View Full Version : wut do u think the bigger adreniline rush is..hunting..or paintball

09-21-2003, 04:22 PM
ok guys...what do u think is the bigger adreniline rush...hunting or paintball

09-21-2003, 04:27 PM
Paintball is the ultimate hunt. Man on man, and both armed...

09-21-2003, 04:30 PM
nah but trust me...i am going w/ hunting...hunting is 10 times better adreniline..i mean granted paintball is amazing..bbut hunting..i just cna't explain the rush u get sitting there with a 2 70 watching that 10 point buck in the scope waiting him to move 2 feet more to take him...o man...

09-21-2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by laxster08
nah but trust me...i am going w/ hunting...hunting is 10 times better adreniline..i mean granted paintball is amazing..bbut hunting..i just cna't explain the rush u get sitting there with a 2 70 watching that 10 point buck in the scope waiting him to move 2 feet more to take him...o man...

mmmk? what about the people that dont hunt... or dont play paintball? were gunna favor what WE like more...

Major Ho
09-21-2003, 04:41 PM
Maybe when I first starting playing the paintball adrenaline was off the charts. Now its more of a competitive mindset. Adrenaline clouds your thoughts in a time of "crisis"
Ill go with hunting even though I dont understand the nature of it.

09-21-2003, 04:49 PM
As one who enjoys paintball and plays everyother weekend. I still have to say Hunting. I live in Alaska and there is nothing that can compare to a big game hunt. (Moose, Grizzly/Brown Bear, or Caribou) The rush involved is truley undescribable. One moose a year, feeds my family for that entire year. Also there is a pride that goes with knowing you supplied food. I hope this makes sense.

09-21-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by laxster08
i just cna't explain the rush u get sitting there with a 2 70 watching that 10 point buck in the scope waiting him to move 2 feet more to take him....
.........He's not even aware he's being hunted,fortunately he's completely defensless against my highpowered rifle....then,after hiding in a blind all morning he finally steps out into my sights........quite a challenge I must say.....:rolleyes:

09-21-2003, 05:03 PM
........quite a challenge I must say.....

Everyone will have opinions. You have your tree huggers on one side and your NRA gun enthusiasts on another. Now lets not get started on who believes what is right or not. Keep your sarcasm in check folks.

09-21-2003, 05:04 PM
i wasn't too crazy about hunting the time i went.
pball rox

09-21-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade

.........He's not even aware he's being hunted,fortunately he's completely defensless against my highpowered rifle....then,after hiding in a blind all morning he finally steps out into my sights........quite a challenge I must say.....:rolleyes:

dude...do realize how smart deer are...if u make the slightest movement there gone..the slightnoise there gone..if the wind pciks up ur gone they will smell u in a sec...if u do n et hing tehre gone..dont' even tell me hunting is not a challenge...and try hitting a deere from 50 yards away y ur whoel body is shaking

09-21-2003, 05:06 PM
i still get adrenlline rushes when i play, when you know somebody can beta you or has a chance againest you
right before the break

09-21-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by laxster08

dude...do realize how smart deer are...if u make the slightest movement there gone..the slightnoise there gone..if the wind pciks up ur gone they will smell u in a sec...if u do n et hing tehre gone..dont' even tell me hunting is not a challenge...and try hitting a deere from 50 yards away y ur whoel body is shaking

sounds like they're scared to me.

09-21-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by spydervenom

sounds like they're scared to me.

no there just mad smart and a little jumpy too...n e thing sets them off...if u think deer are real easy to hunt...u are increadibly mistaken

09-21-2003, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by gadget68

Everyone will have opinions. You have your tree huggers on one side and your NRA gun enthusiasts on another. Now lets not get started on who believes what is right or not. Keep your sarcasm in check folks.

Personally. I'm neither a tree hugger nor an NRA member.I'm an avid and highly skilled shooter participating in many forms of the sport.I have no problem with people who hunt to put food on the table or those who are helping control the animal populations that are no longer being controlled under "natural" means.
But I see no "thrill" or "rush" in hunting and killing something that doesn't know it's being hunted or can fight back.Hunting is simply getting in position and taking the shot.I'd rather do that with a 308 on the range @200-400yrds.Now,I have Bow hunted and find that a little more of a challenge but still not anywhere near that of even a simple game of woodsball.Hunting other humans hunting you,now thats a challenge.(sometimes;) )

But that MY opinion.


09-21-2003, 05:14 PM
i never said it was.
but i fail to see how those points proves their intelligence

09-21-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by spydervenom
i never said it was.
but i fail to see how those points proves their intelligence

what human do u konw that can smell a hunter from a mile away...hear practicaly impossible noises to hear from far distances and see the slighteset movement from 50 years aaway??? o wait a deer can...dude trust me...there smart and skilled at surviving...and for people that are thikngin about the hunting on TV...its totatlly BS...hunting is not liek that at all..those peopel are on farms that are litearlly FENCED IN..it gets me so mad...b/c it look ssoooo eazy...its not hing liek that..trust me

09-21-2003, 06:00 PM
:rolleyes: if deer are so smart why do they freeze when they're caught in a car's headlights?

09-21-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag
:rolleyes: if deer are so smart why do they freeze when they're caught in a car's headlights?

if humans are so smart y do they chow down on mcdowloads that will kill them in 10 years...haha j.p...but they are figuering out what htey are...like if someone shines a flashlight in ur eye...u just sit there

09-21-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by laxster08

what human do u konw that can smell a hunter from a mile away...hear practicaly impossible noises to hear from far distances and see the slighteset movement from 50 years aaway??? o wait a deer can...dude trust me...there smart and skilled at surviving...and for people that are thikngin about the hunting on TV...its totatlly BS...hunting is not liek that at all..those peopel are on farms that are litearlly FENCED IN..it gets me so mad...b/c it look ssoooo eazy...its not hing liek that..trust me

thats accute senses.

you dont call deaf people stupid or people who got bottle rockets shot up their noses...well at least you shouldn't because it wouldn't be true necessarily.

09-21-2003, 06:13 PM
ahhhaa this thread is getting heating...but all i'm saying it like serously..huntin is a huge rush...theres no way to explain it...i dont' play woodsball so maybe woodsball is a big rush to....airball is a rush..but i find it more liek a game..like soccer or baskitball u know waht i mean

09-21-2003, 06:21 PM
i'm not getting heated. i just dont understand how those qualities of the deer make them intelligent.

09-21-2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by spydervenom
i'm not getting heated. i just dont understand how those qualities of the deer make them intelligent.

well y do u think peopel hunt them...b/c there eazy???? nooooooooooooo...i must admit...doe's are very eazy to hunt...its the common female in the woods hahahaha..seroiusly..there wicked dumb..but bucks...now they know what there doing...there so cautouse..it pisses me off so bad...haha

09-21-2003, 06:28 PM
hunting i got a headache from just firing the gun over and over.

paintball i get a headache due to a adrenaline withdrawel

09-21-2003, 06:35 PM
Ahh yes.. the pointless/random killing of animals... gotta love hunting.

