View Full Version : emag problems

09-21-2003, 04:46 PM
Last week when i was sliding my valve back in, the on-off pin was sticking out too far. I didnt know, and I tried to shove the valve back in and snapped it in half. I got a new pin and put it in, but now whenever i try to walk the trigger, the gun only fires about 1 in 3 shots, and every few shots one of the balls just rolls out of the barrel. There was also a small leak but i couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I put the next smallest LX O-ring carrier in and it fixed the leek as far as i can tell, but the gun is still only firing occasionaly. It also still makes a sound like the LX kicking in and a ball rolls out of the barrel. Is there somethin wrong with my LX, or did I maybe damage something in the on-off area when I snapped the pin? thanks for the help

09-23-2003, 11:03 AM
If you damaged the pin, you may have also damaged an o-ring. Try replacing the o-rings in the on/off assembly. Hopefully no hard parts were damaged.

Do you have shims in your setup? You may want to go back to your original carrier setup and remove a shim or two.