

sorry have never heard of the scm mod.

stay with the lethal stuff, but get a free flow bolt kit.

you should set your lpr every time out. air the gun up turn the lpr out until the gun doesn't cycle then turn in until you can shoot fast and it cycles, plus a half a turn.

if it is the centerflag reg , out lowers , in raises,

No sKiLLz
09-18-2003, 10:22 PM
Pulse settings need to be tuned individually depending on what mods you get. Since you say you are getting the C4, hold off on playing with the pulse settings till you have everything in. Fastest will not be the most efficient. You will need to find the middle ground preference for you, whether it be slanted one way or another.

SCM is a self adjusting LPR and a good one at that. Just like any AKA product, however, it requires a break in period. Some people (like myself) prefer to have complete control over their pressure settings, so if you are a perfectionist, you might want to stick with the PBC or maybe go mini trinity.

Upgrades for the Toxic:

Eyes (if you didn't get them)
Evolve bolt kit (similar to FF but is delrin and claims better consitency)
CP or Sidewinder reg if you don't already have one or the other.
And make sure you turn your flatline down below 500. Matrix inlines are low pressure, so you can theoretically improve consistency and longevity of the inline.

Two ways to set the PBC:

Turn it in till there are 2 or three threads showing, and then slowly turn it out as you watch the velocity over a chrono until you see a drop in velocity, then screw it back in half a turn and set the set screw.

After you get used to it, you will be able to do it the easy way, which is to turn the LPR out almost all the way, and then slowly screw it in while pulling on the trigger till you hear the marker cycle (it shouldn't shoot if the LPR is turned out out). When it cycles, the bolt should stick. Don't touch the trigger when the bolt sticks, just slowly turn the LPR till you hear/see the bolt sucked back into the open breech position, give it a half turn from there, and then set the screw.

Centerflag is in up out down. If it is all the way in and you are not at 300 fps, take the spring cap off and stick a dime in it. It will act as a spacer to compress the spring enough to get another 20 or so FPS.

Congrats on swallowing the red pill. (if you don't get that, watch the first Matrix movie).

09-18-2003, 10:31 PM
No Skillz I appreciate your Reply, and yes, i took the redpill voraciously, i worked and stressed alot to get this gun into my hands. Right now, what should i set my pulse settings to? as i said, they are at 12/35 but no mods(except the odd lethal backwall) are in the marker....

09-18-2003, 10:36 PM
best things to know:

from what i hear, the 14/45 settings are the most efficient pulse settings.

the best way to set your lpr is as follows:
1. turn it all the way in(this may cause the gun to stop firing due to the way some of the lprs are set up, if it does turn the lpr out a bit until it works)
2. set your inline regulator and chrono the marker to where you want it.
3. unscrew the lpr nob a quarter turn at a time chronoing after every turn, when the velocity has a significant drop off turn back half way in(more if need be) and your all set!

you will need to do this every time you re-set your inline as the pressure that the lpr puts out is dependent on the inlines pressure. the AKA SCM does not need to be set every time you adjust your inline so it is more convenient.

besides that congrats on getting a NICE marker!

09-18-2003, 10:41 PM
oh, and no skillz, the evolve bolt kit no longer includes the delrin main bolt.

as for mods, what no skillz posted pretty much covers it, unless you want a 90* frame or something...but thats preference...

Jack & Coke
09-18-2003, 10:45 PM
Hmmm... I just may have to get a Matrix now just so I can understand what you guys are talking about...;)

Toxic Dave
09-18-2003, 10:48 PM

Feel free to shoot me an e-mail if you need any more info.

dave/ toxic/ gen-e

[email protected]

Kaiser Bob
09-18-2003, 11:07 PM
Hey Toxic Dave, was it you guys that donated that LCD matrix to the shatner auction?

09-18-2003, 11:34 PM
Since everyone answered the questions, I thought I would throw up a pic of my trix. I am just excited about my new camera. haha

09-18-2003, 11:44 PM
So um bill... where is my charger?