09-21-2003, 06:51 PM
forget the rifle. hitting a deer with an econosize car! now that's an adrenaline rush. because then you're actually in as much danger as the deer. :D seriously though. i don't see how you get an adrenaline rush from killing an animal that isn't going to fight back. most times adrenaline comes from danger or the illusion of danger. what happens if you miss your shot on a deer? nothing. the deer runs away and you don't get to kill it. big whoop. i doubt that really affects any of our lives.

09-21-2003, 07:28 PM
trust me if u ever go hunting u will have a adrenilne rush...wheres all the hunters to back me up here good lord ahha...

09-21-2003, 07:35 PM
I think every sport hunter(sport meaning they do it for fun, not to provide food to live) should have to kill their first game animal with their bare hands in order to hunt with a rifle. Basically, if you want deer, you kill a deer, if you want moose, you kill a moose, but in order to get to hunt that particular animal, you must first kill it with your bare hands. Pulling a trigger is easy. And with todays technology, you can mask your scent, and hide behind camo. It's not like it's "hard" to hunt. Ive hunted once in my life, and I saw many deer that day. We were turkey hunting, but still, seeing those deer that close, I knew then that I wouldnt ever want to actually kill one of them. Like I said, if you get an animal with your bare hands, thats something to be proud of, and something to be respected.

And as for population is concerned, I doubt that not hunting the deer is really going to make a difference. It's not like if we dont hunt them to death, we will either be voting for Bush, Gore or a deer in the next ellection.(the deer would probably win because it would do a better job)

Putting food on the table on the other hand is a noble thing. I have nothing against anyone who does it for the food, and they use ever last part possible.

And lastly, I didn't find hunting that great. I sat in the woods with a friend for about 13 hours. Thats it. I saw lots of animals, but that nothing I cant see everyday from my window. Paintball is better for me.

09-21-2003, 07:43 PM
i agree with you to some extent warped. i think they should be allowed a knife though. after all we don't have claws or fangs. ;)

09-21-2003, 07:50 PM
there was an adrenaline rush in paintball that was better than hunting in the begining. But that rush subsided and now it is just pleasureable to play. There is a rush based upon all team sports, and this is nothing different in paintball. winning the tall trophey is awesome no matter what sport you play.

I have been hunting for many years (more than many of you have been alive for) and there is nothing greater than the 12 pointer that I dropped. Just seeing that beast made my heart alomst explode.

For those that say hunting is easy. UHHH SURE!!!! Sit in the cold and say that(my coldest hunt that I remember was opening weekend 1990 or 91). I was in a un-protected tree stand an it was -9 degrees with 30mph winds. The wind chill was insanely cold. I still dropped a fork-horn that year from approx 175 yards. The skill is compensating for windage, and elevation and being able to hit something the size of a fist (the heart) from up to 400 yards away. If you can do that I am sure it will be easy for you... That is is if you do not hvae "buck fever" or can't feel your rifle because your are numb.

09-21-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by laxster08

if humans are so smart y do they chow down on mcdowloads that will kill them in 10 years...haha j.p...but they are figuering out what htey are...like if someone shines a flashlight in ur eye...u just sit there

shine a flashlight in my eye and see what happens. lol
i dont know anyone who would just sit there. they'd move their head or close their eyes to avoid the light.

its all opinionated. like music, like what gun is better, etc. only time i've been hunting is when i first got a Talon and sat in a tree tying to shoot squirrels.

09-21-2003, 08:14 PM
hunting has the bigger rush, but paintball's rush lasts longer.

there is nothing that can compare to sitting in 20 below weather (not paying the best attention) and your heart just about stops when you see that buck walk out of the brush 75 yards away from you.

09-21-2003, 08:16 PM
finally someoen to back me up..ahah...exactly one shot exactly...that is very true abvout the rush for paintball last longer...but man...how bout ur heart racin like crazy when ur hunting..adn the knee shaking...it doesn't stop it doesn't stop hahahha

09-21-2003, 08:20 PM
PAINTBALL....cause i haven't seen a deer shoot back ;)

09-21-2003, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag
i agree with you to some extent warped. i think they should be allowed a knife though. after all we don't have claws or fangs. ;)
Neither do deeer.

Laxster- Trust me, I will never go hunting.. ever...

09-21-2003, 08:32 PM
I am not posting this to start any controversy but, imagine siting for hours in the rain and snow. Hoping to see, not a deer, but a moose. Knowing you will not have to buy meat from the grocery store all year if you can get one.

Alaska has some of the best hunting in the world. All big game (except for southeast alaska where we have probably the smallest deer anywhere).

Our hunting season is not long. Just about 15 days a year, depending on what game management unit you hunt in. Also regulations are in place that make it illegal to shoot female moose-also known as cows.

So what my point is, if you see a 1000lb animal walk up on you, while you have been in one place long enough for your lower extremities to become numb by the cold, words cannot explain the "excitment/ Adrenaline rush" your body and mind will go through.

09-21-2003, 10:14 PM
Looks like they've baggged a very large dog. Does the owner know? I seriously had a dog that looked alot like that.

Come on now, don't sell yourself short. You spend more money on paintball than most people do on a car, and you people who hunt are telling me you cant afford warmer clothes, boots, shirts, jackets and gloves? Hunting is easy, if you have the money. You get one of those tree stands that is a giant enclosed box, with one large slot in the front to shoot from, with a blind covering the hole, you get all the warmest clothing, countless handwarmers, Gallons of deer piss, and earth scent(mask scent)and after that, you could guess at the shot pretty much. Just take pot shots at the deer all day, cuz I've seen people take tvs on hunts(better entertainment). With this equipment, it is easy.

I'm not saying go buy this to take the fun out of it, but atleast get warmer clothing. After that, you can say nothing about the cold.

It's sad though, around here, people spotlight shoot, and just plain shoot from their trucks in the middle of the day. If it's at night, I don't care how slow they go, I stay behind them with my high beams on. Now thats fun! During the day, I just honk the horn alot, and scare the deer away. If your a hunter, have at it, just don't try to convince me it's right. I'm still voting for the deer in the next election.


Espo, it's true, we don't have fangs or claws, but the animals that normally would kill a deer do. Thus, a knife would be suitable. Also, force the hunters to go after the deer naked, or with a thin amount of clothing to simulate the normal coat of a predator.

Deer are meant for food for some animals. It's true, they are on the lower rungs of the food chain, and that means they can and and almost(ALMOST!) should be hunted (says nature) The predators that feed on deer use a natural edge to kill, ie, their claws and fangs. So, shouldnt we, as a more technologically advanced race use our edge? Our minds. I'm sure if a Lion could have thought up how to make a gun in Africa, it would have made her job much easier, and she would have done it in a second. That leads to the last and final question, after listening to this, do you still think hunting is wrong? Depends on how you look at it.

09-21-2003, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Looks like they've baggged a very large dog. Does the owner know? I seriously had a dog that looked alot like that.
Ok big mouth...show yours! Put up or shut up.

I'm with Gadget68 on the hunting...and not just because he lives 2 blocks away! :) Hunting has been a thrill for me for a long time, and it gets more exciting each year. (by the way WarpedRT#2....I started before you were born)

Here's a pic of one of my hunts, not the world record, but big enough. He stood 7'4" and weighed a little under 600 pounds. And for the record..tasted like crap! But I had to try.

09-21-2003, 10:35 PM
These are for you Warped....try voting for these guys...:)

09-21-2003, 10:38 PM
Sorry Warped..but this one doesn't stand a chance either...

