View Full Version : Light At The End Of The Tunnel

09-25-2003, 06:20 PM
I just got in from my 12 hour night and there it was sitting in my hotmail inbox... The e-mail that was to tell me my x-mag is in the next batch... In about 3-8 weeks I will reach the end of the tunnel... after 1 year of just reading posts on AO then amost another year of being a member (that adds to two for those who didnt know rounded up of course) I will finally have my first mag.

If everything works out right the color should be a deep blood red or something to that effect... WooHoo

nuclear zombie
09-25-2003, 06:43 PM
my dealer got the call for my x-mag in this batch , but I have to have a warp breech ,so I have to wait until the next batch .

09-25-2003, 08:28 PM
I envy you and all people with an X-mag (or on backorder)for that matter