View Full Version : can someone help me...pleaseee

09-25-2003, 09:12 AM

ok, heres the deal. I have a classic RT now with level 10 installed (kind of). my current setup is 2.0 carrier w/ 2 shims. I have no leak at all (YEEEEAAAAAA!!!), but when i pull the trigger fast, a few shots i get pushhhhhh. then it goes back fireing. Also, when i place the squeegy in front of the bolt it seems like it hits hard against it. I don't think i would want to put my tounge infront of the bolt (like in the movie off the cd) That might hurt. Is there anyway of correcting these probs? I shot about 40 balls out rapid firing and they shot great and got no pushhhh. But the pushhhh (when dry fireing) once in a while bugs me and the bolt which seems like it is hitting to hard also does. Thanks for the help.


09-25-2003, 09:34 AM
To lessen the force of the bolt coming forward, put a longer spring in.

What spring are you running right now?

Also, are you oiling the gun every use?

Lastly, try putting another shim in the LX setup. This should help the bolt stick problem.

09-25-2003, 09:35 AM
Are you placing the squeegie against the bolt or letting the bolt move forward to hit the squeegie?

The soft impact of the bolt is only achieved in approx. the first 1/4" of bolt stroke. After that, the bolt has full impact power. Its only the first part of the stroke that the bolt can chop balls so the bolt receives full power after the danger point has passed. This allows the mag to maintain a high rate of fire due to a faster bolt speed.

Have you checked your velocity? Maybe you need to increase the velocity a bit. Maybe you are using a spring that is too stiff. Once the carrier o-ring is broken in, it will work more consistency. Until then, you may not want to operate the mag with the bolt setup that is too soft for the sake of operational consistency.

09-25-2003, 12:24 PM
i am using the original spring, but i will try to use one of the longer ones and add 1 more shim.