09-21-2003, 10:46 PM
Nice bear, I'm sure he was about to maul a villiage full of old women and children. I'll look for the picture of my dog(very large black lab), although most of the old pictures have been put in storage since they are falling apart.

While I dont quite see eye to eye with EsPo view, due to the total lack of hunting, I don't agree with killing any animal you can get a scope on. What is the point of killing a bear? Are you trying to scare me, or something with these pictures? If you're such a great hunter, enlist in the marines, get a sniper spot, and kill some people for a change. Atleast they can shoot back.

By the way, exactly how can you tell my age just from posts?

09-21-2003, 10:46 PM
And just so you don't think I'm an unsportsmanlike hunter....I shot this one with my .50AE Desert Eagle---RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES!

09-21-2003, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
If you're such a great hunter, enlist in the marines, get a sniper spot, and kill some people for a change. Atleast they can shoot back.

A true liberal for ya....."How dare you harvest game for food??!!!! You horrible monster!!! Instead you should go kill a bunch of 3rd world minorities!!"

Just so you get me....I eat EVERYTHING I shoot, and I don't shoot for trophies. I harvest at least one black bear and all four deer (max amount for a white guy) a year for food. Alaska has some of the most pure tasting natural black bears in the world, and they taste great!

If you really want me to stop shooting Bambi and Balou then figure out a cheaper way to ship some 'fresh' beef up here. By the way, you do know where hamburgers come from, right? Innocent, defensless cows have to be slaughtered so that you can enjoy your Big Mac. Hey...are you one of those people who boycott McDonalds?

09-21-2003, 11:04 PM
those deer in the truck look so sad! :(

lol. :p

09-21-2003, 11:08 PM
Man, you didn't read anything I wrote, did you? In my first post, I stated that I don't mind people who hunt for the food. Those who really need it, that is.

The harvesting for food thing, read what I wrote two sentences ago. Also, what is yoiur problem with me? It's my opinion that I don't like hunting, and in most cases, hunters. You have to understand that around here, everyone who hunts is almost always drunk while doing it, and they simply shoot the deer, and let it lay. But yes, I'd like to see the hunters of this country hunt things that can actually shoot back.

Next, I don't like Mc D's food simply because I don't like Soy. Their food is part soy, and part beef, and it's held together with, you guessed it cow eyes. Proven fact, been on the news. I just don't care for Mc Donnalds food, but their new Philly Cheese Steak sounds good:)

Also, cows are bred to be killed. I only have a problem killing domesticated ones, they can be as smart as a dog. I do like Burger King though.

Nerowolf, I'm glad your not a trophy hunter, and I'm glad you eat everything you catch, but still, I dont have to like it. My opinion. Also, did you read my theory a few posts up? That should tell you that I'm not totally opposed to hunting. Read it and tell me what you think. Also, might not be a good idea to post too many pictures. I know alot of people might not like them, me on the other hand, I don't mind.

09-21-2003, 11:21 PM
Actually, in your post that I quoted you didn't begin with an opinion..educated or ignorant. You started it off with a joke. Making fun is not expressing an opinion. You then later edited your post to include everything after your first insulting comment. So let's get past the "I was just stating my point of view" bit.

And for the last pic. Here's a reply to your "enter the military" suggestion.

09-21-2003, 11:27 PM
No, my first post was on the first page. You didn't take the time to read everyones, did you? Read first. The post you are referring to was a response to a picture that others might find objectionable. He could have atleast put a link up to another site instead of tosssing picture on the forum (paintball at that). I've seen some people post on here that would very much not like to see those things. If someone posts pictures like that, they are open to comments. I simply commented it looked like a dog.(my dog, I do miss him) but how is that an insult? It's a joke. Do you people in Alaska have a sence of humor?

Those are very nice medals. My family has tons of them, as almost everyone in my family has been in the military. Still, did you actually put a person in your scope? Someone who could shoot back? The race or nationality of the person does not matter, if they deserve to be killed, they should be killed.

You serioulsy need to cool off. Realize that you are not the only one who has an opinion that matters, and you cannot change others opinions by hounding them.

09-21-2003, 11:32 PM
All I have to say is Alaska has such a wide range of wildlife....and yes Warped#2 bears do maul people. ( Go to you bookstore and checkout "Alaskan beartales") No matter what you may have heard. As a matter of fact moose kill people too. Case in point back in the early 90's a man was killed on the University of Alaska Anchorage campus.The poor guy was stomped to death.
I am not getting on anyones case, I just think people should understand region and livelyhood before they make certain remarks.
By the way I also started hunting way before your birth. Your bithday is posted in your profile. :)
To all who hunt and play paintball there are rushes either way.

09-21-2003, 11:37 PM
For those with a faint of heart and find my picture offensive, I did not intend this. Mr. Warped#2 has brought this to my attention through anothers post reply.
Next time just let me know. No need to get your undies in a bind.

09-21-2003, 11:42 PM

Offensive matter? You sit here and ask me to go try to kill another human being,,,whether I could be the next Lee Harvey Oswald, and then state that you are only thinking of other peoples' sensitivity to horrible things! Are you ok?

Let people who are offendend state that for themselves. You've stated yours, and I replied. Ta-da!

09-21-2003, 11:44 PM
Gadget, I really didn't mean to offend you, I was just joking. Wow, you caught the age thing too, nice one. I was waiting for Nerowolf to say something, be he never did.

We havent had a bear around here for some time, almost 10 years, but they used to eat from our bird feeders, and were actually somewhat friendly. My mom got about 10 feet from one, without seeing it, and it didn't harm her in anyway. I understand that people were killed, and I do realize that this will get alot of people in an uproar. This is my opinion, that the animals got one back. Thats all. I know it hurts a human family more to lose someone, but still, I'm one for swift, hard justice. Just me I guess. I'm sorry for offending you in anyway gadget. No hard feelings?

Reminds me, going to erase certain profile items...

Nerowolfe, I never said go out and start sniping people from the back of a car did I? I never said wax the pres, did I? I said, kill someone who deserves it. Gory? They auctioned off a hat that was worn by an Afghanistan soldier, after he was shot through the head at Shanterball 2. It had a hole through it, and I'm sure after washing all the grey matter out of it, it was suitable to wear. There is gory. You are the oen who came up with waxing ordinary people. The question is, are you ok?

09-21-2003, 11:51 PM

09-21-2003, 11:52 PM
Please Warp.....Stop the insanity!!!!!
I am having a difficult time following you. Human life vs the Food chain?

No hard feelings taken.....This was very amusing write ups to read.

09-22-2003, 12:00 AM
Yeah I know, swift justice, remember:D I'll be the first to say I'm not right in the head, but still, I have to stand by what I say, the other people in my head will hurt me if I dont.

09-22-2003, 12:06 AM
Paintball has the bigger rush of adrenaline for me. But going hunting in such close proximity to other hunters it gets me to thinking before I take a shot becuase I dont know who's gonna be in the direction I'm shooting in. IDK, maybe I just worry to much when I have a real gun in my hands. And yes, I am a proud member of the NRA. I go hunting about a mile from the Wisconsin - UP Michigan border and let me tell ya, it gets cold as heck up there.