09-19-2003, 12:19 AM
ed, i am so sorry, i thought i sent it, i just found it in my trunk, and it will go out shortly! IM SOOO SORRY!!!!

09-19-2003, 12:39 AM
Thread HIJACK!

Now that I have my SFL... its time to send it off to Rob and get it tuned back up :P

09-19-2003, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by edweird
Thread HIJACK!

Now that I have my SFL... its time to send it off to Rob and get it tuned back up :P

haha what is it not in good working order?

09-19-2003, 01:05 AM
The ACE is having problems... but I knew that before I bought it.

I worked something out with Rob and have him on retainer for this so I will put him to work once I stop staring at it.

Kaiser Bob
09-19-2003, 01:05 AM
Magman + ACE Boards = flames and magic smoke! :) Hes fried the ACE board twice and at the moment its broken if im not mistaken.

09-19-2003, 01:13 AM
you mean my ace board. :P

Oh well... let the Thread Hijacking Continue!

09-19-2003, 01:21 AM
....and now back to our regularly scheduled Matrix questions...

Kaiser Bob
09-19-2003, 02:13 AM
im interested in matrix info too since i dont know what to do with my gun.

09-19-2003, 02:17 AM
ya could just use it as a............ door stop

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
09-19-2003, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz
Pulse settings need to be tuned individually depending on what mods you get. Since you say you are getting the C4, hold off on playing with the pulse settings till you have everything in. Fastest will not be the most efficient. You will need to find the middle ground preference for you, whether it be slanted one way or another.

SCM is a self adjusting LPR and a good one at that. Just like any AKA product, however, it requires a break in period. Some people (like myself) prefer to have complete control over their pressure settings, so if you are a perfectionist, you might want to stick with the PBC or maybe go mini trinity.

Upgrades for the Toxic:

Eyes (if you didn't get them)
Evolve bolt kit (similar to FF but is delrin and claims better consitency)
CP or Sidewinder reg if you don't already have one or the other.
And make sure you turn your flatline down below 500. Matrix inlines are low pressure, so you can theoretically improve consistency and longevity of the inline.

Two ways to set the PBC:

Turn it in till there are 2 or three threads showing, and then slowly turn it out as you watch the velocity over a chrono until you see a drop in velocity, then screw it back in half a turn and set the set screw.

After you get used to it, you will be able to do it the easy way, which is to turn the LPR out almost all the way, and then slowly screw it in while pulling on the trigger till you hear the marker cycle (it shouldn't shoot if the LPR is turned out out). When it cycles, the bolt should stick. Don't touch the trigger when the bolt sticks, just slowly turn the LPR till you hear/see the bolt sucked back into the open breech position, give it a half turn from there, and then set the screw.

Centerflag is in up out down. If it is all the way in and you are not at 300 fps, take the spring cap off and stick a dime in it. It will act as a spacer to compress the spring enough to get another 20 or so FPS.

Congrats on swallowing the red pill. (if you don't get that, watch the first Matrix movie).

...The Matrix God has spoken

09-19-2003, 06:18 AM
Magman007 did you get eyes?

If not, that should be one of the first upgrades you look to get in my opinion.

I was shooting Max Lundqvist's NYX gun the other weekend and it's awesome with eyes and a Halo B on top. Real nice gun to shoot and a lovely stream of paint out the end of it!!!

I've heard good things about all the different eyes you can get. But I've only really used the Egi eyes (which come on the NYX guns). Egi is a friend of mine and has been making a good product in his eye systems for quite a while. I recomend them!

The Evolve kit is made by another friend of mine (PeeGee) and although I've not used a gun to empty a whole tank with it in place, it has a great following around here and from what I have seen/heard from people I trust, it makes a big improvement to efficiency.

Manike (the first person EVER shot by the electronic Matrix, back at Skyball 2000!)

