View Full Version : paintball and college?

09-22-2003, 08:10 PM
put this up in the corner, didnt get too many responses, so im trying it here.

well, about this time next year, ill be headed off to college. what i wondering was, how will this affect my paintball playing. currently, paintball is one of my main hobbies, and i dont spend too much time doing anything else. so how did you guys integrate paintball into your college years? did you abandon it completely? sell all your stuff, but then slowly get back into it? or did you keep playing just as much as you always had, and just found new ways to monetarily support your habit? this thought struck me the other day, and i would hate to give up one of the things i really love to do.

09-22-2003, 08:57 PM
hey man if you can afford it, then keep playing. i ended up abandoning it completly until about a year ago. im not just talking afford money wise, like afford it time wise too.

09-22-2003, 09:01 PM
Last year was my freshman year, and I started playing paintball in the fall. This year I decided to go ahead and join the team. It really doesn't take up any time (well it hasn't yet). I have so much time during the week that I can get most to all of my work done and have the weekends free.

09-22-2003, 09:06 PM
IMHO - one of the biggest mistakes people make with a major life change is to give up a major part of what they loved before.

I'm not referring to PB, as I'm relatively new to the sport as replacements to things I gave up when I went to college/got married.

You end up hating it... I hated College (I had given up all my hobbies to go, not for financial reasons), when I got married I gave up other hobbies - and frankly, finding PB likely saved my marriage, it gave me something back.

The fact is, changing things, does not mean changing everything, if you enjoy it, if it is part of who you are, do not give it up.

Just from my experience, I am often wrong though.

09-22-2003, 09:06 PM
i used to play every weekend and some local tournies, but i was going to move to north dakota where paintball wasnt exactly a known passtime... i ended up selling all three of my markers and gear (and taking a major hit on that i can tell you) im now slowly getting back into it now that there is actualy a field here, money is now the problem. i just dont have enough to finnish building my ule mag!

09-22-2003, 09:38 PM
i've gone from a weekly baller to a monthly baller....finances and time are the two problems. prolly over the winter wont play at all (too much work)

id say do it if you can, but those books have to be done first

09-22-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
id say do it if you can, but those books have to be done first

my feelings exactly, get the good job so you wont have to worry about the expenses of paintball when you are done with school.

09-22-2003, 11:16 PM
I had great success playing in college. The key is to find a few paintball guys there and then ask for club status. I did this and got money to play from the College! hehe that's a way to get your tuition's worth!

09-22-2003, 11:19 PM
Money from the college, good plan!

Look man, you are still going to have leisure time. Its not like 100% of your week is tied up in school and work. Just make sure you take some time to do stuff you enjoy, it helps maintain your sanity.

Hell, I went to college while dealing with marriage, 60 hours a week of work, and a part-time volunteer job, and I still found time for a few hobbies :)

09-23-2003, 02:28 AM
Okay I'll say this College first.

I got back into paintball during college. I helped a very small pb club grow into a massive group of ballers. We play in tournies, got a good deal with a local field, and have acomplished much growth for the time that we have been around. We are even expanding our ideas and investing time into creating new parts and markers. Well find a low cost way to play paintball and some buds to play with, after that you should be set.

09-23-2003, 11:37 AM
Well my college (did not have a pleasant experience there) had a club for paintball. The club received a discount through TASO (there's a name for ya) until TASO was bought out by national. We also got discounts to play/ rent at local fields. Several ppl in the club formed a tourney team and were playing at local tourneys (not much in practicing though).

09-23-2003, 06:36 PM
Hmm, i'm starting again now that i'm in college :) Hopefully.

09-23-2003, 07:06 PM
I am a freshman this year and I am still playing. I brought 3 of my guns down south and will be more than likely playing this weekend with the paintball club. I had around 4 different jobs this summer and have saved a crap load of money up...all of my money is pretty much spent on new paintball guns and just playing, so I'm pretty much set. Also, I have a lot of free time, so I'm good to go! :D

09-23-2003, 07:24 PM
Put it this way....you make time for what you love doing. I actually just started playing PB this summer and got hooked. It's my senior year of college now, I have a full load of classes, and I still play atleast once or twice a week. My good buddy (Skirts, AGD Pride) started up a paintball PE class that we actually get credit for in school, so I'm taking that too. And there's a paintball club. Look into things like that.

09-23-2003, 07:56 PM
I plan to play in college as much as I can. Hopefully, I can get a team going wherever I go so I can play college X-ball.