09-22-2003, 01:04 AM
i have never gone hunting, but paintball definately seems to be the much greater adrenaline rush. i dont see any excitement in killing something that doesnt know youre there and has no way to fight back. paintball does have those things.

09-22-2003, 01:05 AM
I personally agree with Hunting having a higher aderenaline rush than paintball. I mainly only hunt Fesent, but have hunted deer and boar in the past. As well for the above hunters, I ONLY SHOOT WHAT I EAT. Fesent hunting is a little different than deer or larger game hunts. In stead of staying a carefully chossen spot, you must move around until your dog (you don't need one, but good luck having a fesent take off) picks one up and sends into the air. All of this happens real quick. If you miss than the birdie gets away.

By the way, Fesent is REAL good :D.

And as for above comments about hunting with knives, I have buddies who really do this with wild boar. I personally think its too "hands on," but I'm sure the adrenaline is much higher with that kind of hunting.

Also, with above comments of hunting being easy, Not True.
Any one can pick up a rifle and kill game. But it takes a skilled hunter to know when, what, and how to shoot wild game. Good hunters only go for sportsman like kills, aka try to take the animal down with it suffering the least amount. If the shot can't be taken confidently, it won't (With me at least). Thats when the skill and experiance comes in.

Ok, that my 2 cents. Oh by the way, Nice Bear :D I've always wanted to try hunting bear, but location makes it difficult.

09-22-2003, 04:19 AM
How is hunting a sport?

I dont know how hunting can be called a sport by any stretch of the imagination. I like paintball cause I like anything combative. I like to fight. I relish going head to head with an opponent and defeating him whether it be in paintball, airsoft, football, boxing, or videogames. However, I'm not out looking for some kill thrill, and unless you need to put food on your table then thats why your hunting no matter how you want to dress it up.

I fail to see how hiding for hours camoflauged, rifle and call in hand, waiting for an animal that pocesses a fraction of your own brain capacity to wonder ,unknowingly, into your sights is "sporting" by any definition. I prefer to go against opponents, not prey. Something that poses some sort of threat to me within the confines of whatever game/sport I'm playing allows me to say that my opponents had a "sporting chance" after I shoot them, but thats just me. Defeating them is a triumph because of that equality.

Get your kicks wherever you want, but dont blow away a friggin' deer, who never even knew it was being hunted, and tell me your a "sportsmen":)

09-22-2003, 04:56 AM
Originally posted by xrancid_milkx
I mainly only hunt Fesent.

Please tell me you don't really spell Pheasant this way in America? If you do that is the worst bastardisation of our language I have seen yet. :D It took me ages to even work out what you meant!

09-22-2003, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by laxster08
ok guys...what do u think is the bigger adreniline rush...hunting or paintball


The dear don't shoot back.

I've never really been into hunting. I get dragged out once in a while by people because they know I own a lot of guns, but it just isn't my thing. It's not really competitive because the animals aren't trying to beat you. A lot of people like to hunt, so obviously there's something there that I just ain't getting.

09-22-2003, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by manike

Please tell me you don't really spell Pheasant this way in America? If you do that is the worst bastardisation of our language I have seen yet. :D It took me ages to even work out what you meant!

don't worry man. the american people do not spell this way. unless you consider misspelling everything the american way. :p

09-22-2003, 11:16 AM
No, I just can't spell for the life of me :rolleyes:

I even tried to look for on dictionary first since I knew I spelt it wrong, guess it doesn't start with an "f." :eek:

But seriously if anyone has gone "Pheasant" hunting then you know how much fun it is. Deffinitly an adreniline rush. Much greater than paintball in my opinion.

And sorry for bastardisation again :D

09-22-2003, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
By the way, exactly how can you tell my age just from posts?

Your profile states you were born in 1983.

That's a good start :)

09-22-2003, 11:22 AM
No worries, I can see why the error, but wasn't sure if it was actually an error or not :eek: :D .

Now if only I can get you all to spell aluminIum correctly... ;)

09-22-2003, 11:24 AM
Any real sport hunter will tell you its not in the kill, any one who hunts for food will say the same thing.

The whole point of hunting, for me, is getting out in the woods away from all the idiots in society and just exhisting.

I have never sat in a blind, nor a tree stand, I only carry a brush gun (short barrel .44, not much good for anything beyond 75-100 yards or a 20 gauge if its bird season). I pose no real threat to an animal but if I happen to take something home it goes to grace the table.

As for the adrenalin paintball is a nice constant rush for a long period of time, hunting is a bigger rush than you can imagine or discribe, for a short time.

There is nothing like being in the woods alone, at the mercy of nature with only a picece of metal and wood which shoots tiny pieces of metal, think about the odds. Theres a lot of nature out there.

09-22-2003, 11:37 AM
haha. imagine if all the animals decided to rush you at once. you'd be in deep doo doo then! :p

09-22-2003, 11:38 AM
At least dear don't wipe

09-22-2003, 12:21 PM
Pacifist _Farmer, I still dont see whats "sporting" about huntiing or "sport hunters". Hunting is not a sport. I'm sure your one man struggle against nature is admirable, but your not out hunting anything that can threaten you. You say that carrying a 44. Magnum or a 20 gauge shotgun means you pose "no real threat to an animal". This is the dumbest thing I've heard in this thread yet. I guess the deer in your area of the woods are runnin' around with AK-47's, that would kinda trump the threat level from your 44. However, I have a feeling anything your hunting is unarmed and hasnt the slightest idea its being hunted till you drop it as it's eating breakfest. I'm sorry, that "tiny peice of metal" your 44. is shooting is hardly a spit wad so spare me. If the odds are in anyones favor it sure as hell ain't with the animal, so dont act like runnin' around in the woods with a firearm in your hands agianst a bunch of animals is some kind of ultimate struggle. I like to get away from society in the woods too, but since I'm in easy reach of a grocery store, I don't feel the need to go out of my way to pop a slug into an animal and prove my primal masculinity. My "oneness with nature" is attainable without me having to blow away something, maybe I'm just weird though....

09-22-2003, 12:27 PM
I really hold nothing against anyone that hunts for either a living, food, or enjoyment so long as they do so in a legal fashion, which it seems to me everyone here does.

The reason I don't hunt is because I like straight up competition when ever I do some kind of sport (like paintball or hunting). Even though there is definitly a challenge to hunting it is not a competition. The dear isn't trying to kill you back, it's just trying to get away.

That's my only issue with it, and that's purely a personal preference.

09-22-2003, 12:34 PM
Thats a great way to put it Albinonewt, hunting is a challenge not a competition. Competition is the essence of sports. I can go out and drop a retarded kid in dodgeball but that doesnt make me a "sportsmen" if he couldnt defend himself.

09-22-2003, 01:50 PM
Hunting if the thing i am hunting can eat me.

09-22-2003, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by 845
Hunting if the thing i am hunting can eat me.