No sKiLLz
09-19-2003, 07:03 AM
Matrix God? Maybe tomorrow night as I lay sloshed in a strip club in Vegas somewhere (the 20th is my B-day)I will be closer to deity status. :) But Rob and I are planning for probably not next weekend, but the first weekend in October. I'll shoot u out an E-mail B4 we go.

The Egi eye and Xtreme board are incredible. I wish I knew more about it, but he keeps his voodoo under wraps, so I can't get technical about it, but it is definitely a clear step above the stock electronics with gun 20 chip.

Unfortunately it is only available IN the NYX. Flip Flops has a new eye, break beam, I hear it's good quality. If you buy the Gen-E eye you will get a very clean set up with a two piece breech, but I think the price tag on both is a bit hard to swallow if you had to scrape to get the Toxic. Save your pennies for a while because Jim over at WAS is working on an Equalizer board and eye set up for the Matrix. He claims the current eye placement is capping ROF, so I'm anxious to see what he comes up with.

BTW, Manike, I don't know if you saw Lundqvist in Chicago, but he posted in PB Nation, I think, that with the very same NYX you held he shot a 30.6 bps burst over the chrono.

As far as the Evolve goes, from what the website stated they would include the Delrin until they ran out, then it would have to be purchased seperately. Is that the case or have they completely run out?

BTW, Dan, I saw you mention not getting Todds Matrix. Were you going to pick up the NYX instead?

09-19-2003, 07:15 AM
well last time i heard(it was a little while back so things could have changed) evolve wasnt selling the delrin bolt/stem with the kit...but like i said things could have changed.

09-19-2003, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz
The Egi eye and Xtreme board are incredible. I wish I knew more about it, but he keeps his voodoo under wraps, so I can't get technical about it, but it is definitely a clear step above the stock electronics with gun 20 chip.

Ah, one of the benefits of knowing him well and having played with him at World Cup last year (when he was secretly testing this out ;) ) You know he has now gone to work for Dye in California? Egi rocks. Great guy.

Originally posted by No sKiLLz
Jim over at WAS is working on an Equalizer board and eye set up for the Matrix. He claims the current eye placement is capping ROF, so I'm anxious to see what he comes up with.

Of course he is. He always puts down other people's
products in order to sell his own. A lot of the time the stuff he says about other people's products is ABSOLUTELY BS. He will however make a very good board and product for the Matrix, of that I have no doubt. Just make sure you buy it for the real performance and not the hype, BS, or badmouthing he does of other people's products.

Originally posted by No sKiLLz
BTW, Manike, I don't know if you saw Lundqvist in Chicago, but he posted in PB Nation, I think, that with the very same NYX you held he shot a 30.6 bps burst over the chrono.

I saw him in Philly and just last weekend in London at CC. I didn't know he had shot a string that fast! but I do know they are working as hard as possible to get the most speed and best performance out of those guns. All of the ones I have tried were rocking!

Originally posted by No sKiLLz
As far as the Evolve goes, from what the website stated they would include the Delrin until they ran out, then it would have to be purchased seperately. Is that the case or have they completely run out?

I'm sorry but I don't know. If I see PeeGee anytime soon I will ask him. I know originally the delrin bolts were made as a tester which is why they were letting people test them for free. I'm not sure if they have been proven out or what now.

Load SM5
09-19-2003, 08:11 AM
At the risk of sounding really stupid. Why is so much value placed on the eye in a Matrix? I'm a shiney brand new owner of a LCD from TMS, (picking it up Staurday) but I held off on an eye because I was sure chopping would be a rare thing with a HALO B as long as I watched the last few balls in the hopper. Is there something about the design I'm not aware of that would make chopping more of a concern than just keeping it well fed?

There are 4 eyeless Matrixes at my field and they rarely seem to chop, and only those guys with Eggs or the last few balls in their HALO's.

09-19-2003, 08:40 AM
Load the best thing is that the eye controls the whole timing of the gun.

It's not just for stopping chops, which as you say are rare with a Halo B. It's so you can extract every ounce of speed and performance out of the gun.

