View Full Version : Help finding H2 thread....

09-19-2003, 05:04 PM
Hi, Y'all. Not too long ago there was a thread about some woman that thought she'd jump a statue in her neat-o new H2 with bad results.... I can't find it now. Tried the search with no luck....

Thanks for any help.
Eric B. aka smokeydoge :cool:

09-19-2003, 05:40 PM
I believe the thread was deleted because it was causing server problems. A lot of ppl were linking to the thread causing outside traffic to slow down the server.

09-19-2003, 05:41 PM
heres one pic

09-19-2003, 09:05 PM
like this one?here you go (http://www.s2ki.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=146846)

09-19-2003, 09:16 PM
This is entirely off topic for the Paintball Talk forum. You need to ask this kind of thing in Friendly Corner.

Moving there.

09-20-2003, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by BradAGD
like this one?here you go (http://www.s2ki.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=146846)

yeah, I know, but I could have sworn I saw it here....sorry


09-20-2003, 12:29 AM
Oh, and thank you for the link, Brad. Yes, that's the one....so damn funny :D !!!!

09-20-2003, 04:45 AM
You found my thread!!! It was deleted along with a few others a few weeks ago. I was going to post it again, but i didnt have the time or energy. I thought I'd never see it again...

09-20-2003, 08:59 PM
That is one of the funniest/most amazing things I've ever seen !!! The level of stupidity some people posses is baffling !!!!

On a side note, even tho I never liked them to begin with, I look at all H2s with a smirk now :D !!!!!! I just can't help it !!!!

Thanks for the laugh and the assistance.
Eric B. aka smokeydoge