Well yeah, hunting a T-Rex that's angry with me would give a certain amount of adrenaline :(

09-22-2003, 01:55 PM
Any and all of you who think it's not a challenge to hunt needs to either wake up, or try it. I'm not talking about the red-knecked hillbilly style, either!! Yeah, some 'cheaters' bait the animals, then blast 'em. Not exactly a 'sporting' hunt.
The way we hunt is much more difficult. You might get lucky and encounter one sooner, or later, but either way it's a hunt. No flashlights, no bait. My skills at stalking, listening and observing play the biggest role in my success. (not that I'm saying I'm a 'Delta Force' style hunter, or the best)
Now for the most ignorant comments about an animal not being able to fight back. What? What the hell are you talking about? Have you misunderstood the entire meaning of hunting? The origination of it? Hunting, whether for sport or survival is hunting. Just like anything else in the world, it has it's catagories. But it's still hunting. If you don't think it's thrilling, then say that. But making reference to people being inhumane to wildlife because they hunt is absurd, ignorant, immature, must I go on? Oooops, you're entitled to your opinion. BUT, I'd be willing to bet that only 1% of you are actually vegitarians, if any. So I ask again, "What the hell are you talking about?"

09-22-2003, 02:16 PM
Couldn't have put it better, Nerowolfe,well stated. Some of these posts are giving me a headache from trying to understand the meaning behind all the garble.

Some of you folks are talking out of the other hole (not on your face).
Some of you also amaze me as to how you have survived in this educated society we live in.

09-22-2003, 02:31 PM
Konigballer perhaps I need to clarify, the deer (for instance) in my neck of the woods dont let you get within 300 yards, now if you can bring down a 180 pound animal at 300 yards with a .44 then you are magical.

As for the sporting aspect of Hunting

Do you consider running a sport? Did you know that it is in the olympics? Did you know that walking up and down mountians all day with 20 pounds of clothing and or gear is a lot harder than running? Did you even know that some of us do this in the winter, thats right in snow two, some times three feet deep even! Much more diffucult than running. I think that makes it a sport.

As for the grocery store, I know right where mine is 1/4 mile due north. Ask the next package of Hamburger you pick up if it was able to flee from whatever was pursuing it.

If I can feed my self without buying some animal that had no sporting chance at life, I'm all the better for it.

09-22-2003, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Looks like they've baggged a very large dog. Does the owner know? I seriously had a dog that looked alot like that.

Come on now, don't sell yourself short. You spend more money on paintball than most people do on a car, and you people who hunt are telling me you cant afford warmer clothes, boots, shirts, jackets and gloves? Hunting is easy, if you have the money. You get one of those tree stands that is a giant enclosed box, with one large slot in the front to shoot from, with a blind covering the hole, you get all the warmest clothing, countless handwarmers, Gallons of deer piss, and earth scent(mask scent)and after that, you could guess at the shot pretty much. Just take pot shots at the deer all day, cuz I've seen people take tvs on hunts(better entertainment). With this equipment, it is easy.

I'm not saying go buy this to take the fun out of it, but atleast get warmer clothing. After that, you can say nothing about the cold.

Man, probably the one of the most untrue comments I've heard. It's all opinion on whether or not you agree with hunting or not and I'm not gonna try and convince anything one to agree or not. I've been hunting for nearly 8 years and have to say it's way harder than they make it out to be on tv. Untill you actually are waking up hours before the sun rises and hiking 5-10 miles in the mountains with 20-30 pounds of gear all before the sun comes up, just to get to that spot where you'll even start to hunt then I don't think you should be making coments on if it's hard or not. What is shown on tv is only a small portion of what it actually is, at least in Washington. You're not just sitting in a blind or tree stand for hours, you actually do a lot of moving as well as sitting but it's not like you're just "taking pot shots" at deer all day, it's a lot of work but the reward is worth it. And yes my family that I hunt with aren't just trophey hunters, we eat everything we kill.

And for anyone that wants to make comments about how hunters are just killing harmless animals better think long and hard about what that cow went through before it was served to you at your local fast food place.

Just my 2 cents.

09-22-2003, 03:16 PM
since it's been so long since my first post and i'm sure some of you missed, it i'd like to clarify my position. i am not against hunting and i don't think it's easy. the original question was about getting an adrenaline rush. i don't see myself getting one from hunting. same as albinonewt. i'm not in any danger. most of the animals you hunt don't fight back. adrenaline is a response to danger or at least the illusion of danger. no danger, no adrenaline.

09-22-2003, 03:29 PM
Well this is,as with many discussions,full of both extremes.

The simple question is which gives you more of an adrenalin rush.There are only 1 of 2 answers.To debate the merits of Hunting is unneeded and will never change anyone's opinions.

For the record mine are:

I HAVE hunted and most often with a bow.I personally don't find it much of a challenge,I shoot 3D comps and shooting 40 or more arrows a morning,on a 80lb draw at a 12 ring(silver dollar)of unknown distance,windage and elevation is much more difficult.

I'm in good shape so hiking around the woods are not a challenge for me.I also consider myself more intelligent than the average animal,so the "hunt" is mearly a case of executing tact and superior knowledge,again,not a challenge.

As far as that is concerned,I don't find hunting to be a sport at all,I feel it's mostly a skill.As in you don't really have to be in shape,out hunt another hunter trying to out hunt you or have any high mark of evaluation to judge yourself by.(I don't count a big buck 'cause that's purely luck if you come across one at all)

So if one gets a "Rush" from hunting,good for you,enjoy it.For me,I prefer to pursue other means of excitement.

Please save the arguements for a time and place when it might make a difference,let's just all play paintball,that's how we got here in the first place,right?


09-22-2003, 03:33 PM
Mantis...FEAR is the natural response to danger. Adrenaline is the by product (chemical Reaction) that allows you to handle yourself and make you go that extra bit. AKA "the Rush"

09-22-2003, 04:36 PM
Nero_Wolf I agree that hunting is a challenge and a test of skill, but a challenge is not a sport. A sport is about COMPETITION. I dont know why this is hard to understand. Football, baseball, paintball, track..their all competitions. Competitions that are won or lost between teams/individuals of skilled competitors. Their is no competition from most of the animals that people hunt. They do not pose threat equal to the one you pose them. Even dangerous big game animals pose far less a threat to a skilled hunter equiped with modern firearms than vice versa. We are not living three hundred years ago, technological improvements have all but eliminated risk when hunting most animals. In case you didnt notice, animals arent that smart. Every reaction they have comes from instincts....its kind of one sided which is why its not a sport. I'm from Tennessee and I like guns plenty. I've been hunting and brought down deer and rabbit, but I just dont see the point unless you have no other means to put food on the table. It was "thrilling" to do it but its not a sport by any stretch of the imagination.

Pacifist_Hunter, read closley...I believe hunting is a test of endurance and skill.

However, I'm debating the fact that hunting is not a sport, nothinng else. Of course running is a sport, its a COMPETITION!! A competition between other EQUALLY SKILLED OPPONENTS who pose a threat and can beat you in that competition. Jeezuz, the fact that your "running up and down mountains all day with 20 pounds of clothing and or gear" has nothing to do with olympic track and fireld competitions. Thats not a sport, its a test of endurence, if you were to go up against equall opponents when you hiked up mountains then that would be a sport, a competitive event. It has nothing to do with "this is harder than that", sports are defined as competitive events. If I wanna chuck cinder blocks all day by myself then thats a test of endurence. It would be hard sure, but its not a sport until you compete with other people. If your able to be "magical" by dropping dear at 300 yards then thats great. I've shot many a 357., 44. and I'd say if you can bring down dear then you are indeed a skilled hunter. However, you werent in a equal competition with that dear. I doubt he had a trusty Smith & Wesson by his side like you did. A dear cant beat you in hunting by shooting you first, it can only run away to live another day. Thats not winning. I've outlined my definition of "sport" and why hunting is not one about as clear as I can.