If your load time is 45ms and it actually only takes 20ms with the Halo B, yes you will never chop, but you are wasting 20ms which makes a huge difference to the ROF you can achieve...

The use of eyes (when done correctly) is not just about avoiding chops. :D It's about performance!

Load SM5
09-19-2003, 08:47 AM
Ah...thanks. I see now. This would be the first gun I've ever had to worry about timing. Eye will definately be my next upgrade. Where do you go to look into the Egi eye?

09-19-2003, 08:58 AM
Are the efficiency numbers you read about (2000 shots to a 68/4500) real or in a perfect controlled envoirnment.

If those numbers are real, what bolt kit is getting those numbers?

09-19-2003, 10:42 AM
You know he has now gone to work for Dye in California? Egi rocks. Great guy.

Yeah..I'm sure Dave has got him working in his secret test kitchen (the nice thing about living not far from Dye is that a lot of people have loose lips regarding new product..heheheehe)

50 cal
09-19-2003, 04:57 PM
My stepsons Matrix is a Freeflow too. It is a damn good paintslinger.

No sKiLLz
09-19-2003, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy

Yeah..I'm sure Dave has got him working in his secret test kitchen (the nice thing about living not far from Dye is that a lot of people have loose lips regarding new product..heheheehe)

Dammit Dan!!! Answer me!!! Bunny is too cool to say what's up to No sKiLLz, now, everyone take note.:(

I was asking u since u didn't get Todd Martinezeszs Matrix, if you went with the NYX instead.

Load, unfortunately the Egi eye is only available in the NYX, but if he went over to DYE, I think it's a safe bet it will come in their upgraded version of the Matrix (Mini Matrix) due around Christmas (so expect it in summer of 2005). That was all speculation, so if anyone knows better, please correct me. It's clear Dave (DeHaan/Youngblood)likes to work with the best, but I still don't approve of him bowing to the Smart Parts patent (please, PLEASE don't turn this thread into another SP discussion) so I'm not sure how excited I will be when it comes time to get a new Trix.

09-19-2003, 05:54 PM
I am not too cool...I don't like to post up anything if I don't have definitive answers to give..

09-20-2003, 01:03 AM
last i heard dye's milled matrix is coming out at WC...maybe the milled dye and the mini-dye are different?

09-20-2003, 02:21 AM
yes...there are people out there that know what is going on...but why blow your connections all to heck just to tell a bunch of people you don't know what is going on?

No sKiLLz
09-22-2003, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I am not too cool...I don't like to post up anything if I don't have definitive answers to give..

So u don't know yet? Aw, ur killing me. I still owe u for the paint dispenser thingy.:D

The DYE Matrix is already available, as they stated just small changes with milling and the regs and the rest would be exactly the same as the Gen-E LCD, only with eyes, however, the mini is due around Christmas, so figure it should be available in the summer of 2005.;)

09-22-2003, 02:00 PM
yes...it should be out around the same time as those Dye Pods from last years catalog...

09-22-2003, 03:44 PM
What are some websites to matrix guns? I know of thematrixcenter.com and thats it.

Kaiser Bob
09-22-2003, 03:51 PM
So is the evolve bolt kit the way to go? From its description it looks like all the aftermarket bolt items, (leethal, etc) in one neat package

09-22-2003, 03:55 PM
well..you can always go to www.matrixowner.com but it will be culture shock if you're used to AO...the mods are quite the opposite of our mods here..

No sKiLLz
09-22-2003, 04:25 PM
The Evolve bolt kit so far is the only Matrix bolt avalable as a Delrin, but if Wang is right, it might be a while before we see it again, but the design is similar to the Free Flow bolt, although it boasts better efficiency and consitancy. After reading all the bolt tests and filtering out the BS it comes down to the list I posted.

