View Full Version : Laptop?

09-24-2003, 09:18 PM
I'm looking for a laptop. It needs to be fast, have firewire, and have a DVD-RW drive. I don't care about weight or size, but I need at least 3 hours battery life. Price limit is $2k AT ABSOLUTE MAX. It needs to last a few years, considering the cost. At least until the end of the 2005-6 school year. I like Apple, so I'm thinking of the 1ghz 15" PB with SuperDrive (edu discount brings it close enough to $2k), but I'm worried it won't stay as up to date in the next few years, as say this Windows one (http://www.shopping.hp.com/cgi-bin/hpdirect/shopping/scripts/product_detail/product_detail_view.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@084969544 8.1064456202@@@@&BV_EngineID=cccjadcjhgmhkiicfngcfkmdflldfgf.0&product_code=DM793A%23ABA&tab=overview&browse_link=true&). So, tell me, what do you think I should get? Thanks in advance for youre suggestions.

09-24-2003, 09:39 PM
I personally have a 1Ghz 15" PowerBook and absolutely love it. It gets just about everything done for me and use it everyday. Now they came out with the newer version that is like the 12" and 17" with AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth and Firewire 400 & 800 and USB 2.0. I highly recommend it. The 15" is the perfect size.

I will say this, the SuperDrive, as Apple ships it, has a restricted firmware that pretty much cuts it's speed in half and removes the DVD-RW feature that the drive has. There is a firmware update that someone put together and I have it and works great in unlocking 8x to 16x CD-R, 1x-2x DVD-R and 1x DVD-RW.

09-24-2003, 09:55 PM
I have a 1GB 15" PB aswel. I love the thing! Great friggin computer. Never crashes, always works, runs like a tank. Takes the beating of being a college computer too :)

I love apples to DEATH!

09-24-2003, 10:21 PM
Well, I've got an IBM T40. It's great. It doesn't have the specs that you have, but it is a real nice system. I'd recommend an IBM to anyone. You make up for the extra price with IBMs customer service. They've been very good to me and most of my friends.