I love eating animals, they're delicious!!:) I have no problem buying meat at the grocery store. My thing is that you cant go out and kill something of much lower intelligence that poses far less a threat to you than vice versa and call it a sport. I've got no problem with yummy cows being killed at the slaughter house. As long as they dont call it a sport. The fact that I can go out and buy meat at a grocery store, from an animal thats already dead, is precisley the reason I dont go out to the woods and blow away something thats still living. It would'nt be necessary. GO hunt, blow away everything you see if thats your thing. Just dont call it a sport.

09-22-2003, 04:53 PM
Before you go and give a definition please look it up. Pay close attention to Definition #1-A. Straight from Websters dictionary. I guess you must work for them? Because you are throwing out all sorts of educated guesses on if hunting is a sport or not. I guess this should put an end to that debate.

10 entries found for hunt.
To select an entry, click on it.
hunt[1,verb]hunt[2,noun]HuntHunt[1]hunt-and-peckscavenger huntstill-huntstill huntwitch-huntHolman-Hunt

Main Entry: 1hunt
Pronunciation: 'h&nt
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English huntian; akin to Old English hentan to seize
Date: before 12th century
transitive senses
1 a : to pursue for food or in sport <hunt buffalo> b : to manage in the search for game <hunts a pack of dogs>
2 a : to pursue with intent to capture <hunted the escapees> b : to search out : SEEK
3 : to drive or chase especially by harrying <members ... were hunted from their homes -- J. T. Adams>
4 : to traverse in search of prey <hunts the woods>
intransitive senses
1 : to take part in a hunt
2 : to attempt to find something
3 : to oscillate alternately to each side (as of a neutral point) or to run alternately faster and slower -- used especially of a device or machine

09-22-2003, 04:57 PM
sport ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spôrt, sprt)

Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
A particular form of this activity.
An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.
An active pastime; recreation.

Mockery; jest: He made sport of his own looks.
An object of mockery, jest, or play: treated our interests as sport.
A joking mood or attitude: She made the remark in sport.

One known for the manner of one's acceptance of rules, especially of a game, or of a difficult situation: a poor sport.
Informal. One who accepts rules or difficult situations well.
Informal. A pleasant companion: was a real sport during the trip.
A person who lives a jolly, extravagant life.
A gambler at sporting events.
Biology. An organism that shows a marked change from the normal type or parent stock, typically as a result of mutation.
Maine. See summercater. See Regional Note at summercater.

Obsolete. Amorous dalliance; lovemaking.

There's different definitions of sports. By definition one Hunting isn't really a sport. By definition three it is.

09-22-2003, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by gadget68
Mantis...FEAR is the natural response to danger. Adrenaline is the by product (chemical Reaction) that allows you to handle yourself and make you go that extra bit. AKA "the Rush"

ok but what's your point? adrenaline is not a "byproduct". adrenaline is produced in order to deal with whatever caused the fear. A leads to B leads to C. if i say A leads to C that's wrong? i really don't see why you posted what you did.

09-22-2003, 05:14 PM
gadget68, your definition of the word "sport" is interesting because it dates from before the 12th century.

U know hunting in the 12th century when the word originated was probably fairly "sporting" because people were often mauled or killed by big game prey like wild boars, bears, wolves, etc. This is due to the use of hunting tools they had at the time, primitive bows, spears, nets and knives. Throw in a noticable lack of advanced camoflauge sytems and you begin to see how hunting was'nt such a onesided event long, long, long ago.

Its also interesting how the definition and meaning of words can change and evolve over the course of say 800 years or more. Medieval jousting wasnt even called a sport at the time, and that was about as balanced a competition between equal opponents as you could get back then. It was referred to as "the games", as in a "game of jousting".

You see, definitions and meanings of words can evolve. The meaning of the word "sport" has evolved ,from your very old 12th origin def, to the modern meaning shown by Albinonewt.

09-22-2003, 05:37 PM

First off.....I did not define the word "SPORT" I defined "HUNT". Thus bringing to this forum a deffinition of "HUNT" as per WEBSTERS 2003 edition. No matter how old a word is or how it evolves the root of the meaning still is adheared to even in todays world.


adrenaline is a response to danger or at least the illusion of danger. no danger, no adrenaline.

I simply was stating that "FEAR" should be used in your sentence instead of "Adrenaline". Fear is a good thing. It triggers our Adrenaline to kick in and opens our senses to be hightened. Haven't you ever watched a horror movie where you were so involved in it that the slightest noise in the house got your attention. That is what I am stating. I was not meaning to disrespect your post just thought I was clarifying it a bit.

09-22-2003, 06:16 PM
:) all this and I signed on for paintball

life truely is grand

I see both sides of everybodies arguement, I just like mine more

09-22-2003, 07:27 PM
wow i didn't think this thread would get this big haha...n e ways...huntin is a challenge...and...a sport..u speak of competition...man vs. deer...therse ur comp..and deer usually win...unless there does...does are just stupid..and not a challenge..but bucks..bucks are a challenge

09-22-2003, 07:37 PM
never been hunting would like to at least once, but right now i would have to say paintballing. when you go the first couple of times, its awesome. Now after going awhile it has gone down but its sill there especially when your in the front and there is an opponent two feet in front of you:D

09-22-2003, 07:56 PM
Im too nice of a guy to kill an animal, unless its a fooogly beast like the moose that continues to haunt my house and take a piss in my yard...
But its nice to escape hectic life and go out and live, of course its also nice to go out and have a blast playing paintball, but i would expect hunting is more about relaxing than having an andrenaline rush like paintball...

09-22-2003, 09:09 PM
The only time I went hunting, I actually put a squirrel in my cross hair, and almost pulled the trigger. But watching the tiny animal as it went about it's normal morning routine, I realized that nature is too beautiful to destroy. Hunting just isn't for me. I didn't get any kind of rush seeing animals close up, nor would I if I shot one. If I hit an animal in my car, I feel bad for it. It had no reason to die, and I had no right to kill it. Heres what I don't understand. Hunters feel like they have the right to kill another animal. But when a bear, or deer attacks a person, it MUST DIE. It attacked a human, and must die for it's mistake. How is this right? We are only animals too.

RetroEclipseMan, I stated before, that I have been hunting before. Believe me, I've been up far earlier than 5 or 6. I had to get up at 3 to get to Shanterball, and I didn't go to sleep until about 10 that night.(Cyberious can correct me if I'm wrong) But if you really want me to, I'll take a picture of some of these WWII pill box tree stands that Keystone sells. Plenty of hunters around here pack those things full of stuff to keep someone alive for a few weeks for one day. Every once in a while, they look out the blind to see if they see or hear anything, and go back to watching tv. See something? BLAST AWAY!

I however, think bow hunting is very difficult. Alot of my friends bow hunt, and to get an animal, you really have to be very close. I think this is more fair than a rifle, since humans have been using bows for a very long time. It's not a new technology, and there is a real amount of skill involved in shooting, and hitting a target with a bow. But still, like I told Nerowolfe, if you eat everything you can, use the fur for clothing, and use the horns for buttons, then I think it's alright. But I don't think it's right for ME.