The Leethal Mod is simply a drilled out back plug. If you have a drill press you can make your own, but the C4 mod supposedly smooths out the airflow around the back plug. Both do the same thing in different ways, however the C4 angles the airflow and also has less ridged surface area to distort air flow with less back pressure, so in theory it should be better. Hard to explain. If you see them you would know what I'm talking about.


http://www.compulsivepaintball.com/images/products/products/lrtchleethal.jpg http://www.compulsivepaintball.com/product.asp?0=269&1=291&3=620

That last link is to compulsive paintball, who says they have a few DYE trixes in stock.

And Dan, if I had a nickel for every time they told me the pods would be out next month...Let's just make our own.

09-22-2003, 04:46 PM
Those pods are never coming out...you didn't know that?

and as for the Leethal mods..I just got an email from Leethal and he said he's still got a couple of the mods still laying around he's going to sell to finally get rid of..hehehehehe..

Kaiser Bob
09-22-2003, 04:47 PM
it looks like they milled into the plug on the leethal one to increase volume a tad bit more, the c4 mod dosent seem to have that, but the c4 does look like it would probably handle airflow better, not that i can observe the air flowing to really know.

09-22-2003, 06:54 PM
Yeah...a lot of people are wondering why they didn't mill out the rim of the backplug like the Leethal..but oh well...I'm not an engineer so I can't really say why...

Load SM5
09-23-2003, 12:22 AM
I have the basic TMC LCD. What should I look for a a few performance upgrades. The eye is a definate when I get the SFL back from anno but until them I have a few bucks to spend. Any of these dinky upgrades actually do anything?

09-23-2003, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
I have the basic TMC LCD. What should I look for a a few performance upgrades. The eye is a definate when I get the SFL back from anno but until them I have a few bucks to spend. Any of these dinky upgrades actually do anything?

have you sent the sfl out yet ? :) hehe

Kaiser Bob
09-23-2003, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
I have the basic TMC LCD. What should I look for a a few performance upgrades. The eye is a definate when I get the SFL back from anno but until them I have a few bucks to spend. Any of these dinky upgrades actually do anything?

The evolve bolt kit boasts near 2k shots per 68/4.5k efficency which is like AKA gun efficency, im getting one at some point :). I was looking on matrixowner.com and i think gen-e is out of eyes at the moment anyway, they are forming a list for the next batch, so you might want to contact them. Um... the OTB frame I tried at IAO was sick, but i dont think its out yet, dont know about any of the other frames, i know the evolve one comes with both double and blade triggers and spring and magnet assemblies so thats kinda cool.

EDIT: Arr yeah get on the list.

09-24-2003, 04:21 PM
It's time for a Matrix thread revival...woot woot...my NYX arrived today!!!

09-24-2003, 05:00 PM
i need pics for me when i get back from work, that's in 150 minutes!!! better hurry!

09-24-2003, 05:07 PM
**Robert DeNiro voice** You talkin to me?!

09-24-2003, 09:15 PM
i see no pics, and i gave you an extra hour and a half

09-24-2003, 09:25 PM
just got home from work and the digicam batteries are in the charger...as soon as they go green I'll get stuff up..

09-24-2003, 09:49 PM
Dirty nice gun, ive had my trix for about 2 months and love it. Also eyes are not really all that necesarry at first. The bolt will act just like a lvl 10 if set up right. Im hoping to get eyes eventually, but thats after i get all bolt stuff and internals. Also speaking of bolt kits, does anyone know anything about the new Ardvark bolt kit thats supposed to be better than the Free-Flow, except you don't have to do the setting up.

09-24-2003, 10:18 PM
Well..without further ado..here is NYX Matrix #53!


09-24-2003, 10:20 PM
i would sell my soul for that setup (plus a piece of macro:p ) !!!!!!

09-24-2003, 10:22 PM
yeah..well...I can't decide whether to use the CP or slap on the prototype Crossfire Inline that ive had for a few weeks...oh well..i'll get to it soon enough..

09-24-2003, 10:50 PM
here's another new shot...for Cris...