Hunting is a sport. Many magazines call them that, and what better to display societies views of an activity than a magazine? It's actually "sporting" to shoot coyotes with pistols. I don't see how that is right at all, but people do.

About my food chain theory, and my personal thoughts, yes, I know they conflict, but that is just how I am. I see both sides of things like this, and I understand them both. I just happen to favor one side more. Like I said before, the other people in my head have a say too.

09-22-2003, 09:59 PM
well at least we all like paintball...theres something we agree on.

09-22-2003, 11:29 PM
True, can we all atleast agree to disagree, and remember that we all have a love for paintball? We obviously get something out of it, so we have that in common.

09-22-2003, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by gadget68

I simply was stating that "FEAR" should be used in your sentence instead of "Adrenaline". Fear is a good thing. It triggers our Adrenaline to kick in and opens our senses to be hightened. Haven't you ever watched a horror movie where you were so involved in it that the slightest noise in the house got your attention. That is what I am stating. I was not meaning to disrespect your post just thought I was clarifying it a bit.

ok but the whole discussion is or at least originally was about getting an adrenaline rush. so i didn't feel that mentioning the emotion was necessary. after all what causes fear? as in your example fear is caused by the images in the movie which depict dangerous situations. you get keyed up and react to the sound which indicates there might be danger in your house. anyway, it's all just semantics. this is getting off topic so we're cool. i'll just drop it now.

09-23-2003, 12:04 AM
Hunting is a sport, whether it fits your definition or not. Whether it complies with NBA rules, or NHRA horsepower restrictions, it's a sport. Our society has adopted/accepted/labeled..however you want to say it, but it's here.

It is a challenge to most. If not to you, fine, but it is to others. My beef with this kind of a thread is that people seem to think that they can "express" thier opinion in the form of insults. Grow up. I've said it before, and I'll say it again....Just because you have the right to use your mouth, doesn't mean you have a license to let it run wild.

A little challenge to you who think that hunting is easy and that there's no competition involved...Come up here. Word of warning- Don't underestimate anything. If you don't think I've been hunted, you're very wrong. I've stalked, and I've been stalked! Brownies are very skilled in that part of hunting. I have also been face to face with an extremely pissed off Mother Brownie with 3 cubs, and only a handfull of experinces in my life could compare to what my body went through. Adenaline was at max, and nerves were as tight as a violin. There was a mutual withdrawl between us, as niether one was there to kill the other. But don't think for one second that that "poor animal" wouldn't have hesitated to try to end me w/o question...(and it wouldn't have been for food! Most bears kill out of reaction)... whether it thought I was a worthy oponent or not.

09-23-2003, 01:07 AM
It isnt a sport by my definition but I believe I expressed my opinion without namecalling.

If you didnt like it thats your problem, but I dont think I "ran wild" with my mouth by any means as far as insults go, so you must not be talking about me.

Also, I never said anything like "hunting is easy" so I guess thats not directed at me either. I said it was a challenge and a test of skill...try and grasp these word concepts: challenge is to hard, as pushover is to easy. So by calling hunting a challenge, I was hoping you'd make the conection that I believe hunting is hard.

As for your bear run in, good for the bear. Thats one of those rare occastions were the hunted actually had a chance of "winning", aka by killing you the hunter before u could kill him. Hunting is not a competition because its designed to be a completely one sided affair from the outset. Technology through the ages has only increased the hunters advantage. Only by pure accident was your prey, the momma bear, given an opportunity to actually nullify all the advantages in intellect, experience, and technology that u posessed and possibly kill you. You did not set out to hunt a bear on equal terms, it was an accident that I'm sure you hope never repeats.You would be plain lying if u said all your hunts with big game ended up in point blank face to face encounters with your prey were you both have equal opportunity to kill each other. That wouldnt be hunting, that would be a competition and you would have to have a death wish to set out to do that. Thats why I stick to paintball.

09-23-2003, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by laxster08
wow i didn't think this thread would get this big haha...n e ways...huntin is a challenge...and...a sport..u speak of competition...man vs. deer...therse ur comp..and deer usually win...unless there does...does are just stupid..and not a challenge..but bucks..bucks are a challenge

But it's not a competition in the traditional sense of the word because the deer has no intent to compete with you. The deer isn't going to trash talk you. And if the deer "wins" he just gets away, he doesn't defeat you.

Which is why it's not for me. I know plenty of people that love to hunt and I completely respect their opinion. But frankly I'd rather my opponenet be gunning for me the way I'm gunning for him.

09-23-2003, 08:28 AM
hey guys this is becoming a cyclical arguement, and rather silly if I do say so my self

sport or no sport, theres an adrenaline rush right?

09-23-2003, 09:21 AM
IM sure paintball would. i have never been hunting but if you think of it......in paintball you are constantly shooting and trying not to get shot
but in hunting you are just waiting around to see an animal.........

09-23-2003, 01:15 PM
Mostly because so many people want to post things like, "Paintball is better. I've never been hunting, but it doesn't seem exciting at all. All you do is sit in one spot and wait for something, anyting to waltz your direction." Sorry guys, but that's silly. You state you've never done it, then comment that one is better than the other. How can that be.

Some people here have tried to make it sound like hunters are lazy, "It's not difficult." How can you say that if you've never done it? And those who have hunted and still say the same thing, try imagining life outside your scope of reality.
I've never been to college, so it'd be ignorant for me to state that school is easy. I don't know crap about cooking chinese food, and I don't try to make educated 'opinionated' comments on what's the best way to cook it. This thread was started to ask a simple question...."What do you think gives a bigger rush?"...Not, "Tell me something smart about something you've never done, and while you're at it, make fun of and ridicule those who do."
People really need to learn what an opinion is.

09-23-2003, 01:51 PM

I have hunted, more then once. And as such I respect it as an activity and as something that requires skill, dedication, and will. I recognize both the challenge and the associated danger. Hunting is a physically demanding activity and to say otherwise is to not tell the truth.

However, I stand by my original statement that hunting because it lacks in competitive nature, in my humble opinion. I prefer to play a game against another person, who is playing the same game, with the intent of beating that person, and I want that person to have the intent of beating me. Anything else just simply doesn't hold the thrill of victory for me in the same fashion.

Plus, after I mark someone with my paintball gun I don't need to lug him back to the truck, clean, and cook him. He pretty much just wanders to his own home all by himself and I go to TGI Fridays. It's so much easier to ask for a burger then to prepare it yourself. Plus, you can't hunt potato skins, without which no meal is complete.

09-23-2003, 01:55 PM
wheres the hunting for bambi option? :eek: :rolleyes: :p ;) :D :D

09-23-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

However, I stand by my original statement that hunting because it lacks in competitive nature, in my humble opinion. I prefer to play a game against another person, who is playing the same game, with the intent of beating that person, and I want that person to have the intent of beating me. Anything else just simply doesn't hold the thrill of victory for me in the same fashion.

It lacks competition eh? What about the dog tournaments where they compete on how well your dog is trained in area of fowl hunting. Watch the Outdoor channel on TV, you see quite a few competitions hunting related.