No sKiLLz
09-24-2003, 11:23 PM
OMG stop whining. The anno and milling looks perfect. At least no different from mine. :) If you are going to use the Crossfire, can I buy that CP off of you?

And BTW, did you post the pics of mine yet? Or do you not want me to steal your thunder?:)

09-24-2003, 11:39 PM
Well..I'm gonna test the CP out first...but if you still want it after I've gotten the test taken care of then yeah of course I'll sell it to you..

and as for the anno..from here you can't tell..let's just say if you saw it up close it would look like the Skull was bleeding from his teeth down his face in white lines...with the Halo on top you can't see it..and for $1300..that's just not good enough..but we'll see...I put a call into them...

09-24-2003, 11:43 PM
that is one sexy *** nyx bunny, congradulations for having such a kick *** marker.

09-24-2003, 11:49 PM
Thanx m8trixboi..maybe next time out if you stop by we can swap and I'll let you take the NYX for a spin..

btw, NS...that email you sent me had zero pix in it...

09-25-2003, 12:03 PM
did anyone else notice that Magman007 didn't spell Matrix right in the subject for this thread...oh well..

09-25-2003, 01:31 PM
eh,it's 007, he's lizdexic:D ;) :p

09-25-2003, 03:46 PM
btw, Cris...was that enough pictures for you or do I need to take more?

09-25-2003, 03:48 PM
So for you guys who have Matrixes what kind of efficiency are you getting from them ? I've heard they aren't much better than Emags, although I don't necessarily believe that. How heavy are they ? Heavier than an Emag with ULE body ?


No sKiLLz
09-25-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by CFD323
So for you guys who have Matrixes what kind of efficiency are you getting from them ? I've heard they aren't much better than Emags, although I don't necessarily believe that. How heavy are they ? Heavier than an Emag with ULE body ?


Stock image bolt I was getting 7-8 pods and a hopper. The new Evolve boasts a whole case.

09-25-2003, 08:11 PM
i require MORE PICS!!!:D :D

a couple more would be cool because i love trixes, it's just that my local store hates them and generally wont work on them so i ended up getting a timmy:(

btw, dirty i've still got those 3 tubs of Matrix Muck you sold me, wanna buy them back?

No sKiLLz
09-25-2003, 09:14 PM
As requested.

09-25-2003, 10:55 PM
Wow...I wonder where those came from...hahahahhaha

09-26-2003, 06:02 AM
show off JK

09-26-2003, 10:03 AM
It was a joke...NS knows what I mean...

Load SM5
10-03-2003, 07:10 PM
Ok upping this because I have a question. Last weekend was the first time I played a real game with my Matrix. I noticed that even with a HALO B with fresh batts I still chopped occasionally or had skipped shots. The guys at my field seem to think it's the no-rise even though HALO's are supposed to work better on the low/no-rises. Do I just have this thing set up wrong? It was pretty frustrating.

Kaiser Bob
10-03-2003, 08:20 PM
Thats odd, i have almost the same setup as you do and mine dosent chop or skip shots... my pulse has been 12/35 i just lowered it to 10/35 to see if i can get a bit more efficency out of the image bolt and 1 more bps :)

10-03-2003, 08:39 PM
Has anyone checked out anything on Aardvarks new Slam bolt?
Here is the link to the site for those who have never been there.


No sKiLLz
10-03-2003, 08:41 PM
You have the TMC, right? Try turning the LPR out till it won't shoot and then turn it back in till it cycles normally with no bolt stick. If you still have problems, LMK.

Load SM5
10-03-2003, 09:02 PM
I'll mess a bit more with the LPR. I'll try adjusting my pulse a bit. It's currently 13/40.

10-03-2003, 11:57 PM
Did you have a fresh battery in the trix?

Load SM5
10-04-2003, 06:02 AM
It pretty new. Less that 3 cases. I assume that battery meter on the grip is somewhat accurate? I'm reffing a tourney today but I'm taking the trix up to get a little chronograph time. I'll mess around with the pulse, and LPR a little and report back later today.