Originally posted by Albinonewt

Plus, after I mark someone with my paintball gun I don't need to lug him back to the truck, clean, and cook him.

Usually when hunting large game you clean the animal where it lies. Its kind of hard to drag a 300+ pound animal back to camp or you truck without rotting the meat (the friction of dragging the animal will actually cause the meat to spoil) or just plain taking it back by itself is a challenge.


It isnt a sport by my definition

If you really want to start "by diffinition" stuff, niether is paintball. It hasn't mainstreamed into traditional sports, it isn't widly known, and is even illegal in some places. Now this doesn't mean I don't think its a sport. I was just showing how "by diffinition" means nothing.

09-23-2003, 03:31 PM
it comes down to this...n e one that things hunting is easy and not challenge...they have never been...if they think its not an adreniline rush..they have never hunted big game...hunting squirrel?? who would ever get a adreniline rush out of that honestly...and the rest is ur opinion...i still think that its hunting...b/c hunting is just so insanly adrenilne rush..once u see that deer..ur boby starts shaking like crazy...and paintball..the first couple of times its a huge adreniline rush..but after u get into it..i just look at it like n e other sport...like baskitball..or baseball..or lacrosse...

09-23-2003, 04:07 PM
Wow, some discusions are such an amazing waste of effort.

it comes down to this...n e one that things hunting is easy and not challenge...they have never been...

WRONG!!! Have been,don't think so,MY OPINION.

if they think its not an adreniline rush..they have never hunted big game..

WRONG!!! Have,don't think so,MY OPINION.

Perhaps it's your skill level or your ability to handle a stressfull situation or your ability to rise to the momentus occasion but that's YOUR experience not mine.Sorry if you(all pro hunters who posted)can't understand that but that's the fact.

Good luck hunting and good day sir.


09-23-2003, 04:29 PM
WRONG!!! Have,don't think so,MY OPINION.
Perhaps it's your skill level or your ability to handle a stressfull situation or your ability to rise to the momentus occasion but that's YOUR experience not mine.Sorry if you(all pro hunters who posted)can't understand that but that's the fact.

You use the words "My Opinion" and "Thats the fact". Which is it? Your confusing me. And out of curiosity what big game have you hunted? Did you enjoy the hunt? Just wondering from your posts you sound like a "Pro Hunter" who dosn't enjoy doing it anymore.

I HAVE hunted and most often with a bow.I personally don't find it much of a challenge,I shoot 3D comps and shooting 40 or more arrows a morning,on a 80lb draw at a 12 ring(silver dollar)of unknown distance,windage and elevation is much more difficult.

You make yourself sound like you should be on the "great outdoors". Do you know a fellow by the last name Mathews who hunts for Cabellas? I know him and you and him sound like you should get together.

My opinion.....I enjoy paintball and hunting. I play paintball more often, but I hunt every chance I can get.

09-23-2003, 04:43 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by xrancid_milkx

It lacks competition eh? What about the dog tournaments where they compete on how well your dog is trained in area of fowl hunting. Watch the Outdoor channel on TV, you see quite a few competitions hunting related.

Don't you think you're nitpicking a little bit now? Sure, I suppose I could train a dog to hunt fowl and then pit him against other fowl hunting dogs, but I suppose I could also learn how to bobsled.

Usually when hunting large game you clean the animal where it lies. Its kind of hard to drag a 300+ pound animal back to camp or you truck without rotting the meat (the friction of dragging the animal will actually cause the meat to spoil) or just plain taking it back by itself is a challenge.

The few times I hunted there were 4+ of us out, and once we killed one deer we stopped hunting so we all helped to bring it back. We had a contraption that I can only describe as a really big stretcher and we all helped to carry it.

09-23-2003, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by gadget68

You use the words "My Opinion" and "Thats the fact". Which is it? Your confusing me. And out of curiosity what big game have you hunted? Did you enjoy the hunt? Just wondering from your posts you sound like a "Pro Hunter" who dosn't enjoy doing it anymore.

You make yourself sound like you should be on the "great outdoors". Do you know a fellow by the last name Mathews who hunts for Cabellas? I know him and you and him sound like you should get together.

My opinion.....I enjoy paintball and hunting. I play paintball more often, but I hunt every chance I can get.

Well, I stated things that were my "opinions" and the "fact" that you can't argure someone elses's opinion.

As far as hunting,much of my family are pretty serious hunters.I'm originally from NewYork,and many in my family are in upstate NY.There is excellent hunting opportunities there up to Canada and south to Virginia and the Carolinas in less than a days drive. My uncle and his partner also have land in Montana that they and sometimes I Vacation to once a year or so(and I do occasional join the Hunt). However,I'm definitly no pro hunter,but I've been shooting firearms both for fun and in competition (handguns,precision rifle)for 15-20 years.When I was first introduced to hunting I thought it was fun,but there were long strings between "hunting" and actually shooting.I learned to hunt with very experienced hunters so there was never a question of whether or not you'll shoot something just what and how big it will be.I soon realized that I much prefered shooting and decided to focus my efforts there.As far as Archery,I always had an interest there.It seemed that Bow Hunting might be more fun but I had the same problem.I'd rather be shooting than "hunting".I guess the deal with me is I know I can hit whatever I'm aiming at so I don't get the big rush from hunting and I'm not pressured to "make the shot" also,the vital area required to kill a deer is fairly large compared to most other "targets" so again,I'm not challengeg. The only real challenge is knowing the area and behavior of the animal the rest is planning and waiting.
Now since I'm married w/ child, I don't don't do either as much as I'd like to but I have a nice local Archery Club w/ 3D shoots pretty regular around our county and with younger brothers,friends and kids there is Paintball.I just prefer the fast paced action of paintball,kill or be killed,move or die,blah blah balh.

So basically that's it. I'm just tired of hearing you guys say that everyone who doesn't feel like you do,don't know what thier talking about because I do and I have my own feelings about it.I NEVER said you guys shouldn't enjoy hunting,if you do,thats great,just don't feel you have to convince everyone else to feel the same way.


09-23-2003, 07:45 PM
i unno...theres are all good points

09-23-2003, 08:38 PM
Sigh...Paintball is NOT hunting. This thread just flat out angers me. How is there an adrenaline rush with hunting deer? They cant even fight back. You dont lose. You sit there, and use stupid hunting tools you bought to make the deer come to you. You see the deer, you shoot it. Its so gay. Yes, I HAVE been hunting so you cant pull that card on me. Hunting = teh gay, especially if you are comparing it to the adrenaline rush to paintball. Go back to playing sniper in the woods with your tippman.

09-23-2003, 08:49 PM
As my friend says, "Critters don't shot back!"

09-24-2003, 03:49 PM
maybe adrenline woudln't be the right word then...i dunno waht it woudl be...but ur heart races liek crazy and you shake like crazy...i unno...what could be a nother word for it?

09-24-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by laxster08
maybe adrenline woudln't be the right word then...i dunno waht it woudl be...but ur heart races liek crazy and you shake like crazy...i unno...what could be a nother word for it?


09-24-2003, 05:10 PM
I dunno.. Paintball for me.. Honestly, I just wouldn't have thwe patience to site there in the cold for hours waiting to shoot some animal